Spirit Crusher. Account deleted |
Spirit Crusher. Account deleted
Oh yeah, and one more thing: I appriciate this thread because IMO, for metal to prosper, the image and presence of religion must stay in it's composure and its own image. In other words, just because I am a staunch atheist doesn't mean that I want religion out of everthing (Just out of the influence of pretty much anything executive). Imagine slayer without religion... Lmao
Posts: 1312  |
awwww..there is no "agnostic" option  this thread sucks dude!!! lol jk m8  if you guys want me to explain why i am agnostic, then its cuz im one of those ppl that has to see to believe. I would like to know if religions are indeed true. would be reassuring to know if we'r going to have eternal happyness at the end of the road and stuff.. but theres nothing to prove it. so..i guess ill have to die to believe ;|
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
White Winter Sun Laboratory's Rat ElitePosts: 2198  |
Apparently I am the fifth Catholic who vote here. No don't burn me please
Dane Train Beers & Kilts ElitePosts: 8902  |
I voted Protestant because there wasn't one that said "Neo-Evangelical Christian Anarchist." One of the colleges I studied at (and am still at) is afiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), but I don't associate myself with their doctrine at all. But I am slowly leaning towards the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The EPC is probably going to be the denomination my church is going to be affiliated with as soon as I finish my seminary degrees.
(space for rent)
Damnated Churchburner
Posts: 4943  |
damn, i forgot the purpose of this thread....
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.
Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.
Insineratehymn Account deleted |
Insineratehymn Account deleted
Written by Damnated on 28.04.2007 at 15:31
damn, i forgot the purpose of this thread....
It's for you to tell everyone which religion you are and why.
Posts: 1312  |
Written by [user id=5630] on 29.04.2007 at 19:25
Written by Damnated on 28.04.2007 at 15:31
damn, i forgot the purpose of this thread....
It's for you to tell everyone which religion you are and why. 
erm i think he was being sarcastic dude
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
Insineratehymn Account deleted |
Insineratehymn Account deleted
Written by MadGatsu on 29.04.2007 at 20:21
Written by [user id=5630] on 29.04.2007 at 19:25
Written by Damnated on 28.04.2007 at 15:31
damn, i forgot the purpose of this thread....
It's for you to tell everyone which religion you are and why. 
erm i think he was being sarcastic dude 
I know, and I made an equally sarcastic reply.
Zombie, M.D.
Posts: 7390  |
How is mentioning satanism spamming? Its a thread asking what religion people are. Ridiculous... :
I fall into the atheist category. I just think the idea of there being an almighty omnipotent god (or any god, for that matter) is kind of crazy. The western idea of god makes no sense to me, how can you say god is omipotent and then acknowledge the existence of evil? If god was omnipotent there would be no evil.
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted |
Kap'N Korrupt Account deleted
I got dragged to a catholic church today...I'm usually dragged against my will...anyway, Zombie is SO RIGHT...so many things that the priest says is just such crap...God never makes much sense every time I get dragged...
Anyway, this one is pretty funny: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster
Pinusar Account deleted |
Pinusar Account deleted
I'm an atheist, probably weak, because I'm not entirely sure that there exists no higher power yet. I don't feel there is any higher power, also the fact that there are so many religions and they're all contradictory puts me off a bit, why should one of them be true? All seem to be made up by humans. I have also noticed some small contradictions in some religions but these don't really matter. I don't feel like there is any higher power and for me it seems natural that there is none, also if I were never exposed to civilisation I would probably know nothing about gods(maybe I would make up some gods to explain strange things but that doesn't count) so I won't start creating any illusions for myself that I actually believe. So far I have yet to feel the presence of some deity and although I know I might not feel everything that exists I better believe what I feel. I also don't like the idea of determinism etc. I know that not all religions are deterministic but they are still usually significant reductions of freedom(unless I agree with all the dogmas naturally).
Ernis 狼獾
Posts: 6817  |
Well....I say that this life is too shitey....so there needs to be something better out there....some Valhalla in the dark untouchable forest where life grows with a primeval force created by God himself....this simply needs to be there.....it's something that gives at least some hope...to live for it....
Stalker Lone wanderer
Posts: 2705  |
Written by Ernis on 04.05.2007 at 00:43
Well....I say that this life is too shitey....
Hey, life is too complex to be described with just one word!
