Anorexia Nervosa - The best to ever crawl out of France?
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Posted by Unknown user, 19.05.2006 - 16:00
As the topic says, I thing AN is the best musical related thing to ever come from France.
Its a great band, with some really heavy songs. I think "The Drudenhous Anthem" is my all-time greatest AN song, and for thouse who have'nt heard it. Go to -> media and download it free

Now, what do you other people think about Anorexia Nervosa?
Khaldi |
23.11.2008 - 09:47 Written by matos on 19.11.2008 at 19:53 It's a fully shit ![]() I do not understand why Heidmarr leaving Anorexia ![]() and i do not know when i can read any information ((
---- Urartu is a NeoHittite and ProtoArmenian kingdom !!
+{Jonas}+ I R Serious Cat |
20.11.2009 - 03:21
Well I discoveredthis band thanks to teh Randm album here in MSN, and I must say I reall like it "Drudenhaus" and "New Obscurantis Order" being my fav albums. Super fast, symphonic and with the amazing BM growls, I find this band really amazing. I remember when I listened to them for the first time on the Internet, wearing my earphones, I said "Holy shit that's some heavy stuff" My dad look edat me and was like 0_o
---- "Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
Bitter Dawn Ave Sathanas! |
20.11.2009 - 07:13 Written by +{Jonas}+ on 20.11.2009 at 03:21 Ha, nice one man! I have a couple alleged later albums by this band and it sounds nothing at all like their previous releases, the vocals are almost death metal like..actually, most of it is death metal like, it's terrible. I was really into Anorexia Nervosa for a while, still listen to them every now and then but, they do kind of remind me of a French version of CoF, not quite as cheesey though. Despite that the original post to this thread is over three years old, I can profess that AN is not the best to ever crawl out of France. Some other amazing and imo better French BM are: Otargos, Antaeus, Hell Militia, Pensées Nocturnes, and plenty of others... I need to start labelling my discography so I know what countries the bands I have are from.
MétalNoir Fils du Lys |
21.11.2009 - 02:24
AN is indeed fucking heavy, but I don't think they're Death metal... Their BM base is a fast and melodic kind of BM, but it remains Black Metal to the core. AN played with brio the kind of Symphonic BM CoF and Dimmu Borgir try to play without success. Don't take me wrong, I love CoF and DB, but they're not BM anymore, while AN remained true to Satan all along. AN is probably the heaviest band I really like: the guitars, the drums, the dark symphonies and the vocals (Satan! The vocals!) are so extreme, it makes my ears bleed. I love to listen to AN in my earphones with the volume at max when I'm in a crowded place, so everyone is like ![]() ![]()
---- Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
ItalktotheWind Wood Troll |
30.11.2009 - 08:54
There are a lot of bands from france that are just as good AND better. Those include Deathspell Omega and Blut aus Nord to name the obvious ones.
---- "A witty saying proves nothing." -Voltaire
The Turbanator |
08.05.2010 - 02:07
The best thing from France is obviously Blut Aus Nord.
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
Rekkuza |
15.05.2010 - 01:11 Written by MétalNoir on 21.11.2009 at 02:24 I agree completely! They are definitely one of the most intense and brutal black metal bands I have ever heard! I don't believe they are active anymore, 'tis a shame.
Lord_Regnier |
16.05.2010 - 21:00
I hate Anorexia Nervosa, mostly for their retarded lyrics (especially if you can understand the french parts). I think the only French metal band I like is Massacra (first 3 albums). Also, the French Black Metal scene is the most overrated BM scene of all.
---- "Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
The Turbanator |
17.05.2010 - 00:16 Written by Lord_Regnier on 16.05.2010 at 21:00 Really? To name a few : Alcest Aldaaron Blut Aus Nord (Children of Maani, The Eye) Deathspell Omega Dwellers of the Twilight Mystic Forest Nocturnal Depression Peste Noire The Foetal Mind And I though French BM scene was underrated!
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
Lord_Regnier |
17.05.2010 - 01:03 Written by The Turbanator on 17.05.2010 at 00:16 Not a single one I like. What I dislike of the French BM bands is, in general, they sound like shit and their songs are just a chaotic mess, no structure. Pointless noise.
---- "Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
17.05.2010 - 01:23 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted
Sounds like a personal problem to me, rather than a region specific one.
The Turbanator |
17.05.2010 - 01:31
^^ Yeah most probably that. If French BM bands are , in general, sound like shit and their songs are just chaotic mess, no structure.. then you should really start thinking twice about the genre you're listening to. Because, honestly (not because I'm bias), Blut Aus Nord has the best 'structured' albums in BM history, for me. And they're French.
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
17.05.2010 - 01:41
Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord chaotic, unstructured, pointless? ![]() Hell I can understand such a thing coming from an avid Euro Cheese Flower Power fan but not from someone who says he loves black metal.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
17.05.2010 - 01:43 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted
He also seems to be working from the assumption (or rather generalisation) that all French bands sound the same, as if France has a particular, specific sound, which really isn't the case. Part of France's appeal is the individual talents of each of the better bands coming from there, Blut aus Nord and DsO probably being the strongest.
