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Visual Kei and JPop/Rock Poll

Posts: 242   Visited by: 75 users

Original post

Posted by Linak, 22.05.2006 - 06:20

(I came across this banner, will credit/remove if necessary)

I've decided to make this a lot more interesting by turning it into a poll, since there are not so many options for voting, I was forced to put together some of the possible answers for example since Due le Quartz and Miyavi share a lot in common (at least one member lol) I put them together, same I did with L'arc en Ciel and HYDE, If you choose to vote for one of these two options please do state on your post wether you were voting for the band, or the solist, I was cLose to doing this with Malice Mizer and Gackt but I guess I'd be getting on a certain mod's nerves ^^'

There are many other bands I would have liked to feature on this poll for example BLOOD, Sex Machineguns and Lareine, just to name a few, but again the lack of space wouldn't let me, anyway I only hope this thread would be a lot more interesting than the past one because of the poll add.

Here is the stuff I had put on the last thread I had made, I will probably be posting the pics later on the thread so enjoy!


Good day world, Linak-sama here!

After having some nice, sweet short (ha!) conversations with Blackgir and Darth Satanious at the 'Moi Dix Moi/Malice Mizer' thread, I decided it was time to have a brand new and specific thread about japanese rock/pop, and the Visual Kei movement! Yes I'm a happy girl right now!

From Wikipedia: (yah we all love wikipedia XD)

Visual Kei, literally "visual type", refers to a movement in J-Rock which started in the 1980s and became widely popular in Japan by the 1990s.

Largely the movement is credited to have been started "almost single handedly" by X Japan, however a rising trend of utilizing visual shock to gain membership in the independent scene was well in effect by the time X went major; they may be seen in this sense not as a catalyst for the movement, but a mechanism to involve dominant Japanese popular culture with it. Bands in the early 1990s such as Luna Sea, Zi:Kill, Shazna, and Baiser along with previous bands Buck-Tick and X Japan encouraged a "boom" of this media culture.

Visual Kei is characterised by bands using dramatic costumes and visual imagery to enhance the band's performance. Within Japan, the fan-base almost solely consists of girls and young women and is marketed strongly to that audience with items such as tradeable stickers, glossy photo-books, picture-postcards of band members and so on. In other countries, the comparatively small quantity of Visual Kei followers is roughly an equal division between male and female youth. Visual Kei is often focused upon in the West as a uniquely Japanese part of the Rock music scene.

Members of Visual Kei bands often wear striking makeup, style their hair in dramatic shapes (reminiscent of "glam metal" bands from the '80s) and wear elaborate costumes. Although the vast majority of the musicians are male, band members will often wear makeup and clothing which would be considered 'feminine' or 'androgynous'. Recently, some bands are returning to the more colourful and "fantastic" image popular 5 or 6 years ago, taking inspiration from computer roleplaying games and anime. The appeal of the costumes to fans is so great that large numbers of girls will cosplay as members of their favourite bands, particularly in Harajuku, at live concerts in Japan, or in North America, Chile, Spain and Australia at anime conventions.

Visual Kei bands, being defined primarily by visual style, do not necessarily play a specific type of music. They most often play general J-rock (Luna Sea, Dir en grey) and vocal based pop or light rock (Glay, Gackt).

However, there are also bands playing or influenced by Heavy Metal (Sex Machineguns, Onmyo-Za), Darkwave (Velvet Eden, Schwarz Stein), Industrial rock, Punk rock and various other genres can be found. Taking the genre in a wide sense, most of the bands would be considered to play some kind of "rock" music. Particularly popular in recent years are the projects of Mana; Malice Mizer (now defunct) and Moi dix Mois.

Within the field of Visual Kei several popular movements have arose; the fashion style Gothic Lolita and the musical sub-genres; EroGuro and Angura Kei, which form particular visual styles.

So I totally completely love this genre, for real, not only Malice Mizer, (I'm posting mostly their pictures because my computer is full of them, and I don't really have a lot of pics from other bands, shame on me I know), but there are so many, and I mean SO many bands that could be talked about, and this is what this thread is all about, bands recommendations, post lyrics translations, reviews and a whole lot of sharing and trading! Fanfiction? Why not!

