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Posted by Hylia, 20.05.2006 - 20:09
Baz Anderson Staff |
23.08.2006 - 00:50
i listened to the new album today for the first time and then i listened to it again even louder i like it a lot!! its a very solid album my impression at the moment is it is their best since 'Once Upon The Cross' or earlier
MetalSpider |
23.08.2006 - 01:49
Very impressive new album! The solo's by Santolla and Owen are great. The whole album is brutal, but melodic. Much better than Scars.
---- Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
Baz Anderson Staff |
23.08.2006 - 23:32
i baught the new album from my local shop today - i got the special collectors edition with a poster and cards of the band members inside the box is quite good too, although it doesnt fit properly into my CD towers oh well. i am still buzzing fom the new album
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
24.08.2006 - 03:31
Someone mentioned a long time ago that the Hoffman brothers were the defining members of the band, not Glen Benton. I always found that interesting and The Stench of Redemption just proved what the person said to be correct. This album sounds very different from the Hoffman era and the songs don't flow as smoothly as they used to. However, I still love this album and the new guitarists are still amazing. The solos on this album are better than any solos the Hoffmans did and I hope they will continue doing so. The only issues I have with this album is sometimes the drumming is way faster than the guitar riffs and they failed to write anything really catchy, like they used to. I always have songs such as Blame it on God stuck in my head, while everything on the new album is straightforward. Regardless. its still amazing ![]()
Trifixion Account deleted |
24.08.2006 - 06:35 Trifixion
Account deleted
I'm basically going to repeat everything I said in the last aquired album thread ![]()
Mega-Slayer |
24.08.2006 - 07:48
I currently dont own any albums,only cuz I know my parents would be scared if they saw me with Deicide,especially my dad he is a mormon,They would believe I was a satanist.I have heard alot of their songs and have to say Deicide is fucking great,when I am on my own I'll be buying all of their albums ![]()
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
24.08.2006 - 07:56
dude, just don't let your parents find them
Mega-Slayer |
24.08.2006 - 08:56 Written by Dangerboner on 24.08.2006 at 07:56 I already have "Reign In Blood" and "Seven Churches" hiding in my room,I dont have much more hiding places.The only reason I have those is cuz my brother bought them for me,he is in jail now and I have no way of buying parental advisory cds.
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
Angelique Bitchy Moderator Elite |
24.08.2006 - 09:33
Wow. record stores actually respect parental advisory thing over there? They don't sell labeled cds to minors? I didn't know it's that serious and official.. I mean we don't really have here that kind of stuff at all, my son who's 10 years old has bought Slayer albums etc. Anyways, I love Deicide actually I have kinda weird relationship with them I mean I love their music but whenever I listen them I find myself amused.. glen Benton's voice is so cool but you can't deny it, funny too when he goes graah, graah, gwarh, gwarh, brraaahh, aaarrgh! I swear there is no way you can get any real word out of it, sometimes I wonder if he actually even uses the real lyrics even they're written lol Also I find it funny that their new video has been banned in certain channels in UK and Sweden because the lyrical content.. what fucking lyrical content? graah graah or gwarh gwarh part? lol I think people just takes bands like Deicide and Slayer way too seriously, even Glen Benton has intelligent opinions about satanism and all that, in the end it's just music, it's entertainment. In case you haven't seen the new video for homage for Satan yet you can check it out here
---- I have more faith in my plumber than I do the eternal being. Plumbers do a good job. They keep the shit flowing. -C.Bukowski
Baz Anderson Staff |
24.08.2006 - 12:58
wow - that takes me back to when i was getting into metal and stuff i was always so scared what my mum would think about it, and if there was something i wanted with a parental advisory thing on it, i always had to get someone else to buy it i think the first thing i ever baught by myself with a parental advisory thing on it was Cradle Of Filth's 'Midian' Angelique is right. the BBC did a special television show on death and black metal bands not long ago and Glen Benton was part of that doing an interview people do take bands like Deicide too seriously. all the parents and priests and whatever else on the show all thought that anyone that listened to death metal actually wanted to go out and do that stuff it just shows how they dont understand the whole concept of death metal and because of their false judgements stuff like albums and videos getting banned happens oh well, at least when something gets banned it attracts a lot of attention
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
25.08.2006 - 01:08 Written by Mega-Slayer on 24.08.2006 at 08:56 Well, The Stench of Redemption isn't parental advisory so you shouldn't have a problem, unless your parents don't like the cover. When I was under age I always bought parental advisory cd's and I never got carded. I guess it depends on which store you go to.
Mega-Slayer |
25.08.2006 - 02:27 Written by Dangerboner on 25.08.2006 at 01:08 See thats the problem even if I get passed the PA,my parents always go so what cd did you get and want to look at at it,and it fucking sucks.I just remebered that Deicide doesn't have parental advisorys,but if they saw the covers or song titles I would not be able to have them.