Posts: 355  |
i voted 'other' 'cause i'm not sure if i belong to any religion, i dont believe in must of them wich i know, and those wich i still dont know, i dont think they would be different 'bout the ones i already 'know'  , i'm just not like very religious, it is absolutely not for me; i definitely dont believe in the religious institutiones, i'm suppose to be catholic but i dont believe in the vatican and its stuff, 'cause all the scandals most of us know, like sezual abuse cases, lies, and a lot of money that church makes, it causes me sickness to it; i dont understand why in mexico the majority of the people are catholics, perhaps they're like me, i just like the crosses, the idols(some of 'em), and that stuff; ... maybe i'm atheist.... wich i dont think so coz i just believe in god (just god, i havent picked a name if u ask me for it  ); and what about, 'jehova witnesses' gosh  , they just piss me off when they are preaching door-to door just teasing people, just nasty; and what about those religions that dont allow to do something, and u have to eat some specific food, dress like in one way, pray an specific number of times a day; man i cant stand that kind of stuff; i should better create my own religion(;D ); i'm not really into religion stuff, but what i know and see, everything is crap, just dont like it
p.s: i'm not surprise about many guys voted ' atheisth'; nowadays the religion is shit
p.s.2: no offense against nobody that still believes in any religion
Frost/bitten Account deleted |
Frost/bitten Account deleted
I consider my self catholic. Although my beliefs are slightly different to that of the catholic church.
Posts: 28  |
I vote as atheist because I cannot understand the idea of some higher power somewhere that can crush me whenever it wants  , just kidding. I really don't belive in any religion because I don't like others to impose me some kind of life style or moral rules, I have my own and I like them.
If I have to choose any religion I would be a really good Pastafarian (Beer Volcanos and factories of Strippers  )
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Posts: 3894  |
On paper Im Catholic, but the church is used as a pawn for politics in this country ( like every religion here ) so I detach myself from it completely.
Posts: 63  |
I voted Shamanism, just because I'm a pagan and that comes closest I think =) (BTW, "folk" is not a religion, but I guess you meant pagan religions with that, so I picked that one)
I don't really feel like stating all my believes here, but some key things are:
- I absolutely don't like organized religions, that includes christian, jew, islam.. (I was baptized and all that, though.. but that was something my parents decided, not me ^^)
- that means I'm pro-personal religion, you make up your own mind about what and what not you believe in, how can you ever really believe in something that's been imposed on you?
- I believe in fate, the fact that everything happens for a reason, and all is connected..
- I believe in combining opposites in one..
- I don't believe in 'gods' (or godesses for that matter) as images, all gods/godesses are one and the same anyway, they shouldn't be given names, but I do believe in some 'higher force', whatever..
As you might guess, I'm quite a religious person =) Not actively, but I think about these things quite often.
For I am so omniscient that if there were to be two omnisciences's; I would be both!
- Ziltoid
Posts: 1487  |
Written by MissRagnarok on 16.06.2007 at 10:36
- I believe in fate, the fact that everything happens for a reason, and all is connected..
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
Posts: 1312  |
Written by Hyvaarin on 17.06.2007 at 12:34
Written by MissRagnarok on 16.06.2007 at 10:36
- I believe in fate, the fact that everything happens for a reason, and all is connected..
Dude i guess its all about "faith"? If its not faith in a supreme being, then its faith in the way of "truly believing in something no matter what". I guess...
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
selken Irreligious
Posts: 949  |
Hey, a lot of atheist over here!
Telling why I'm a atheist is a hard question, well, I'm totally convinced that in the world there is so much evil and good people having bad times, bad people enjoying their crimes and so.
I cannot understand how an "all loving/powerful God" could let those horrible things happen.
I am a strong atheist and a "light nihillist", I think that life makes no sense at all, you must make YOUR life make sense, there's nothing before birth, so there's nothing after death...
By the way Kariasakis7, writing about satanism is not spamming, you must research about Laveyan and crowleyan satanism, they have nothing to do with "Satan, the enemy of God", instead they are materialist and egocentric religions, taking satan as a sole symbol, they are actually atheists too.
Rather than that, spamming would be posting "how can you believe in god..." or "how cannot you believe in god", since it's worthless to question a person beliefs, I'm not against organized religion, but I don't like when people left back more important things to focus in religions, that's all.