Anything JROCK/VISUALKEI/JPOP related is sure as hell welcome!

Now! Who wants to share?!

I'll start first and offer ANYONE a big huge cyber hug if you can link me to Gazette's Tokyo Shinjuu lyrics translation!

Talk to me people talk to meee, any jrockers out there, this is your mating call bwahaha, come little children and speak up! I wanna see who has some reaaally good music taste over here ne! Oh and I hope Blackgir doesn't get maddy at me ^^' I mean goodie, hontou! (for real!)

Ah yes, one last thing, if you're a geek like me and sometimes post phrases in pretty pretty japanese, be a good sexy-beam and translate onegai! (please!) see how easy that was?!

Alright! *huggles* Post on! </crazyfangirlsqueals>


Favorite Visual K/JRock/JPop Band/Singer out of these:

X Japan
Dir en Grey
Other, name it
Moi Dix Mois
Malice Mizer
L'arc en Ciel/HYDE
Due le Quartz/Miyavi

Total votes: 56
18.08.2006 - 09:29
I Own You Bitch
oh I looked at that video, but I couldnt recognize them, they rarely show their faces, although the one in ght middle looks like a guitarrist called Masa (used to be in Gackt's band ^^) anyway that's as fra as I can help you with this, maybe someone else recognizes them
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
15.09.2006 - 21:35
I Own You Bitch
I edited the first post ^^
the thread is looking lovely as ever now! : )))
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
21.09.2006 - 14:32
Retired Mod.
I have seen a couple of videos of him a long time ago (believe it were 'Mirror', 'Mizerable' (I got a soft spot for the violin haha, really nice), 'Oasis' (this one had something to do with the anime Fist Of The North Star didn't it?) and another one or two which I can't remember right now), I decided I should give one of his albums a listen, so I got my hands on 'Crescent' by Gackt. And I gave it a couple of listens the last 2 days.

Well, I was quite surprised by the first track. It was heavier than I expected, the different parts in the song are quite nice and diverse, though the dude yelling 'Dybbuk' started to annoy me a bit after a while haha. It wasn't really like the videos I mentioned before. The second song was alright, and still the heavy guitars, cool intro. Then the soft part setted in with Gackt singing, and the catchy chorus followed, hmm still alright, though so far I liked the 1st song more, but still not too bad. The 3rd was, well, boring to me, but hey, I bet the crazygacktfangirls are crazy about it hahah. The next song was better, liked the strings. But hey, song by song things are boring so I will stop with that

The first songs are pretty nice, but overall its a bit too poppy, a bit too mellow, but there are definelately some nice parts in it. The song 'Lust For Blood' had some cool parts in it, somehow it sounded familiar when the guitars come in in combination with the all the strings. Overall its Jpop of course, so not much too my liking. But I was curious at what he was doing and to bring some life in this thread while I'm at it
22.09.2006 - 02:34
I Own You Bitch
@Eddie: I liked your post thanks for posting here, yeah this thread is kind of abandoned.. *sigh* we lack crazyrabidfangirls alright, wanna join the club?

Oh well Crescent isn't really my favorite album at all, and funny you mention Lust for Blood, because it really is my favorite song of that album (agh I might be confusing the songs on the albums because I am not so sure of Orenji no Taiyou is also there, and if it is, then THAT is my favorite because that is a Gackt/HYDE duet ^^ *naughty thoughts*), but yeah, the entire thing is catchy as hell. The Mizerable video was the first thing he released solo, and a lot of people prefer that song over anything he has ever done because it still has a liiiiiiiiiittle bit of Malice Mizer in it (don't listen to whatever Blackgir has to say about that haha)

My favoite Gackt album is probably MARS, which is just weird it really does have some weird songs that make you just.. stop whatever you're doing and after that, there's DIABOLOS, his latest release, it's a liiiiitle bit heavier than the rest, and my second favorite I'd say, oh well, I hope you check those out so we can have more talk about Gackt yes yes yes ^^
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
22.09.2006 - 14:25
Retired Mod.
Hahah, I will take a look if I can find those other albums and start with Mars, but I think I will pass the invite to the crazyrabidfangirls group

I think that track 'Orenji no Taiyou' is on there, but my Japenese characters reading skills ara a bit non-existent, I remember reading somewhere that that song was a duet with HYDE, so well, there you go haha.

