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Posted by Ragana, 05.12.2011 - 22:16
plus, if one's worrying about the language... well, um, practice makes perfect, right? reading books is one of the best ways how to improve your knowledge in any language.
IronAngel |
08.03.2016 - 23:35
Watching Jessica Jones. It's pretty good as a thriller and not as annoying as Daredevil, but it's exasperating how these Netflix series fail to get the point of superheroes. They are supposed to be melodramatic and a little ridiculous, whether grim or fun. The kind of banal realism these shows go for misses both the ridiculous fairytale fun of something like Arrow or the Avenger films, but also the crashing in of realism that makes something like Kick-Ass so great. It's just... meh, could as well be your average cookie-cutter thriller. Nods to the comics like making fun of the Jewel name and outfit could be cool if it wasn't so apparent that the creators actually meant every word of the mockery.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
11.03.2016 - 01:25
Re start to watch Bikie Wars, Brotherhood in Arms It could be longer, maybe not so long as SAMCRO, but a bit longer, anyway based on real events
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Vombatus Potorro |
16.03.2016 - 00:41
House of Cards season 4, and it's really entertaining. Better than the last two, and parts of it (especially first couple of episodes) are probably on par with the first season in terms of brilliance. I just have the feeling that 13 episodes is sometimes too much with some plots (or similar sub-plot repetitions) making it drag a bit too much.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
09.04.2016 - 12:19
Re start Friday MTV classics .... Beavis n Butthead
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
SolemnBastion Posts: 42 |
29.05.2016 - 19:03
Just started to watch "Archer" & "Rick and Morty" from the start again, and I quite enjoyed "Ash vs. Evil Dead" & "True Detective (S1)" recently. All ace material!
---- SOLEMN BASTION (distro) is an ADVOCATE of LEFT HAND PATH and OBSCURE art, based out of the Benelux.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
31.07.2016 - 11:54
New Family Guy episode Road to India is absolutely hilarious.
angel. Evil Butterfly |
01.08.2016 - 00:04
The Wire Do you know anything similar to Mr. Robot, by any chance?
---- The Fangirl.
no one Account deleted |
Metren Dreadrealm |
15.08.2016 - 01:19 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 26.02.2016 at 17:11 100 % agreed on GoT and TWD. Also, you might want to check out a guy on YT called MrBtongue, who has a video called "Blame Of Thrones", in which he absolutely nails why the show isn't very good (especially when compared to the books). Trust me, you will love that critique, it's pretty much the best thing ever.
---- My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
3rdWorld China was a neat |
15.08.2016 - 20:00 Written by angel. on 01.08.2016 at 00:04 Don't think there's anything like it themewise. ![]()
3rdWorld China was a neat |
15.08.2016 - 20:02
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Season 3 Been watching this from the start. E21 which yesterday is absolutely fucking hilarious after the rather boring last few episodes.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
07.09.2016 - 20:34
Continuing cruising through some ye olden time tv shows and some current series with the tv on in the background while i work all day. currently Star Trek TNG (if streaming service likes my VPN that day) or new Hawaii Five-O. Shameless US, Narcos S2 or some Top Chef at night w/ better half, Gotham on my own. Amazing (and appalling) what you can do living in a foreign land with streaming tv, trying live on a budget/netflix and chill nights with the wife, or netflix and nurse hangover days on teh weekend if prior night was less netflix and chill and more beer until 3am then lomito. offhand - completed: Battlestar Galactica - original Battlestar Galactica 1980 - quite possibly the worst tv show ever. particularly given the above. A-Team Breaking Bad Dexter Doctor Who* (about 30 full serials from I through VII, rezzed