The price of Oil
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Posted by Lupas, 24.05.2006 - 22:48
Some give the reason of this due the instability in the oil company regions especial in Iran , Iraq and most Easian countries. This will effect the economy of the whole world.
Electrical bills , petrol and many items realted to the "black gold" are raiseing up to reach an unexplainable prizes. It is about time that our world do somthing about this . I never hope that one day the oil prizes will be back . It is the time to use energy beyound oil, like solar or wind energy. Not to mention the nuclear energy, but this one is more dangerous form of energy, although with modern technology , safety had much improve.
But still solar or wind energy are costly to produce energy. In this thread lets talk about , if its true or not that the oil prize is rasing cause of the instability in Iran or just an excuse to earn more money in the task of the oil company?
Paganblood The Aryaputra |
16.02.2007 - 11:42
about 5 yrs back 1 litre of kerosene used to cost rs25 here, now it costs rs 50. The reason behind this is the corruption in the oil corporation of this place.
---- that which shines without names and forms...
Devolution |
20.02.2007 - 00:21
Well when i read the name of the thread i had an imagination about wars and things like that but i was disappointed when i read the contain of the thread. Anyway in our country oil is too expenisve and there is alot of factors in this rais, and you don't wanna hear about. But what i really think that the price of oil is the blood of every dead child in Afganistan , Iraq , lebanon and Palestine were killed by the hands of american and Israeli armies. When a whole war was made of a lie ( Dangerous Nuclear weapons in hands of saddam hussain dangerous on America and the whole world) (THIS war wasn't for Iraq's oil !!!!!!!!!!!!). To get the black gold you should kill and hunger thousands of people so ur "relaxed" community can have oil. Blood , hunger , occupation. This is the price of oil my friend.
---- None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Anthem |
20.02.2007 - 15:38
Remember when oil is adjusted for inflation it is quite a bargain. Those of you who complain about price of oil will have no problem buying a bottle of water at a cost of about$1.25 or the equivilant of $9.00 a gallon. quite ironic heh,
---- I swear by my life and love for it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor shall I ask another to live for me. John Galt
Lupas Maximus |
23.10.2007 - 14:30
Here we go again, above 90$
---- "For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
Ellie Account deleted |
05.11.2007 - 19:35 Ellie
Account deleted
I dont know..this is one of those global situations that leaves everyone helpless. I mean especially in America; there are few cities with a great public transportation system so most are left to buy cars. Its getting to the point where people are just deciding to buy new cars that use much less gas and they wind up paying for themselves. Anyways I think that all these oil companies care about is money and they havent a care of the welfare of the countries that they take it from. Its horrible because you cant not buy gas and oil if you have any type of car. We are forced to support these companies.
Lupas Maximus |
05.11.2007 - 22:24
@ Ellie : Yeah , well say ![]() We are living in a sick world , where only those who have money dominated it ![]() ![]()
---- "For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
4look4rd The Sasquatch |
09.11.2007 - 16:42
Luckly my homeland does not have majors problems with Oil, and this week they found an oil reserve that will increase its production by 40%, since it was already consider "self-suficient" (regarding oil) Brazil will now be exporting it.... And perhaps things will start to get better there, I really hope so I guess Mr. Bush will soon have a new target "Lets find Brazil's weapons of mass destruction!"
selken Irreligious |
16.11.2007 - 05:28
I don't have a car (and I don't expect to have a gas car ever) Here in my country (and surely in many others) the raise of the gas also raisen up the prices of basic things like food or clothes, and many people have really bad times because of it.
bucky01403 Account deleted |
26.11.2007 - 03:16 bucky01403
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If the money we spent on obtaining oil (Iraq) was used to find an alternative fuel source we'd be golden.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
05.05.2008 - 04:05 Written by [user id=19596] on 26.11.2007 at 03:16 I completely agree, countries like Brazil have already started and Incorporated alternate fuels in their everyday lives. I just cant see why our country the strongest Superpower cant compete with that or even does a considerable effort to. True its more expensive, but do we really have a choice considering Oil is running out and there is no way for the prices to drop because oil is becoming more scarce by the second.