... a bit later ...

Ahh, I got my hands on 'Mars' haha but I can't listen to it at the moment, got to go now, but I will throw it on my mp3 player and carry it with me. So I will get back to here after I had the chance to give it a couple of listens.
22.09.2006 - 15:55
I Own You Bitch
ahh yaay listen to it listen to it! oh just so you know, there's no female vocals on the album, that's all him being a girl haha

EDIT: (second time, because Metalstorm doesn't accept kanji haha)

there you go, Orenji no Taiyou (The Orange Sun) *silently cries bitter crazyrabidfangirl tears of eternal love*

And btw, the high point of Mars is definitely Asrun Dream and Kono Daremo Inai Heya De just so you know lol, but I like Asrun Dream better, supposed to be based on a manga called Banana Fish but I really have no idea what that is, oh well

Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
22.09.2006 - 17:37
Retired Mod.
Hahah, yeah, I already noticed it, but I did thought it was him haha

Ahh yeah, thats it, the kanji matches.

I gave 'Mars' a listen now in the city while picking up some manga (didnt come across any Banana Fish haha), and so far it sounded good, at least it got much more energy than 'Crescent' and its less boring, but I will give a more detailed opinion when I've listened to it a bit more. I will keep an eye on those tracks you mentioned.

Oh btw, on what album is the song 'Mizerable', if on any? I tried searching for it on Gackts ( site, but the dude released way too many stuff hahah, I got lost
22.09.2006 - 18:32
I Own You Bitch
Mizerable was released in the "Mizerable" mini album, and it was also his first single, back on 1999 before all the face lifts he got haha if you watched the video you'll notice how his nose, cheekbones and lips changed enormously!

Ah my beautiful narcissistic Gacchan ^^'

You're so right he has released SO many damn things, but actually most of them are singles, and they just include remix versions of the same ole songs, for example Love song.. has like 10 different versions, and it's not even such a great song haha

If you have the chance, try getting Mizerable's new version that appears on the Sixth Day Single Collection (or ask me to send it to you haha that album is my joy and pride and it included a condom bwahaha) it is TEN THOUSAND times better, and he tries really hard to pronounce 'les miserables' in english haha because on the original one, he just sounds incredibly japanese ^^ aww my beloved

Anyway, yeah! keep me posted!
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
22.09.2006 - 19:10
Retired Mod.
I looked around for that version of 'Mizerable', but I couldn't find it, only the entire album as a torrent, but I can't download torrents on this pc. So if you could please send it?
22.09.2006 - 22:19
I Own You Bitch
Here you go!

lol just don't ask me to upload/post more because then my guilt would start poking me Order the albums haha you can get them for around 70 USD each! A bargain! >.<

Anyway, tell me what you think about it, imo there is no comparison, this version is just better in so many ways
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
22.09.2006 - 23:17
Written by Linak on 22.09.2006 at 02:34

(don't listen to whatever Blackgir has to say about that haha)

Oh someone wants to know my opinion

Anyway, since someone forbid me to give my opinion, I will do it anyway. My opinion about this whole Japanese Gackt thingie.

There are two things in his life that made him amazing as a musician/person, that was:
1)Singing for Malice Mizer
2)Voice acting for Fist of the North Star.

Gackt shows the capabilities of his vocals especially on Merveilles of Malice Mizer. Something he somehow threw away when he went solo. As a solo vocalist he does less things with his voice, and tries to sound more like a Pop artist. Musically it just isn't impressive anymore. and well, he is making pop music now. Which isn't really my cup of tea(few exceptions of course, but Gackt isn't one of them). Let's say Mana could make Gackt good, but without Mana Gackt is just one of the many vocalists from Japan.

His voice acting on Fist of the North Star was amazing, I was surprised he could do that. Especially to see which role he had(the "bad" guy), and I wouldn't expect he could pull it off with his "softer, friendlier" voice, but I guess he did just fine. The interview at the end was fun too, however, a bit too cliché.

