PrimalAntagonist Account deleted |
PrimalAntagonist Account deleted
Viraemia , Agoraphobic Nosebleed and Antigama have some of the most insane moments in metal history.....
Posts: 274  |
I'ds say my personal choice is Obituary's 'Slowly We Rot' although there are so many albums out there it's hard for me to answer that.
That's my choice for 'heaviest' but not for 'most extreme'.
Hello, my name is Mr......Snrub and I think it would be a capital idea to invest the money back in the nuclear plant.
Posts: 9  |
You gotta consider the Cro Mags and their album Best Wishes. It has some extremely heavy tracks and some killer songs like Death Camps, Crush the Demoniac, Down But Not Out, and The Only One. The last one isn't so heavy but more melodic.
Posts: 45  |
Written by baldur on 23.01.2011 at 18:31
Neurosis - through silver in blood !
I've heard a lot of people say that about that album. I'll have to pick it up for my own judgment.
I'd have to say personally I think some of Meshuggah's albums are the heaviest I've heard.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
Can this question even be answered? I mean the heaviest in each genre I understand, but there's so many "heavy" albums...
I think the most obtuse, gut-wrenching album I've ever listened to is Effigy of the Forgotten by Suffocation. If you want to know what it feels like to get hit in the stomach with a sledgehammer, just play this at full blast.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Posts: 294
Limp Bizkit-Significant Other
Posts: 171  |
Posts: 1078  |
To me the heaviest is Surpassing The Boundaries Of Human Suffering by Ingested, if the question were about the hardest i"d say the Disfiguring The Goddess Promo, Altered States Of America by Agoraphobic Nosebleed and Manifestations 2002 by Deathspell Omega
Void_Eater Account deleted |
Void_Eater Account deleted
It would be a tie between Skylark's After the Storm and Devourment's Molesting the Decapitated.
vulgar talent
Posts: 33  |
Written by baldur on 23.01.2011 at 18:31
Neurosis - through silver in blood !
It's hard to pick THE HEAVIEST album ever because there's so many genres and everyone's got their tastes but this album did make me shit bricks.....
tea[m]ster Au Pays Natal ContributorPosts: 5269  |
Rosetta - The Galilean Satellites
Love the whole album, very post/sludge; The last 6 minutes of the last song is the "heaviest" stuff I've ever heard...
Posts: 176  |
The all time almost always voted as # 1 heaviest album in metal history:
SLAYER - Reign in Blood
As one review stated: been voted many times as the heaviest album ever recorded, and you don't ever hear Tom Araya growl or making gutural voices to try and sound "brutal", you can actually understand almost all the lyrics. What better proof to assure that heaviness in music is in the composition, in the feeling, the mood. Good heavy music can be listenable and enjoyable, no need for weird extreme/brutal shit to prove a point.
nana.MD Star-Queen
Posts: 2052  |
Spawn of possession - Cabinet
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
Posts: 33
I think its obituary Slowly We Rot because it was the first modern death metal album with high distortion and slowness with some bursts of speed.
Beastofmetal456 Account deleted |
Beastofmetal456 Account deleted
Dying Fetus - Destroy The Opposition. I'm not a fan of such brutal metal, but I stumbled upon this. It's very heavy, and the piggish vocals make it sound heavier.
Posts: 449  |
Written by brapp32 on 03.02.2011 at 18:59
Limp Bizkit-Significant Other
Is this a joke?
Posts: 33  |
Doom Trooper
Posts: 66  |
I use to say Suffocation - Effigy of The Forgotten was the heaviest but these days Il say Defeated Sanity - Chapters of Repugnance. Skinless have a pretty relentless sound as well.
Posts: 220  |
Hard to choose just one,but if i have to do that it would be Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power.
Careful what you wish,you may regret it.Careful what you wish,you just might get it!
Judas The Priest
Posts: 24  |
Way of all flesh by Gojira
Beastofmetal456 Account deleted |
Beastofmetal456 Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 03.02.2011 at 17:10
Can this question even be answered? I mean the heaviest in each genre I understand, but there's so many "heavy" albums...
I think the most obtuse, gut-wrenching album I've ever listened to is Effigy of the Forgotten by Suffocation. If you want to know what it feels like to get hit in the stomach with a sledgehammer, just play this at full blast. 
I haven't heard this one, but IMO the heaviest album is another Suffocation album, Pierced.