Lord_Regnier |
17.05.2010 - 01:49 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 17.05.2010 at 01:41 Deathspell Omega is a good example of pure chaotic mess, as far as I'm concerned. I get bored of it in no time. I like lots of BM bands. It just happens that some kinds of BM have no appeal to me. And the French bands generally play a kind of BM that has no appeal to me, no matter what kind of BM subgenre you could put them in. I have always been extremely picky even from genres I like. I know there are different kinds of French BM bands but I've never been able to find a band I enjoy.
---- "Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
17.05.2010 - 01:52 Written by [user id=4365] on 17.05.2010 at 01:43 Exactly it boggles my mind as well. I find it impossible to compare band such as Anorexia Nervosa, Seth, Arkhon INfaustus to bands such as Mutilation, Belketre, Ad Hominem, Anteaus, Hell Militia, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Lord_Regnier |
17.05.2010 - 01:53 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 17.05.2010 at 01:52 Re-read my last post and you will understand.
---- "Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
17.05.2010 - 01:56 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 17.05.2010 at 01:52 Heck, even just looking at Blut aus Nord and DsO alone they've covered something like 5+plus styles between them.
The Turbanator |
17.05.2010 - 02:03 Written by Lord_Regnier on 17.05.2010 at 01:49 Don't mind listing a few bands that you listen to?
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
Lord_Regnier |
17.05.2010 - 02:47 Written by The Turbanator on 17.05.2010 at 02:03 Absu Bal-Sagoth (Only "A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria", the rest is too cheesy) Bathory (first 4 albums) Battle Dagorath Blinded By Faith Carach Angren Catamenia (first 7 albums) Cryptic Wintermoon Darkthrone (but not their DM stuff and not anything after "Transylvanian Hunger") Dissection (But not "Reinkaos") Gates Of Ishtar Greifenstein Hellsaw Immortal Krallice Lord Belial Mithotyn Nocternity Pagan Hellfire Sacramentum Satyricon (not anything after "Nemesis Divina") Spirit Of The Forest Summoning Taake Ulver (only "Nattens Madrigal") Winterdemons
---- "Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
Bitter Dawn Ave Sathanas! |
17.05.2010 - 13:41 Written by Lord_Regnier on 17.05.2010 at 02:47 I'd say Krallice is just as chaotic, if not more so then Deathspell Omega. To each their own though, I'm not a big DSO fan myself for the same reason of it being a bit too chaotic in structure. But, French bm is up there with Norway and Sweden imo.
The Turbanator |
17.05.2010 - 14:39 Written by Bitter Dawn on 17.05.2010 at 13:41 And Germany.
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
Mikyz |
17.05.2010 - 14:53
First, Deathspell Omega is a band that produces constructive yet chaotic music that's hard to digest, so I believe it's an album that's only properly appreciated with a trained ear. Last year, when I just started getting into BM, I considered DSO's albums to be a pointless mess but once my ears were adequately trained I started to enjoy their inhumane atmosphere. They just need some sort of effort from the listeners part, specially Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice because it's pretty fucking long 77 minutes. Also, I'm against people that underestimate the French Black Metal scene, I can name a few bands form the top of my head that any BM fan would definitely enjoy, like Mortifera, Peste Noire, Belenos, Blut Aus Nord, Nehëmah, (If you like something extremely chaotic) Diapsiquir, Antaeus... and of course Anorexia Nervosa which is a pretty solid band but far from being my favorite BM band from France.
---- Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
17.05.2010 - 14:58
Isn't there a French BM topic out there? I'm all for discussing French Black metal, but let's stick to Anorexia Nervosa in this one. Re-direct.
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
17.05.2010 - 15:00 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by The Turbanator on 17.05.2010 at 14:39 I'd say Germany and UK are more valuable then either Sweden or Norway right now, some stars of the UK being: Fen, Caïna, A Forest of Stars, The Meads of Asphodel, Winterfylleth, Wodensthrone, Thus Defiled, Basilisk, Archaicus (now Orpheus apparently), Skaldic Curse, Spearhead, Axis of Perdition, < Code >, Askival, Lyrinx, etc. Hmm, maybe I should make a thread on UKBM if there isn't one. (edit: I see there exists one already)
The Turbanator |
17.05.2010 - 15:50
^^ Yeah agree with the UK part. Not forgetting Primordial and Altar of Plagues. Also Lyrinx for the depressive people. I can't understand Lord_Regnier. He says French BM is chaotic and yet he mentioned Ulver's Nattens Madrigal album as his favorite? Am I missing something here?
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
Lucas Mr. Noise Elite |
17.05.2010 - 15:56 Written by Lucas on 17.05.2010 at 14:58
---- SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what? "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
The Turbanator |
17.05.2010 - 16:01
Sorry Lucas ![]()
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
17.05.2010 - 18:33 Written by The Turbanator on 17.05.2010 at 15:50 Those two aren't from the UK but from the Republic Of Ireland, which isn't part of the UK ![]()
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
The Turbanator |
17.05.2010 - 19:41 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 17.05.2010 at 18:33 Pahhhhh. Great Britain then ![]()
---- In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!