The other things he did, going solo, the Moonchild thing, all the media stuff, that is just too much and I personally don't really like that side of him. It did give birth to the crazyrabidfangirls though, which is a good thing I guess

Ok, end of my Gackt opinion. Linak, you already knew it probably but I just had to say it

Anyway, to give this topic also some more air to breath on, lately I am really into the darkwave bands of the Visual Kei scene. Mainly Schwarz Stein and Hora, but also Velvet Eden and Kaya's solo project. I wonder if there are other fans on the forum of these darkwave bands. I like them a lot but I hardly hear anything about them from other people, so..share your opinion
22.09.2006 - 23:57
I Own You Bitch
OH OH!! *raises hand* I LOVE those bands!!

haha yeah yeah because of you Blackgir, but I do!! Most ESPECIALLY Velvet Eden, I kinda preferred Hora's project over Kaya's because the musical arrangements in one song just sound too much like a classical piece, and I didn't really like that fact, but you know... over Hora and Kaya and Schwarz Stein (Which I gave another try as you suggested) I absolutely like Another Cell better... A LOT

I repeat... A LOT

*holds Blackgir's hands and jumps up and down* we are like sisters!!

X3 lol sorry, it was begging to be said...

but now I feel like editing the bands on the poll, or just add more.. agh *frustrated*

EDIT: *sigh* X Japan is SO popular...
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
23.09.2006 - 19:02
Retired Mod.
Written by Linak on 22.09.2006 at 22:19

Here you go!

lol just don't ask me to upload/post more because then my guilt would start poking me Order the albums haha you can get them for around 70 USD each! A bargain! >.<

Anyway, tell me what you think about it, imo there is no comparison, this version is just better in so many ways

Ahh, thanks and yeah, you are right, it is much better indeed, there are just a lot more things going on, making it more interesting and fun to listen to, especially the addition of the guitars ^^

About 'Mars', I need a little bit more time with it.

And I will also check out 'Merveilles' of Malice Mizer
23.09.2006 - 20:39
Oh yes, I know you love them

Hm, so you like Another Cell better than Schwarz Stein? I guess you prefer it because Hora did all the music/lyrics on that album. Understandable I prefer Hora's solo project over Schwarz Stein, Another cell and Kaya's solo project. I can't wait to hear Hora's new album(it will be released this month). I think it is still too soon to judge about Kaya. He is an amazing vocalist, but he should first release some more songs. See if he can be just as great with Kalm as he was with Hora.

hehe, I guess so, yeah, you should have removed Hyde and Miyavi Ah, maybe it is also kinda good you didn't add Schwarz Stein, because I have really no idea if I prefer everything related to Mana or everything related to Hora. Now I didn't have to think about that

X Japan is just popular because this is a metal site

Okay, please post what you think about it when you have heard it
23.09.2006 - 21:50
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Yeah, like Eddie I liked that same song "Mizerable" because of the violin melody, it is very catchy.

Question: are all Gackt's solo works under the name Gackt or GacktJOB?
23.09.2006 - 22:11
I Own You Bitch
@Darthy: just Gackt, GacktJOB is the official name of the band: Yuu, Chacha, Ryuichi, Toshi and... someone else, I'm not sure but Ren and Masa used to play there too. Anyway if you wanna find Gackt's solo work, just ask for Gackt, otherwise you won't find him. I am a crazyrabidfangirl library : )))

@Eddie: I'm glad you liked it!! yeah that song is SO much better, and aww he makes such a huge efford to pronounce it right, aghh *bites lower lip* haha anyway yeah, looking forward to seeing what you think about Merveilles.