series through Capaldi's 1st season.) Burn Notice Stranger Things (current) Flash (current) Little Britain Arrow (current) Daredevil (current) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel Archer Parks & Rec Freaks & Geeks Firefly Sons of Anarchy Walking Dead Fear the Walking Dead Sense 8 the 4400 Better Off Ted The Good Guys Arrested Development Orange is the New Black Wet Hot American Summer Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Portlandia About A Boy Todd Margaret Better Call Saul Continuum The Finder Don't Trust the B---- in Apt 23 Z-nation In Progress Murder She Weote - through season 7 Bones - through season 9 Game of Thrones Frasier 70s Show - Season 3 (when wanting easy shows/shorter shows) Two and a Half Men - Season 5 (as above, when VPN isn't working, and before 70s show was added) Doc Marten Death in Pardise X-Files Vikings The 100 Orphan Black Lilyhammer (fucked if VPN won't work. All of the subtitles are in Spanish, even Fenriz-speak) Quantam Leap The Tudors Joy of Painting w/ Bob Ross
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
3rdWorld China was a neat |
08.09.2016 - 05:19
^Two and a Half Men is totally worthless around past the 3rd season or something even with Charlie Sheen. I tried Frasier on a friend's rec but it seemed too dated and sitcom-y to me. I think the only series' I had planned to cover from the above are Doctor Who, X-Files, Burn Notice & TWD. I truly enjoy Louie these days, its become one of my absolute favorites its unbelievably, yes I repeat that unbelievably smart and funny. Maybe you should check it out Craig. Apart from that I would also recommend you Hannibal if you haven't watched it, its of pretty rad quality and gives you and idea of how insanely good and gorgeous Brian Fuller can craft shows and will make you excited and interested enough to check out the new Star Trek Discovery. ![]()
Metren Dreadrealm |
08.09.2016 - 16:40 Written by 3rdWorld on 08.09.2016 at 05:19 Two and a Half men might be the least funny sitcom ever made, I don't understand how it lasted for 12 seasons...
---- My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
Metren Dreadrealm |
08.09.2016 - 16:43 Written by angel. on 01.08.2016 at 00:04 Can't recommend that one highly enough. Bizarrly, I find myself in the very small minority that thought the second season was the best one and probably the best season of any tv show ever made.
---- My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
08.09.2016 - 20:40
Yeah, two and a half men is fairly dire, but after we've both had 10+ hour grueling days, sometimes stupid is good enough while we eat pizza and continue to do work emails. it was LCD space filler we'd killed off any other sitcoms. fortunately they added 70s Show, much more entertaining, for those nights.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
IronAngel |
10.09.2016 - 00:44
I've always liked Frasier, ever since I was a kid. I used to think Frasier himself was funny, but I've come to see Niles' value. Not that I've ever followed the series seriously, but if for some reason I'm surfing channels for something to watch (I almost never do, these days) I might put it on.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
12.09.2016 - 03:28 Written by IronAngel on 10.09.2016 at 00:44 Surprised it did as well as it did, honestly. Frazier was a good character, but a departure from Cheers as far as tone. Lots of highbrow references, upper crust goings on with only Marty being the relatable character to Joe Sixpack.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
IronAngel |
12.09.2016 - 09:29 Written by BitterCOld on 12.09.2016 at 03:28 Maybe it has to do with the snooty brothers being the butt of the joke so Joe Sixpack can laugh at them (and still recognize and sympathise with their human flaws of arrogance and neuroticism) while Bob Snob can appreciate the self-deprecating humor which is never mean-spirited or dismissive of the characters despite them being rather silly. I dunno, at least that's how I feel in the latter camp: Niles's high-brow antics are patently silly, but still kind of relatable, in spirit if not in actual subject matter.