bucky01403 Account deleted |
05.05.2008 - 04:38 bucky01403
Account deleted Written by Nighthowls on 05.05.2008 at 04:05 We have been, it's just not convenient yet for oil companies to start implementing these changes on a mass scale. As of now it's cheaper for them to import oil than it is to find an alternate source.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
06.05.2008 - 03:33 Written by [user id=19596] on 05.05.2008 at 04:38 That's what I'm saying man, They need to stop worrying about their fucking fat ass wallets and realize the magnitude of this. I guess the greed of man can also play a role in our downfall ![]()
kesh Account deleted |
08.05.2008 - 03:57 kesh
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On a lighter note, Oil prices are likely to go down. From certain sources i've been reading. Even The Times has picked up on this. It's became a stockmarket commodity that ppl automatically assume and have carried on assuming will always increase. Such as most thing, it's overrated. The reality is its as cheap as it was in the early 90's. The Saudi's are still heavily invested within US bonds, so even they can't play the game of bluff forever. PREDICTION: Oil prices will fall in 2 years time.. Forgot these panic $200 dollar a barrel indicators. Even the barrels themselves are cheaper, thanks to Indian steal oligarchs.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
17.05.2008 - 05:50 Written by [user id=1843] on 08.05.2008 at 03:57 How is it that Oil Prices will drop if Oil becomes a lot more scarce with each passing day? Well it has been since we first started drilling for it, but Its become increasingly more apparent now since The Saudi Fields are more than half way depleted. A bed that Stretches 22 miles across and 118 miles long if I remember correctly. To me that's Massive. Today I overheard a report we're Bush asked Saudi Arabia to export more Oil to the US in order for us to come out of our recession. Just My Opinion, I think that man is plain Stupid. How are Oil prices gonna Drop if we're running out of sources to extract it from. I mean that shit takes 100's of Millions of years to form. I think its only gonna rise because its just becoming too scarce, and we need and depend so much on it that Companies and countries can put pretty much any price they want, and I don't think they'll be too worried about their economy if they are one of the few countries with Crude.
kesh Account deleted |
06.06.2008 - 03:45 kesh
Account deleted Written by Nighthowls on 17.05.2008 at 05:50 When something becomes too expensive we find an alternative. The Western, developed world of the 70's used alot more oil, we in Europe for instance use about 50% less as a ratio then before the oil rises of the 70's. Ppl had to use alternatives for energy creation, such as France going 90% Nuclear, more efficient cars (look at how Formula 1 suddenly brought in restricting limitations to improve mechanical excellence) etc. Prices are just about as high today as they've ever been if you include inflationary factors. We in the UK can't relay on our oil & gas forever, so we'll go nuclear. Americans will use up everybody elses oil before tapping into Alaska (US can because oil is traded in dollars) but still be buying smaller litres cars in future, europeans could go a step furthur and drive hybrids. Asian middle class the same. Though they need alot of oil to make the developed world things.
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
06.06.2008 - 20:53 Aei Ontos
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Well, a lot is already developed, but using plants to get energy from makes the food only more expensive. It helps much more to stop buying shit we don't need (like two computers or a huge car for you alone) and care less about our image. Like, I have 170 cd's, you all will probably have a lot of cd's. but lately, I wondered, how much oil did this cost? Just some stupid cd's. I don't keep my computer on all night downloading all kind of stuff while I am fast asleep. Any idea how much energy that costs? Another thing, I have heard that every search with google takes 1.5 tree. That is pretty big bussiness, and takes a lot of energy. I don't think that we should move on with these things. If you want to reach the goal that we all use less gas and make that noone needs to die by starvation, just for our cars to drive and all the luxury we want, we need to reconsidder our ways and start small. With ourselves. Once in 2 days shower, not 3 times a day, take our cycle if we don't really need to drive, there are already some small things we all can do.
Berfones |
10.06.2008 - 17:30
did you hear or see or whatever about yesturday's protest all over europe? huge highways got pretty much shut down by civilans who opposed the rise in the prise of oil, it was great, we need more of these things...
---- Thine truly,ancient evil overlord
OneSnareHit Account deleted |
21.06.2008 - 02:24 OneSnareHit
Account deleted
Very hard to live this way... I use buses from now and there also expensive. The rich still drive fuel wasting cars, like Humvee.
Black Winter |
21.06.2008 - 19:54
This simply can not go on like this,these prices are crazy, I live in a town on the Algerian/Tunisian Border,Algeria is a big oil producer so everyone in here is buying illigally imported fuel from Algeria,in my house we have dedicated a space to store fuel,hundreds of litres.Luckly the authorities are cool with this idea since it's the only good way to get gas in a reasonnable price,the price of algerian fuel is half the price of the fuel in gas stations in Tunisia,for how long can this situation go??I don't know!