: )))

hey .. eh.. I forgot what I was gonna say.. haha
Oh! Hora is releasing an album this month? hey you are hiding things from me! haha I didn't know that either! you have to tell me about every little tiny thing that comes up with any of those bands the same way I tell you every single news on Gackt ! it is important to my jrock metabolism! pfff

Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
24.09.2006 - 00:50
haha, well, you just never asked And before I am hiding more information from you. Kaya also released a new single this month. I couldn't find it yet. Kalm once again composed the music. so, new Hora album and a new Kaya single. That was the update ah you used the word metabolism. Anyway, yeah you do, such as the band that Yoshiki and Gackt are going to form, any news about that? or just a rumor?
24.09.2006 - 04:04
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Written by Linak on 23.09.2006 at 22:11

@Darthy: just Gackt, GacktJOB is the official name of the band: Yuu, Chacha, Ryuichi, Toshi and... someone else, I'm not sure but Ren and Masa used to play there too. Anyway if you wanna find Gackt's solo work, just ask for Gackt, otherwise you won't find him. I am a crazyrabidfangirl library : )))

So, should I put Gackt or GacktJOB in the name of my videos? Who is to receive the credit for the songs? So cunfusing.


Regarding Yoshiki's and Gackt's supposed band I found these news:
24.09.2006 - 09:27
I Own You Bitch
@Darthy: (pff omg I actually typed @Gackt: )
just Gackt, he's the composer of all the thingies, the band are just.. well, interpreters.. is that right? anyway, Gackt Gackt Gackt ^^

@Blackgir: : )))
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
24.09.2006 - 17:28
Hm this Gackt and GackJOB reminds me of Mana and Moi Dix Mois. I didn't know about this whole GacktJOB thingie. I simply only know him as Gackt(and I guess I couldn't care less about the other musicians in his band). But both Mana and Gackt are commanding the musicians of their bands. However, Mana is much more talented in finding the talents of the scene. Funny that Gackt and Mana share this similarity

@Darth Satanious, Yeah, I know about those links, but Gackt never said one thing about this. I do think Yoshiki would be the type of man who would announce this without informing Gackt. Gackt's face expression must be priceless then if he also heard it for the first time. Anyway, it would be nice if they co-operate, but I will believe it as soon as Gackt say he will work together with Yoshiki. Because it is kinda suspicious he didn't say a thing about it(or can you give me a link to Gackt comfirming this news?)

24.09.2006 - 17:47
Retired Mod.
Well, here is it about 'Mars'

The song 'Asrun Dream' is indeed one of the better ones on the album like you said Linak. Its nice and uptempo, and doesn't hold back. 'U+K' is one happy song hahah, whats with the 'nja nja njaaa' xD a bit too happy for my tastes. I already knew the song 'Vanilla' from the video, which I saw some time ago, but the song itself doesn't do a lot for me. Its cool though that he uses a lot of different instruments in his songs, I've read that he knows how to play with a number of instruments quite well. The song 'freesia op.2' reminds me a lot of Wuxia movies which I really like, but you have to imagine out the drums, so this song is pretty cool, too bad it only lasted for a small 2 minutes, but its a nice break for at the center of the album. And so it continues to the track 'Illness Illusion', quite an odd track haha but enjoyable, reminded me of France and carrousels, must be because of the accordion. I've also saw the PV of 'Mirror' before, he has a good taste in guitars, Caparison The violins are cool in this song, like I said before, I have a weak spot for those things ^^ and overall its a really catchy song. 'Oasis' is probably my favorite track of this album, I really like it, the instruments and how they are balanced, and there is always a lot going on Overall that song is actually quite basic, but still hahah. The last song is alright, but the more uptempo songs are the ones I like the most. Overall I like this album a bit more than 'Crescent', I have my likes and dislikes with both of them actually.

I haven't gotten to give 'Merveilles' a good listen, I also want to know what the fuss is about with 'Bara No Seidou', so I got my hands on that one as well, and 'Memoire DX' as well hahah. Then I should have covered the 3 era's of Malice Mizer right?

Hmmm, I'm also checking out Dir en Grey on 'Withering To Death', so far from what I've heard about that sounded pretty good.

