Diablo 3
Fhuesc |
28.06.2008 - 20:46
Finally after all these years of waiting, Blizzard has officially release the first trailer of these glorious/timeconsuming game. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/35661.html There was also a gameplay trailer, but now i can't find it, i suppose i was not meant to be shown so it was removed.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Remus |
28.06.2008 - 21:43
Oh no, why can't blizzard spend their time developing something like Warcraft 4? Granted, Diablo 2 was pretty captivating and i will make sure to give this game a try when it eventually comes out!
---- Procrastinate, NOW!
Varegan Hamranakara |
28.06.2008 - 23:04 ![]() ![]()
Twilight IntepridTraveler |
30.06.2008 - 18:13
Yeah, this is terrific news! ![]() http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/ <- For more information! There is a cinematic and a gameplay trailer available already. I must say the cinematic is beautiful as usual. ![]() I do hope there will be more than five classes available (which is planned now). Barbarian looks great, but I have some doubts with the Witch Doctor. Although he can probably be really cool as well.
Fhuesc |
30.06.2008 - 18:58 Written by Twilight on 30.06.2008 at 18:13 Yes, the witch doctor looks kinda lame to me, i hate characters that can't fight by themselfs.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
K✞ulu Seeker of Truth |
30.06.2008 - 20:19
really looking forward to this one. I haven't played Diablo 2 for such a long time. I still consider it the best RPG ever made. Hope this will be a decent follower. The screenshots look sweet; the game will probably need a good graphic card. So the release date is unknown?
---- Savor what you feel and what you see Things that may not seem important now But may be tomorrow R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner Satan was a Backstreet Boy
Twilight IntepridTraveler |
30.06.2008 - 21:06
Blizzard always expects very long times to develop a game. Starcraft 2 was announced like, eh 2 years ago? Maybe even more. And is still not released. So Diablo 3 will probably be released 2009 or 2010. So control your enthusiasm. ![]()
Fhuesc |
01.07.2008 - 03:27
Twilight is right, Diablo 2 took 3 years after their announcement. WoW took also 3 years. So 2010 o 2011 are more probably than 2009.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
K✞ulu Seeker of Truth |
01.07.2008 - 10:10 ![]() ![]()
---- Savor what you feel and what you see Things that may not seem important now But may be tomorrow R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner Satan was a Backstreet Boy
Varegan Hamranakara |
01.07.2008 - 15:01 Written by K✞ulu on 01.07.2008 at 10:10 but they have no bad game in their history, its simply because they don't make hast in releasing games. but I'm sure they have canceled Star Craft Ghost project, because it was goin to become a bad game.
K✞ulu Seeker of Truth |
01.07.2008 - 15:59 Written by Varegan on 01.07.2008 at 15:01 Yes, I do agree that their games are cool. I don't know about all games by Blizzard, but Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo are just cult game series compared to EA who release a new NFS and FIFA every year. And have of them suck.
---- Savor what you feel and what you see Things that may not seem important now But may be tomorrow R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner Satan was a Backstreet Boy
terrorist |
15.06.2009 - 10:07
This game is going to be great!!!I've seen the trailer and i know it's awesome!!!
---- Will the ones who live after our end Worship the goddamn cross again? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnlG0h7YN_8&feature=related
__SpOO__ |
15.02.2011 - 21:31
Just received my Diablo Battle Chest while waiting for Blizzard to finish their work @ Diablo III. ![]() ![]() ![]() \m/
---- I was blinded by a paradise. Utopia high in the sky. A dream that only drowned me. Deep in sorrow, wondering why. Oh come let us adore him. Abuse and then ignore him...
terrorist |
12.05.2011 - 19:03
When will Diablo 3 be finished??C'mon already,i want to play this shit right now!!!
---- Will the ones who live after our end Worship the goddamn cross again? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnlG0h7YN_8&feature=related
Jaeryd Nihil's Maw |
15.01.2013 - 04:43
Too bad this game was really disappointing. I mean, I enjoyed it, sure, but it wasn't as great as it should've been for 10 years of development. The thing is, whilst I was still in the middle of playing it, my wife wanted me to install the first 2 on my computer again so she could play the whole series. I was only a kid when the first Diablo came out, and it turns out I had still never beaten it. I installed it and started a new character to make sure the game worked--quite hurriedly so I could get back to Diablo 3. After I loaded up that game, though, I had to try going down into the Cathedral so I could remember what it was like. A couple days later, and I had beat the game. That's right. To a relatively new player, Diablo 1 is still so much fun that a 2012 blockbuster like Diablo 3 isn't enticing enough to pull me away from a game that was released in 1996. That says a shit-ton about the quality between games. The nostalgia factor was sort of there, but I grew up mainly playing Diablo 2, and had hardly ever touched the first one. It was practically a brand new game to me. Anyway, I beat Diablo 3, but I'm not sure I'll ever really touch it again. Diablo 1 and 2 are still on the table for me, though. On a mostly different topic, I really wish they didn't cut this song from Diablo 2: