Original post
Posted by Unknown user, 17.05.2006 - 06:10
Finntroll are a Finnish band with vocals in Swedish; they combine metal and traditional Finnish humppa (polka). Their lyrics are generally about trolls and trollish activities--such as beer-drinking and casual violence, like massacring Christians.
The band has gone through quite a few trials, among them, the guitarist Somnium either falling or jumping off of a bridge and meeting his death, and the original vocalist Katla's early retirement due to a tumor in his throat which rendered him unable to sing. Recently, Wilska, the vocalist who followed in Katla's footsteps, has been fired from the band, and a Mathias Lillmåns hired in his place.
Anyway, let further Finntroll discussion begin!
totaliteraliter |
28.03.2008 - 00:54 Written by Fhuesc on 27.03.2008 at 22:49 Actually I gave the Opeth a 4, but thanks for looking. ![]()
MétalNoir Fils du Lys |
27.07.2008 - 05:18
The problem with Visor om Slutet is that Finntroll fans are metalheads and Visor om Slutet is Folk. Those of us who are metal to the bone can't possibly love that album just beacause it's Finntroll. What I mean is, if some unknown finnish folk band had released VOS, no Finntroll fan would ever had paid any attention to it... Except if they like finnish folk music. Personnally, I bought it because I love Finntroll AND because I love accoustic guitar and folk. The trollish atmosphere is still there, the melodies are like other slow-tempo Finntroll stuff, but it's NOT metal. And hum... totaliteraliter, you really rated Fiction 2??? Are you totally crackpot or just busy posing as some superior enlightened snub? No offense.
---- Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
Tórnach Account deleted |
27.07.2008 - 12:41 Tórnach
Account deleted
Finntroll is a great band. They have a few shitty songs, but then a lot of awesome ones. Trollhammaren is my battle anthem ![]()
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
28.07.2008 - 04:35 Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
They're coming around again in winter here so I'll get to see them for a second time ![]()
MétalNoir Fils du Lys |
28.07.2008 - 05:27
As a matter of fact, they're coming in ol' big Canada sooner, dude. I'm gonna see them in Montreal on August 26th! ![]()
---- Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
28.07.2008 - 06:20 Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
You're right...they're coming next month...
Thunderdrake |
04.08.2008 - 04:44
I can't wait to see Finntroll live come September. Definitely one of my top three favorite bands. The songs Slaget Vid Blodsalv and Kitteldags are my favorites. And no matter what anyone says, their new album is just as good as any other album they've made, imo. ![]()
---- For Metal!!!
AGud Account deleted |
20.08.2008 - 01:26 AGud
Account deleted
I just discovered this band today, actually. Some of their songs are too heavy for me, but I love the lightness of a lot of them. Anyone have good tips as to which songs to check out?
VPeter |
21.08.2008 - 04:16 Written by [user id=34438] on 20.08.2008 at 01:26 Grottans Barn, Det Iskalla Trollblodet, Under Varje Rot Och Sten, Aldhissla, Vargtimmen, Rivfader and Korpens Saga are good some what softer songs.
AGud Account deleted |
21.08.2008 - 16:41 AGud
Account deleted Written by VPeter on 21.08.2008 at 04:16 Great! Will certainly check them out! :-) ![]()
Janne Hugin |
26.08.2008 - 23:03 Written by Thunderdrake on 04.08.2008 at 04:44 as good as others? it's not as good, it's better! Finntroll is one of that band which are not going downhill! (yet, and I hope they will never) I like all of their albums
X-Ray Rod Skandino Staff |
27.08.2008 - 19:52 Written by Janne on 26.08.2008 at 23:03 I disagree... The previous Finntroll album kick the shit out of their last one that didn't have that Finntroll feeling that I usually get from them. Except for En Mäktig Här... there wasnät any song that stuck to my head.
---- Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Janne Hugin |
27.08.2008 - 19:57 Written by X-Ray Rod on 27.08.2008 at 19:52 The intro is quite Finntroll feeling for me and Sang, Korpens Saga, En Makting Har are perfect songs, the rest of the album is very strong too.
LeChron James Helvetesfossen |
28.08.2008 - 00:33
Nattfödd is the only album i have of theirs so far, and im lookin to get more cuz Finntroll is worth having more of hahaha.
---- Kick Ass, Die Young Less is More Stay Pure Stay Poor Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
02.09.2008 - 00:18 Written by LeChron James on 28.08.2008 at 00:33 The novelty wears off dude, I went on a huge Finntroll kick about a year ago, bought their entire discog, most of which I rarely listen to at this point.
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
Thunderdrake |
04.09.2008 - 06:51
I don't know about that. Finntroll has a lot more than just novelty going for them (even though they do definitely have novelty value.) They have a definitive sound that sets hem apart. IMO, most of their songs have a demented humor so sharp you can't help but like it, mostly in the lyrical content though it shows in the music as well. (ex: Kitteldags. A song about the best way to cook up humans done in a bouncy, upbeat yet still metal style.)