Oh and btw, how big is the Visual Kei scene in Japan??
24.09.2006 - 19:05
I Own You Bitch
Written by Eddie on 24.09.2006 at 17:47

Well, here is it about 'Mars'

The song 'Asrun Dream' is indeed one of the better ones on the album like you said Linak. Its nice and uptempo, and doesn't hold back. 'U+K' is one happy song hahah, whats with the 'nja nja njaaa' xD a bit too happy for my tastes. I already knew the song 'Vanilla' from the video, which I saw some time ago, but the song itself doesn't do a lot for me. Its cool though that he uses a lot of different instruments in his songs, I've read that he knows how to play with a number of instruments quite well. The song 'freesia op.2' reminds me a lot of Wuxia movies which I really like, but you have to imagine out the drums, so this song is pretty cool, too bad it only lasted for a small 2 minutes, but its a nice break for at the center of the album. And so it continues to the track 'Illness Illusion', quite an odd track haha but enjoyable, reminded me of France and carrousels, must be because of the accordion. I've also saw the PV of 'Mirror' before, he has a good taste in guitars, Caparison The violins are cool in this song, like I said before, I have a weak spot for those things ^^ and overall its a really catchy song. 'Oasis' is probably my favorite track of this album, I really like it, the instruments and how they are balanced, and there is always a lot going on Overall that song is actually quite basic, but still hahah. The last song is alright, but the more uptempo songs are the ones I like the most. Overall I like this album a bit more than 'Crescent', I have my likes and dislikes with both of them actually.

I haven't gotten to give 'Merveilles' a good listen, I also want to know what the fuss is about with 'Bara No Seidou', so I got my hands on that one as well, and 'Memoire DX' as well hahah. Then I should have covered the 3 era's of Malice Mizer right?

Hmmm, I'm also checking out Dir en Grey on 'Withering To Death', so far from what I've heard about that sounded pretty good.

Oh and btw, how big is the Visual Kei scene in Japan??

Ah you think U+K is funny huh wait til you watch the live out of the blue, lots of men dressed as kittens and men wearing pink tutus dressed as ballerinas walk out onstage and start dancing with Gackt, ahh should I warn you.. Stephen Hawking (sp?) is a better dancer than Gackt... believe me, and anyway in the end I'm not so sure if a kitten punches him or throws himself at him and they both fall over haha

And Vanilla! check out the acoustic version, it is SO much better, I actually didn't like the original version until I heard the acoustic one and then I just love everything with 'vanilla' included heh..

Oh yeah, he is known for playing lots of instruments, most specially piano and drums, because he has played them ever since he was like... 5.. .aww a baby Gacchan! *watery eyes* ehem, anyway, he can also play guitar, bass, tuba, trombone (I think lol) and some japanese instruments, haha he can also play the lube *snort really hard*... (crazyrabidfangirl dirty joke ^^' )

You're right about Oasis, it IS pretty basic I don't think there's anything special about it at all, unlike Asrun Dream bwahaha and I don't like the PV oh I'm glad you liked it better than Crescent, my next recommendation would be DIABOLOS hehe ^^

Ah well I hope you love Merveilles, it really is Gackt's vocal climax haha kind of.. and Bara no Seidou is just cat piss compared to anything Gackt has released, INCLUDING VANILLA
haha ^^ *patiently awaits for what Blackgir has to say about that*

Oh oh Dir en Grey! >.< and you suddenly have the best taste in men music ever!! haha that's a good album actually yeah tell me everything you think about it later oh oh I can send you songs! no wait, I can't.. okay I'll tell you the best songs to listen to, I'm not so sure but I think in that album you mentioned is the song Machiavellism, because THAT is one of the BEST Diru songs imo, anywaaay, have fun!!

How big the visual kei scene is in Japan? as big as the Magnum's fandom, it fits everywhere but if you're not careful, rumor has it you might choke, it seems to require a lot of attention, so if it is possible, its ego-ish figure will start to swell, until it ends up taking over the world *GASP*

haha, now THAT was completely dirty I'm sorry ^^ but well, visual kei in Japan is supposed to be pretty big, but I can't really tell, cause I don't live there just keep in mind that 80% of the music monopolio is controlled by jrock/pop and in a smaller share, visual kei ^^ so I guess that's big haha

Okay *deep breaths* out.
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
24.09.2006 - 22:35
Written by Linak on 24.09.2006 at 19:05

Ah well I hope you love Merveilles, it really is Gackt's vocal climax haha kind of.. and Bara no Seidou is just cat piss compared to anything Gackt has released, INCLUDING VANILLA
haha ^^ *patiently awaits for what Blackgir has to say about that*