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
12.09.2016 - 11:25 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted
Frasier was great, although when Niles and Daphne got together I found little reason to carry on watching it as it lost momentum. Also, a weird thing, but I hate watching the first season of it because David Hyde Pierce hadn't quite got Niles' character down yet, in particular his register and intonation. He just sounds off compared to the more whimsical version from the second season onwards. Have watched a few series this year (more than usual anyway). Currently making my way through Mr. Robot which I'm liking. Just watched the second episode of the second series. Rami Malek, who plays Elliot is fucking unbelievable. Not sure how he hasn't won every award conceivable. Also great to see Christian Slater in it too. I expected the series to be predominately about hacking and the like, but seems to be focusing more on mental illness and corporate greed / corruption. Good stuff, aside from some obvious plot devices being employed though it's interesting to see how they're developing them further in the second season instead of just being empty twist tropes. Stranger Things. The only bad thing about this I could find was Winona Ryder's overly manic acting. Found her constant breathless exasperation and cartoonish gesticulation a bit ridiculous. Otherwise I loved every bit of it. Really great retro atmosphere and dedication to homage. Can't wait for the second season and where they're going to take it. Was a few months ago now but also watched the second season of Fargo. I really liked the first one, but I'm still not sure I really like Martin Freeman's acting style. I can never really feel like I'm not just watching Martin Freeman instead of whatever character he's playing. The second season nailed absolutely everything though. Constantly engaging, amazingly shot, a whole swathe of fantastic, funny and interesting characters, and the, umm, extra-terrestrial bits were great. Basically a perfect season of something. Better Call Saul, second season. Was a bit tamer than the first season, less seemed to happen, but Saul is probably one of the best characters ever created so it was hard not to enjoy it. Definitely prefer it to Breaking Bad, probably because it's less gritty and has a bit more nuance. Watched through everything of House of Cards. I enjoy it, but definitely not as much as the girlfriend. Tbh I have absolutely no aptitude for American politics and I'm too adhd to remember what each of the characters actually do as their specific occupations, but I can follow it on a more plebby level in terms of the drama and character relationships. Think it may have the best theme tune to any show ever either (first season version especially). New X-Files season. Aside from the two standalone episodes it was absolute guff. Not only was it total guff but apparently they felt quite happy to totally write off the events of the original run saying that it was nothing like we were led to believe. Atrocious. Watched a couple of animes too: Attack On Titan and One Punch Man. Attack On Titan was pretty decent. Looks amazing and you have to marvel at how fucking downtrodden and depressing it is; really paints a visual image of how difficult and short-lived life can be for the people living in that world. I think my main issue is that it didn't bother to answer enough questions, despite the fact there was 26 episodes of it. Good stuff, but not sure it quite deserves the popularity it has. One Punch Man though deserves every bit of recognition it gets. I love the satirisation of many anime stereotypes, and when, from the offset, the protagonist is a totally unbeatable and destructive force it makes for some interesting writing opportunities. Not sure they could do much with another series of it though as it seems like the idea has been explored, but who knows. The other thing, which I'm watching, on my own, is the odd episode of Gravity Falls. It's no Rick and Morty but I still think it's great. Love the adventurish feel and tone of it, not to mention the animation and visual style; looks exquisite. I really like the humour too; was expecting something a bit safer owing to it being a Disney production but they know how to push it from time to time. Often drop into random Futurama episodes too. Seems to be my go-to thing when I don't know what I want to watch. Probably the best thing ever really. Currently watching through Farscape again with my housemate. Very happy they re-released it in HD because it's a really great looking series with the cool make-up and alien designs (most, some are really lazy) and prolific use of animatronics and puppetry. One of the best sci-fi series without a doubt. It certainly has its fair share of duff, generic sci-fi episodes (body swapping, alien bugs infesting ship, getting stranded on planet etc.) but some of the multiple-part stories are really well made and some are borderline genius, like the one where Crichton goes mad in his own head with "Harvey." I don't think I could ever get enough of Scorpius either. ![]()