---- For Metal!!!
Tórnach Account deleted |
04.09.2008 - 23:47 Tórnach
Account deleted
^Agreed. While I don't listen to Finntroll much any more, I think their lyrics are so awesome it's hard to get out of, and they've got a real individual attitude about 'em which keeps me coming back for more.
Stalker Lone wanderer |
04.09.2008 - 23:56
I dont know. I think I first time heard Finntroll more than 2 years ago, and I still listen to them when the mood comes. I have Nattfod and Jaktens Tid, and Visor om Slutet... I like them all ![]() ![]()
Fhuesc |
05.09.2008 - 06:48
Yes, i don't think it's a trend, their songs are funny and the folk it's catchy as hell, when i'm on the mood i start dancing.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Number Juan |
17.03.2009 - 05:39
Been listening to Finntroll lately. I thought their 1st album was really good: a good mix of epic folk with black metal elements. However, Jaktens Tid and Visor Om Slutet are both kinda disappointing. Jaktens was kinda faceless and a had a bit too many pointless songs in the middle. Visom was just a bunch of acoustic stuff that I did not like. A few good songs and a bunch of useless interludes. I am going to listen to their next few albums. Hope they get better.
---- A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. - Bertrand Russell
Fhuesc |
17.03.2009 - 07:32 Written by Number Juan on 17.03.2009 at 05:39 Visor was horrendous, like i already said i understand what was going on that time, but that doesn't make any better that album/EP. The next album, Nattfödd, is their best in my opinion. Also Trollhamaren is an excellent EP.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Janne Hugin |
17.03.2009 - 16:56 Written by Fhuesc on 17.03.2009 at 07:32 I can enjoy Visor if I have the mood, it's not bad just different a bit.. For me their best album is Jaktens Tid and my favourite song is Midnattens Widunder.
Mourningstar Account deleted |
07.04.2009 - 11:40 Mourningstar
Account deleted
I can still remember about the first time I heard Trollhammaren, I was like 11 years old and it became my fav. song then,I listened it everyday (and I still listen it very often.) Finntroll is a great band, they got some awesome atmosphere around them. When I put on a Finntroll album I still think ''Wow this stuff is great!''. It is never boring. So yeah, they're one of my fav bands.. I went to the DVD concert and it was so much fun! I hope it comes soon ^^
Gigginova Account deleted |
08.04.2009 - 03:30 Gigginova
Account deleted Written by Janne on 26.08.2008 at 23:03 Well I'm glad you guys like it. I can't stomach their latest vocalist ![]() Damn they were so great with Wilska too!
bard |
08.04.2009 - 04:52
Hah, I actually listened to two Finntroll albums today. Such a great band, probably the one that got me into European metal. I still stand by my extreme favor of Visor om Slutet, which is yes filled to the brim with strange interludes and atmospheres. In my opinion, these atmospheric moments in and between the songs are what make Finntroll really stand out from the clutter of other more generic folk metal bands. When it comes to the Finntroll song structure, you never really know what's going to come next, be it a swampy keyboard solo, a folksy yoiking session, or an acoustic regression into a darker atmosphere... I guess what I'm saying is that as long as some people really feel and appreciate what is going on in that album, then there's really nothing wrong with it. And on the new vocalist, I'm not entirely fond of his sound either, but apparently he is a big hit with the ladies, as I tend to hear every time I bring them up, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's bringing them bigger crowds--which may or may not be a good thing.
Beowulf |
08.04.2009 - 16:32
I have 4 of their albums the first of which i bought 2 years ago and to this day i still listen to them pretty often. I think their new album is great but i do think the new singer is less trollish sounding then the others. I agree with Bard about Visor om Slutet, along with the other albums, you have to look at it like a story because alot of it is more then just music.
LeChron James Helvetesfossen |
23.04.2009 - 23:37
Their cover of "ending" on Windir's compilation album is sensational. its an extremely Finntroll song but still keeps the basis of Windir's song intact.
---- Kick Ass, Die Young Less is More Stay Pure Stay Poor Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
Ellrohir Heaven Knight |
24.07.2009 - 10:02
The very best song by Finntroll must be Slaget Vid Blodsälv and together with this video it is hilarious ![]()
---- My rest seems now calm and deep Finally I got my dead man sleep
Fhuesc |
24.07.2009 - 20:26 Written by Ellrohir on 24.07.2009 at 10:02 great video, i laughed so hard.
---- Hasta la victoria, siempre! Until victory, always!
Janne Hugin |
25.07.2009 - 18:20 Written by Ellrohir on 24.07.2009 at 10:02 yeah, that vid is in my favourites for some time now ![]() ![]()