Hm, well, don't listen to Linak or something, remember that she is a crazyrabidfangirl, and it involves Gackt Klaha is the better vocalist, and Bara no Seidou is better

You said Bara no Seidou is cat piss Urgh, too bad I happen to like Merveilles. Anyway, Bara no Seidou is the latest album of Malice Mizer before their split up. Gackt left the band and Klaha replaced him. Also, Kami died, so there is another drummer, however, he never got mentioned anywhere. Anyway, this album is quite dark and quite gothic. Klaha's vocals are operatic and the whole album is more atmospheric. The whole "J-pop"feeling that Merveilles had is gone on Bara no Seidou. Among the fans Merveilles and Bara no Seidou are the two best albums of the band, so that's why they are most popular

haha Vanilla..

Anyway, In my opinion, Bara no Seidou is better than Merveilles and Bara No Seidou is definitely better than anything released by Gackt's solo project.

I don't know about the popularity of Visual Kei in Japan. I only know that Japanese male fans of Visual Kei are extremely rare. Almost all the Visual Kei fans in Japan are girls. Outside Japan the fans are both males and females. I find it slightly understandable, if you read lyrics of certain bands than I can understand guys rather don't listen to them. And since they sing in Japanese it is for foreign guys easier to listen to the songs and just ignore the lyrics. However, on the other hand, some bands are also easy accesible for guys and those bands also have almost only female fans in Japan(such as Moi Dix Mois or Dir en Grey).

I think that the "heart" of Visual Kei isn't popular in Japan, but the more popular bands, such as Dir En Grey do have a lot of fans in Japan. I just cannot imagine that a band such as Velvet Eden or Schwarz Stein can really become popular in the mainstream music business. However, bands with a more catchy sound can easily reach the mainstream. The image of those bands are popular among the youth, so that also have a positive effect. I guess that just certain bands are popular. A bit similar to how metal is in the western world. Some bands are popular, but others are very unknown.
25.09.2006 - 09:48
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer

Hm this Gackt and GackJOB reminds me of Mana and Moi Dix Mois. I didn't know about this whole GacktJOB thingie. I simply only know him as Gackt(and I guess I couldn't care less about the other musicians in his band). But both Mana and Gackt are commanding the musicians of their bands. However, Mana is much more talented in finding the talents of the scene. Funny that Gackt and Mana share this similarity

The similarities end as fast as you listen to their music. lol

@Darth Satanious, Yeah, I know about those links, but Gackt never said one thing about this. I do think Yoshiki would be the type of man who would announce this without informing Gackt. Gackt's face expression must be priceless then if he also heard it for the first time. Anyway, it would be nice if they co-operate, but I will believe it as soon as Gackt say he will work together with Yoshiki. Because it is kinda suspicious he didn't say a thing about it(or can you give me a link to Gackt comfirming this news?)

Would Yoshiki lie and make up something like this? I hope Yoshiki gets to return Gackt from the dark side of the music industry.
25.09.2006 - 12:40
@Darth Satanious
Nah, he doesn't lie. I think he just announces it and tell Gackt later about it. That he maybe expects Gackt will accept anyway. I don't know, it is just a theory. It is just suspicious Gackt didn't say one thing about this. I am not sure if Yoshiki and Gackt would be a good combination, but it is interesting to see them work together. I do think Yoshiki cannot "cure" Gackt from making bad music(sorry Linak ), but well, he might have the same effect as Mana on Gackt, we just have to wait and see
25.09.2006 - 14:47
Retired Mod.
Thanks for all in the info Blackgir and Linak

I checked out the video of 'U+K' xD oh my hahahha. I will also check out 'Diabolos', hehe