JD Account deleted |
JD Account deleted
Written by [user id=116405] on 27.06.2011 at 17:09
Written by Troy Killjoy on 03.02.2011 at 17:10
Can this question even be answered? I mean the heaviest in each genre I understand, but there's so many "heavy" albums...
I think the most obtuse, gut-wrenching album I've ever listened to is Effigy of the Forgotten by Suffocation. If you want to know what it feels like to get hit in the stomach with a sledgehammer, just play this at full blast. 
I haven't heard this one, but IMO the heaviest album is another Suffocation album, Pierced.
Effigy of the Forgotten is the best Suffocation album, you really shoud listen to it, since you like Suffocation that much.
Beastofmetal456 Account deleted |
Beastofmetal456 Account deleted
Written by [user id=28526] on 27.06.2011 at 17:18
Written by [user id=116405] on 27.06.2011 at 17:09
Written by Troy Killjoy on 03.02.2011 at 17:10
Can this question even be answered? I mean the heaviest in each genre I understand, but there's so many "heavy" albums...
I think the most obtuse, gut-wrenching album I've ever listened to is Effigy of the Forgotten by Suffocation. If you want to know what it feels like to get hit in the stomach with a sledgehammer, just play this at full blast. 
I haven't heard this one, but IMO the heaviest album is another Suffocation album, Pierced.
Effigy of the Forgotten is the best Suffocation album, you really shoud listen to it, since you like Suffocation that much.
I am going to, but I don't think anything in the whole world can top Pierced for me at the moment.
metalheadpunk Account deleted |
metalheadpunk Account deleted
For me it has to be Reign In Blood by Slayer, because back in the 80's there was alot of hair metal, classic metal, many thrash bands as well, but nothing really captures the brutal, fast, and just pure speed, rage, and anger that Reign In Blood did back in '86. Sure death metal is pretty heavy and there is all that other deathcore shit that people think is heavy but we all know its not. Slayer could be argued as one of the heaviest bands of all time if not the heaviest thrash band of all time. All of their albums are as thrashy and heavy as anyone could possibly create. So my vote goes to Reign In Blood by Slayer.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
R'Vannith ghedengi ElitePosts: 3099  |
Stuff like this is my idea of the 'heavier' end of the metal spectrum:
Posts: 718  |
Im not convinced that this question can ever be answered adequately, because there are always going to be different interpretations on what exactly is "Heavy". Is it heavy because it makes you want to bang your head, or is it heavy because it make your blood boil, or is it heavy because it get your adrenaline going, or is it heavy because the guitars sound like chainsaws, or is it all about the bass and drums... i don't know, what i do know is that there are maybe a couple of albums that could fit this
Obituary - Slowly We Rot (I read something once that said "This album is like being hit by a Rhino... on Speed" and i agree with that)
Candlemass - King of the Gray Island (I didn't realize just how heavy it was until someone asked by to turn it off because "It was far too heavy"... from a supposed metal-head mind you, but in hindsight it is a damn heavy album)
Nile - In their darkened shrines (These guy are seriously heavy, i only pick this album because it is my favorite of theirs, but any other could easily fit here)
Zyklon - Aeon (These guys thoroughly disappointed me after this album, because Samoth is so much better than what followed this album, but in saying that Aeon was a seriously cool album)
Emperor - Promethians (Black metal doesn't usually fall under the category of seriously heavy, but Emperor were at their heaviest on this album, "Empty" is a great example. Again Samoth of guitars plays some cool riffs)
Posts: 443  |
Old-school: I can get behind Reign In Blood, as well as Morbid Tales from Celtic Frost - that was some heavy shit. Heck, HellHammer's Apocalyptic Raids was brutally heavy - esp. for it's time.
More recent: Severe Torture - Sworn Vengeance, Deivos - Demiurge Of The Void, Prostitute Disfigurement - Descendants Of Depravity, Blaspherian - Infernal Warriors Of Death, and Decrepitaph - Profane Doctrines Unburied are a few that come to mind as just crushingly heavy. Triptykon's - Eparistera Daimones has a very, very heavy sound and feel to it.

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Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
Written by Misfit74 on 29.10.2011 at 05:54 Old-school
No Effigy of the Forgotten?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Posts: 443  |
Written by Troy Killjoy on 29.10.2011 at 06:05
Written by Misfit74 on 29.10.2011 at 05:54 Old-school
No Effigy of the Forgotten?
I didn't follow Suffocation back then. I come from more of a thrash background in my earlier years of following metal, etc.

[URL=,aat,ts,al,o,g,v,r0.0-5.0,n100,oowun]My Music on RYM[/url]