Posts: 1487  |
Written by selken on 21.06.2007 at 00:57
it's worthless to question a person beliefs
Not if those beliefs are harmful.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
Posts: 3894  |
I think every single belief and following should be questioned, criticized, and scrutinized until you find what works best for you. Religious beliefs, if you believe in them, will change you and will probably be a very altering experience. So one has to be sure what they are getting into no matter how attractive the beliefs sound because those beliefs if followed with conviction could alter your view on life and is a very big decision. Maybe its worthless to question somebody else who is stubborn and closed in their own beliefs, because a strong conviction wont change...but yourself always.
selken Irreligious
Posts: 949  |
Written by Hyvaarin on 24.06.2007 at 13:52
Written by selken on 21.06.2007 at 00:57
it's worthless to question a person beliefs
Not if those beliefs are harmful.
Pitifully, its still worthless, because some people have their beliefs so deep inside, that nothing will change their mind, for example, to kill in the name of God(see medieval Crussades, Jihad, etc), to destroy private property for religion (see Christ Illusion indian incident) and other extremist thoughts are taught from childhood.
Posts: 1312  |
Written by selken on 24.06.2007 at 20:54
Written by Hyvaarin on 24.06.2007 at 13:52
Written by selken on 21.06.2007 at 00:57
it's worthless to question a person beliefs
Not if those beliefs are harmful.
Pitifully, its still worthless, because some people have their beliefs so deep inside, that nothing will change their mind, for example, to kill in the name of God(see medieval Crussades, Jihad, etc), to destroy private property for religion (see Christ Illusion indian incident) and other extremist thoughts are taught from childhood.
Those kinds of religions make me sick. Just like the Kamikaze bombists. They should die, come back to life and i would kill them myself again for they dumbness and kill the ones that teach them as well
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
Posts: 69  |
Atheist was the pick for me. I have a hard time believing that a superior being that can't be seen is responsible for everything known to man. But, I understand that some people do believe that and if they want to, I'm not going to try to stop them. But I do hate it when people give me the "Find Jesus or suffer" speech. Just leave alone, I've never done anything to you.
oderint dum metuant
~IAMLEGEND~ Account deleted |
~IAMLEGEND~ Account deleted
I am Christian. I mean, even though I don't mess with the bible cause i know it's nonsense and I don't go to church cause i hate being around people, I do wish for a better life after I die.
Plus, I have to or i'll be an outcast and my family will kick me out if I say such things. I think a lot of people nowadays just use these religions as a fad. When will something not be a fad? Next thing you, everyone has fucking spoons fully bent around someone's wrist so they a bracelet that's a spoon. Or better yet, I would like to see drinking poison a fad cause I know I wouldn't do it, rofl.
Sry, that went off topic at the end.
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62465  |
Written by [user id=24690] on 05.07.2007 at 08:24
I am Christian. I mean, even though I don't mess with the bible cause i know it's nonsense and I don't go to church cause i hate being around people, I do wish for a better life after I die.
Same here but about better life me to and I realy belive there are Paradise and Hell, Purgatory and otherthinks and ewery boddy will go where he/she deserve and aslo bealive
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
~IAMLEGEND~ Account deleted |
~IAMLEGEND~ Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 05.07.2007 at 22:24
Written by [user id=24690] on 05.07.2007 at 08:24
I am Christian. I mean, even though I don't mess with the bible cause i know it's nonsense and I don't go to church cause i hate being around people, I do wish for a better life after I die.
Same here but about better life me to and I realy belive there are Paradise and Hell, Purgatory and otherthinks and ewery boddy will go where he/she deserve and aslo bealive
If thats so
*dreams of a giant arcade with panda ninjas and transformers* lol
Sleep In Sorrow Ghost Of The Sun
Posts: 1904  |
I'm agnostic. There are just so many options of religion, how should I know there's a right one? Especially when all or most of them have caused harm to people and/or hindered human development, and, well, some still are. Overall, religions seem more like a tool of control and oppression than anything else. Censorship, holy wars, hypocrisy, the inquisition, brainwashing, taking people's money, the social stagnation caused by beliefs such as karma... the list is endless. I can't trick myself as well as to believe in an afterlife either. I think just a big black void awaits us. Well, better keep expectations low. I'm not an atheist either, because I'm not saying there's no god, I'm just saying that, like MadGatsu said, I won't believe until I see it.
So I vote for "Other".
"It's not funny, my ass is on fire..."