Ahhh! I like Dir en Grey quite a lot, I got my hands on their other albums as well There are definetly some nu-metal influences in there, and also pop rock stuff, some industrial as well here and there, electronics etc, things I'm not particularly a fan of when they are seperated and on thereselves, but here in Dir en Grey the mix is really cool. Kyo's vocals are really nice to listen to, and the diversity in them make it more interesting and fun to listen to. This is all basically an early impression, but so far it really caught my attention and made me want to check out their stuff more deeply. 'Macchiavellism' is indeed a great track, the chorus was stuck in my head all night long hahah xD Also I saw that their DVD 'Tour 05 - It withers and withers' is available here, anyone seen it? How is it? If I like their other stuff as well, I will get that DVD

hmm, I watched a clip of that dvd on youtube, but Kyo can hardly hold it together :/ so not sure about it.
26.09.2006 - 18:35
Retired Mod.
I just ordered a copy of Dir en grey's 'Withering To Death' at store, the shopkeeper dude said it came with a dvd, so looking forward to that

I also found Gackts 'Sixth Day Single Collection', didn't came with a condom though hahah. Haven't listened to it fully yet, but so far I didn't like the remix of 'Oasis'. Of course the version of 'Mizérable' is good. Ah many things to listen to (still busy with Malice Mizer as well). And I think I found 'Diabolos', but its still downloading at a terrible speed hahahh, so I hope that it is the right thing.

Also just looking around on forums/blogs for random songs of bands that I didn't knew already.

So hey, are there bands somewhat similar to Dir en grey?
26.09.2006 - 22:57
Written by Eddie on 26.09.2006 at 18:35

So hey, are there bands somewhat similar to Dir en grey?

uhm, well, I am not a Dir En Grey fan, but I think I can mention some bands who are somewhat similar to them.

You can try to get Rentrer en Soi's album "Yurikago". It has some great songs, some a bit more screamy(like Dir En Grey) and some softer songs. It is the only good album of the band IMO. I advice to avoid the newest album. That is such a horrible standard J-rock release. Didn't like it at all.

I liked Devil Kitty also for a few months, they were kinda similar, but more "nu-metalish". However, these kind of bands get boring really fast.

Oh well, I think Linak can recommend you more similar artists. She is more familar with Dir En Grey than I am
28.09.2006 - 02:05
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer

Then they must have a lot of confidence between themselves if Yoshiki actually does something like that. :S

Or perhaps what Yoshiki comes up with is enough grim as to ignore Gackt's possible wailing. lol But of course, Gackt could redeem himself, why not?


I downloaded that live video of the song "U+K" and I founded it to be kind of funny. They all go moving side to side like in the "Pageant" live performances of Moi Dix Mois. Then the animals come up to join the show; it was very lukewarm but kind of funny and fitting for the mood of the song which is very happy. Now, when those dudes with dresses came in it all turned too gay for my grim and satanic eyes. lol

Oh, I also downloaded that other version of the song "Mizerable" (sorry, free stuff is rare to find so I just helped myself ) but I did not like it. It felt as if they just put more stuff in it just for the sake of saying that they came up with a different version. I will stick to the original version: the only Gackt song I really like a lot.
01.10.2006 - 15:33
Retired Mod.
Written by AntaeusM on 26.09.2006 at 22:57

Written by Eddie on 26.09.2006 at 18:35

So hey, are there bands somewhat similar to Dir en grey?

uhm, well, I am not a Dir En Grey fan, but I think I can mention some bands who are somewhat similar to them.

You can try to get Rentrer en Soi's album "Yurikago". It has some great songs, some a bit more screamy(like Dir En Grey) and some softer songs. It is the only good album of the band IMO. I advice to avoid the newest album. That is such a horrible standard J-rock release. Didn't like it at all.

I liked Devil Kitty also for a few months, they were kinda similar, but more "nu-metalish". However, these kind of bands get boring really fast.

Oh well, I think Linak can recommend you more similar artists. She is more familar with Dir En Grey than I am

Ayy, I seriously can't find anything by these artists I'm really quite curious about 'Yurikago'.

@Darth Satanious
The original version of 'Mizerable' does have its charme. But to me it doesn't feel like they put more stuff in it for the sake of it, but when Gackt starts to sing, I agree that there is a little bit too much going on. But on other parts of the song the many different layers, the stronger guitars, Gackts pronunciation hahah, makes it more appealing, to me that is Oh yeah, I also downloaded the PV and the Making Of haha