3rdWorld China was a neat |
12.09.2016 - 20:46 Written by [user id=4365] on 12.09.2016 at 11:25 Watched almost everything on that except Farscape and House of Cards. Mr.Robot is truly awesome indeed. One of my favorite things about the first season was the first-person narration and how they skipped the massive hack at the last episode. Was utter brilliance. Stranger Things was good too but just like you said Wiona Ryder was too melodramatic there but the theme for this is one of the coolest ever. Netflix do know how to present their stuff it seems. Fargo is truly making an epic homerun on how they managed to equal the near-impossible-to-match first season. The villains again were the high point here. Loved the native indian and the Mike Milligan and the kitchen brothers. That prog reference thing was just epic. ![]() Not sure if you have watched it or not but you should probably check out Ash vs Evil Dead and Making a Murderer. I haven't watched the original ED films but this was just absolutely old school fun to watch. I thought The Jinx HBO series was haunting but MaM is on a totally otherworldly level. It might seem boring at first but once I went to the second episode I couldn't stop watching, and in the end one of the best shows to binge watch for me.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
12.09.2016 - 21:37
Frasier - Niles & Daphne - yeah, the unrequited love suddenly being requited almost always seems like the Deathknell of a show. like Mr. Robot - forgot to pop that on my list. we've had to watch via dodgy websites. most the way through the first season now. i was on the Stranger Things bandwagon from about the first 3 minutes of the show. at the time the show was set, i was their age doing the same things - D&D in the basement. hell, we even had that same horrible yellow telephone. ![]() just no disappearing friend, Demogorgon or cool telekinetic friend. sure it's a ton of 80s homage, but it works really well as a period piece. it's set in the 80s rather than goes about lighting up like Las Vegas "THIS IS THE 80S! FEEL NOSTALGIC" like othes i've watched. (side note: in much the way That 70's Show worked, while the mercifully short lived That 80s Show didn't. ) Better Call Saul hasn't got me like BB did, like Saul, so waiting to see the evolution.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
Cass |
12.09.2016 - 22:42
I checked some episodes (three or four) of Preacher but naaah, nothing special IMO. Ok Cassidy rocks, Jessie quite good but Tulip sucks. The comic books was better.
3rdWorld China was a neat |
13.09.2016 - 20:02 Written by Cass on 12.09.2016 at 22:42 Couldn't agree more. I hate Tulip there but the pilot was too good and I have to watch it just for cassidy but sadly it didn't grab me so hard and I'm yet to catch up after the sophomore episode. Also was heavily looking forward to 11.22.63 but it was only fairly interesting and it didn't hook me very good at all. I'm yet to catch up on that as well. Seems the only shows I rush up to watch these days are Mr.Robot and the John Oliver show. Both are perfect 10s in my book.
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
14.09.2016 - 00:21 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by 3rdWorld on 12.09.2016 at 20:46 Nope, haven't seen those yet. Am probably going to watch Hannibal after Mr. Robot but will look into those for after that. Cheeses!
3rdWorld China was a neat |
14.09.2016 - 00:29 Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2016 at 00:21 Hannibal is actually god-like and clearly my all time favorite atm. I was blown away by how good a show it was and really admired Bryan Fuller for it. I won't spoil anything on that but it has some over-the-top but quite well thought out gore scenes and good narration. Oh and it has the best visuals of any tv show ever. Do make sure you watch it in nothing less than 1080p. You will come to see just by the start of the second episode in the first season why I stressed on that. Hope you enjoy it!
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
14.09.2016 - 00:30 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by 3rdWorld on 14.09.2016 at 00:29 That sounds like a bit of an endorsement =P
3rdWorld China was a neat |
14.09.2016 - 00:38 Written by [user id=4365] on 14.09.2016 at 00:30 Indeed, it is too good to be true for me. ![]()
3rdWorld China was a neat |
01.10.2016 - 19:14
Marvel's Luke Cage started streaming in Netflix. All 13 EPISODES. Get on it biznatches.
angel. Evil Butterfly |
02.10.2016 - 11:36
For a school project, does anyone know of American T.V. series that are based on specifically American values?
---- The Fangirl.