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
Hermanubis Account deleted |
25.08.2006 - 09:22 Hermanubis
Account deleted
My mum bought me Blood Rituals' discography and the first 4 Deicide albums a while back, she doesnt care at all ![]()
Baz Anderson Staff |
25.08.2006 - 11:49
my mum baught me 'Scars Of The Crucifix' yesterday to replace my downloaded one hahaha. i would have liked to have seen the woman behind the counter's face seeing her buy that she braught me home the first three Deicide albums a while back as well
danzig111 Account deleted |
26.08.2006 - 20:48 danzig111
Account deleted Written by Mega-Slayer on 24.08.2006 at 07:48 But mormons aren't into Jesus either ![]() seriously though, i understand, all faiths have a 'villan' or a devil ![]() well, me, i am a 'born-again agnostic'.....but uhhh i was brought up in a Christian backround, When i first started getting into Dimmu Borgir, well i had downloaded their songs and loved them but i wanted their albums (this was before i had an ipod). So this one Canadian guy who used to go to my school ordered Their first two albums for himself and i payed him to burn me some copies....and their third release, "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" (very controversial name towards most Christians), i got him to burn me a copy ov his burnt copy ov that. My parents never found out.... So you must be sneaky like so! ![]() orrr, download the songs and make the cd yourself lol!
-tom- Mr FancyPants |
26.08.2006 - 20:56
my opinion is the same as most other people (including glen benton according to recent interviews) that the bands first 2 albums are great and they have constantly gone downhill since but have made some sort of a recovery recently. scars was defenitly a great album and what ive heard of stench is excellent. ill probably download the rest of that album to make a proper opinion but it does seem that they have become a great band again after about a decade of mediocrity. if anyone has a copy of the new album and wants to trade it, check the list in my sig. possibly willing to trade 2 cds for it seeing as i want it but can't find it at a decent price (£12 with free box!!!11).
---- "This rudderless world is not shaped my metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us" Read Watchmen.
Windshear Account deleted |
27.08.2006 - 00:20 Windshear
Account deleted
Stench of Redemption is defenatly one of the best this year.
Anathemani@c |
27.08.2006 - 02:08
Such a good band.. But I can't stand their anti-christ ideas... Also, I don't like the way they appear on stage...
---- Trapped in time A miracle of hope and change A swirling mass, no mercy now If the truth hurts prepare for pain ......Do you think we 're forever???
Hermanubis Account deleted |
29.08.2006 - 13:42 Hermanubis
Account deleted
Ive noticed that there are much more/bigger solos in the new album, definately a good turn though.
Trifixion Account deleted |
30.08.2006 - 21:36 Trifixion
Account deleted Written by [user id=5399] on 29.08.2006 at 13:42 Yes definetly one of the best parts about their new lineup. The Homage For Satan solo is one of the best I've heard in a long long time ![]()
Baz Anderson Staff |
31.08.2006 - 04:29
yeh - they are the sort of solos that you wouldnt really imagine to be in a death metal song if you heard it by itself either. but it works really well the solos are probably the best part of the new Deicide. the drumming sounds splendid as ever as well
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
01.09.2006 - 01:34
This album grows on me the more I listen to it. I guess I"m a sucker for guitar solos.
Hermanubis Account deleted |
01.09.2006 - 14:16 Hermanubis
Account deleted
"Yes definetly one of the best parts about their new lineup. The Homage For Satan solo is one of the best I've heard in a long long time" When i heard that song i was actually 'waiting' for it to finish, i couldnt believe it was so long! ![]()
Warman Erotic Stains |
02.09.2006 - 00:55
"Homage for Satan" is such an AWESOME song! Real headbangability!
Immortal Plague Bloodshedder |
04.09.2006 - 08:44
I saw their new album a few days ago, i didint pick it up becuase i got something else, cause i dont really know how they sound on their new album, but if it is like anything they made in the past it should be a definate pick up, they always seem to put something better out each year, i would like to see how they sound on this new album. So if anyone had this album or has heard alot from it, i would like to know how they sound.
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
05.09.2006 - 03:21
uhh...faster and more brutal than ever? If you like Deicide then you will like The Stench of Redemption. It's not their best, but it is among their best.
Winter Death Account deleted |
05.09.2006 - 22:47 Winter Death
Account deleted
The new album is pretty badass. Glen sounds great as always but as many have mentioned, the star of the show is the guitar work. The solos are shredding and the riffs are crushing. This album is probably one of the top five of the year. Also, the intro to "The Lord's Sedition" is fucking cool as hell.
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
16.09.2006 - 20:31
I couldnt help myself from checking out the video for 'Homage For Satan' and they sound awsome! Not too sure what o think about the video though, its good... not 'wow' but i dont really care. The solo that is played is excellent! I was putting off listening to anything from the new album until I purchased it but curiosity got the better of me. Now im going to go place a order in for it when im in town next in stead of patiently waiting for it to come in... argh cant wait!!
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
21.09.2006 - 11:51
Got the album a few days ago and after ALOT of listening to it, and i think its a killer album. The solos from the two new guitarists are alot longer and bigger than any of the stuff the Hoffman brothers had done, and a different style sound to them give the album a different Deicide feel. Not saying it bad or anything, just when a Deicide track came on you'd know it was them from the sound/feel from the guitars ... we'll I could atleast. The album is really good imo, but the songs dont seem to be as catchy and stick woth after listening to the album like on their past material. There were a couple of tracks but, i dont know they seem more straight forward... im not sure how to put it so. Still a very good album from the new Deicide line-up, I'd put it mid range in my 'top 20' releases for 2006.
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Baz Anderson Staff |
21.09.2006 - 13:34
yes it will be one of my top albums too for this year when i listened to it the first few times, i had 'Crucified For The Innocence' in my head going 'round over and over again. haha that was a very catchy song for me