---- Once the people decides to live, destiny will definetly obey.. T u n i s i a F r e e !
owl |
01.07.2008 - 13:43 Written by Berfones on 10.06.2008 at 17:30 Here in Portugal everything got pretty much paralized by the truck drivers' strike. No fresh food in many supermarket shelves, no fuel in many gas stations, factories that stopped due to lack of materials... In the meantime, loads of vegetables and frozen food got rotten inside those paralized trucks on the roads. With so many people starving not so far from me, I found that a despisable thing to do. And guess what... gas prices did not get cheaper for the truckers, in the end. On the contrary, our main petrol company raised them the next day! So... what good did it do? Man has to learn to live with less petrol, that's all. There's no way we can stop the oil price escalade, no matter how much we protest. It's almost a natural, inevitable process, since it's a scarce energy source. We should use our oh-so-valued brains to put the alternatives we've already found to good use, finally.
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
01.07.2008 - 18:14 Aei Ontos
Account deleted Written by owl on 01.07.2008 at 13:43 and first be smart and use less.
Berfones |
01.07.2008 - 19:43 Written by owl on 01.07.2008 at 13:43 I wrote this before I saw the outcome, I thought it will have a greater impact on the government, and that the price will drop, but as you say it did not and so it was pretty much useless, but I think there should be more people standing up against the government and try to make a change, even if they do not succeed...
---- Thine truly,ancient evil overlord
owl |
01.07.2008 - 22:33 Written by Berfones on 01.07.2008 at 19:43 I understand whay you mean. Sometimes it's very hard not to protest when we see things getting rough on our side... I don't know how it works there in Israel, but over here people love to protest, to march on the streets, to put up strikes... when many times the answer to their problems could be in their hands, if only they were willing to DO something else rather than protesting. Not always, but sometimes they remind me of little children, yelling at their mother to get them a piece of cake, when they could go get it themselves, you know? ![]()
Berfones |
02.07.2008 - 11:23
I understand, but I see it as a start and not as a sole solution
---- Thine truly,ancient evil overlord
Valentin B Iconoclast |
13.07.2008 - 01:42
l predict that the price of oil will rise to more than 200 $ per barill(or whatever it's called) by the end of the year.
Judas The Amputator |
13.07.2008 - 11:31
I read a comparative analysis of petrol prices in various countries the other day, and how some countries make it cheaper for the consumer while others have tariffs and duties on it. All prices were quoted in Australian dollars ($1 AU = $0.96 US). The global disparity in prices is ridiculous! For example, in Venezuela, fuel is apparently subsidised so heavily by the government that it costs motorists the equivalent of $0.02/L at the bowser. Here in Brisbane, Australia, we're paying roughly $1.60/L, in Sydney and Melbourne I think it's around $1.80/L, while in Holland and the UK prices are through the roof at around $2.50/L. In the USA, I think it's like $0.87/L. In the oil-producing hotspots of Saudi Arabia and Iran, prices are around $0.12/L. How, how, HOW can people be serious about finding alternative, cleaner fuels when they are paying a pittance for petrol in their countries? It's hardly coincidence that European countries are world leaders in finding replacement fuels...
---- "Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
Pole Kitten Account deleted |
16.07.2008 - 13:35 Pole Kitten
Account deleted
that's right, in the US as i understand it tax is MUCH lower than the UK. I'm not an economist so i don't know why but i assume it's because they also have their own oil reserves which cater for over half their requirements and just subsidised by the middle east compared to the UK which has to import most of theirs. i will find it interesting to see how they develop new fuels for vehicles as at present everything developed is out of the price range of individuals on high let alone low incomes. electricity is useless as they require fossil fuels to work anyway unless they concentrate on nualear power which inevitably is what will have to be done and i don't see there's too much wrong with it in a practical sense. gas powered cars, wtf?? they don't think they'll run out of that as well then?! water seems the way to go.
LeChron James Helvetesfossen |
04.11.2008 - 20:02
Hooray for gas being below $3 a gallon for the first time in awhile. and i dont even drive.
---- Kick Ass, Die Young Less is More Stay Pure Stay Poor Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
nehrodwarf |
29.12.2008 - 16:12
... Sure! all begins when the oil exporters (countries of middle orient) started to control their prices, after that the price of oil rised too much. This lead the USA, UK to make a conspiracy, named him of terrorists (in a way could be true, they really rised too much the prices). They (USA, UK) created a history telling that the "arabians" are some of apocalipt plagues, and the "arabians" must be beaten. So the people (hipnotized) trust that like true, and, I don't know how, happen 11th september attack (Coincidence). This started the oil war.
---- In this life you can choose what kind of ave to be: a chicken or a phoexix. I choosen be a phoenix, cuz' I'm rebirthing from ashes Ps: my website it's:
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
29.12.2008 - 17:25 Written by LeChron James on 04.11.2008 at 20:02 Here you pay around 10 dollar per gallon so I really don't know why the Americans are crying about the oil price ![]()
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996