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Magic The Gathering

Posts: 166   Visited by: 91 users

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Posted by Dreamwar_86, 15.01.2007 - 21:09
ok finally i made the Magic the gathering thread,, post here what u like of magic, what you dont like, cards you like, cards you want, strategies,combos, your own deks, and everything you want about Magic the gathering

i just tell you, my deck OrzhoBoros kick ass, Shadow lance, its the shit
27.11.2010 - 14:36
Retired Staff
Written by [user id=2084] on 26.11.2010 at 20:42

@Bas: I do agree with a lot of your points though...and I already had that infinite combo with along with a Myr Matrix...beleive me man, I've been playing MTG ever since it began and know what I'm talking about...I took the Lattice out of a deck where I make everyone's permenants artifacts and destroy them all...

Well if you think that combo is any good, I'm pretty sure that I know better than you what I'm talking about

As said earlier, I'm convinced that the only way any of my decks could ever lose against that combo is if I'm forced to mulligan to five with one land and don't draw a second one for ten turns straight.
Don't believe me? challenge me to an online game and I'll prove it
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
27.11.2010 - 19:46
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I'm sorry Bas, I tend to get my back up really quickly about everything and I don't mean it most of the time...forgive me, dude...

I would love to play you sometime, but I really enjoy the company of sitting down with people in real life and playing that way...the camaraderie means a lot to me...
18.04.2011 - 11:44
Hahaha, i remember this game. Sucked at it, the only adversaries i have ever defeted are : Mesa Pegasus & a druid.
True norwegian Dimmu Burger : zero tolerance to pickles must be issued!
18.04.2011 - 19:30
Written by Doc G. on 27.11.2010 at 03:37

Scars' sucked because building an entire set around artifacts is shit ass boring as fuck. Putting in a shit ton of artifacts is one thing, but having pretty much all the non-artifact cards abilities revolve around artifacts is just taking it too far. Maybe if this set was only 2 blocks I'd be able to not go fucking nerd-rage over it's conception.

man there are two new swords out and the third is surley going to own, so those 3 cards alone make the block nice, not to forget that 11/11 trample infect creature.

i am actually thinking of building myself a swords deck with like all the 5 swords 4times plus 4times puresteel paladin.
18.04.2011 - 20:03
Retired Staff
Lol that sounds pretty expensive. Estimate almost 500$ for 4 times the 4 existing swords. no idea how expensive the new sword will be, but the other 4 are 13-50$ a piece (the swords are sweet though, no doubt about that, except for the blue/green one, that one isn't all that interesting)
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
18.04.2011 - 20:05
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by baldur on 18.04.2011 at 19:30

Written by Doc G. on 27.11.2010 at 03:37

Scars' sucked because building an entire set around artifacts is shit ass boring as fuck. Putting in a shit ton of artifacts is one thing, but having pretty much all the non-artifact cards abilities revolve around artifacts is just taking it too far. Maybe if this set was only 2 blocks I'd be able to not go fucking nerd-rage over it's conception.

man there are two new swords out and the third is surley going to own, so those 3 cards alone make the block nice, not to forget that 11/11 trample infect creature.

i am actually thinking of building myself a swords deck with like all the 5 swords 4times plus 4times puresteel paladin.

And that's exactly what I mean. Any worthwhile cards in the set are artifacts. People bitch about Cold Snap being extremely limited, this is almost as bad.

Don't even get me started on the infect ability. There's some abilities I don't like playing against, and then there's some abilities I don't like having in the game. All infect does is basically cut the game in half. They broke magic with that one.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
18.04.2011 - 20:11
Retired Staff
I don't like infect either, but you can hardly say they broke the game with it. It's super annoying in limited, but in casual it's pretty sucky. I mean the only actually good infect creatures are Skithiryx, Phyrexian Crusader, Vatmother and the land. Everything else is overcosted and/or tiny
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
21.04.2011 - 08:16
Retired Staff
Speaking of the swords, the new one is kind of disappointing. Not really bad but pretty lame, was expecting something cooler :-/
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
06.05.2011 - 19:39
Retired Staff
After having seen the complete set multiple times now, I can say, that I like it waaaaaay more than Scars and Besieged
Tomorrow I'll be playing with it for the first time, so that'll be pretty fun.

Anyone else going to a prerelease?
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
06.05.2011 - 21:15
Space For Rent!
Not enough time for that
09.01.2014 - 23:23
Nihil's Maw
Wow, last post in 2011? That was quite a while ago. I just got into Magic a few months ago--my brother (whom I didn't know played the game at all) was modifying his deck, so I asked him how it worked. It explained to me how it was played, and then let me borrow a deck so I could play against him. Been hooked ever since, started playing the 2013 Duels of the Planeswalkers game on 360 (which I downloaded for Free games for Gold), until finally my brother bought me a 2014 Deck Builder's Kit for Christmas.

I'm now running a Dimir mill deck with cards like Mind Grind, Traumatize, Duskmantle Guildmage, Wight of Precinct Six, Consuming Aberration, and Jace, Memory Adept. It's worked pretty well for me so far. If I can't mill you to death, then Wight or Consuming Aberration will do tons of damage for whatever I did happen to mill. Just played against another brother of mine and another friend--who has been playing for years--in a three-way battle, and won twice in a row with that deck before we stopped playing.

Really glad I finally have my own decks though, 'cause before when I'd use someone else's, this is how I'd feel:
10.01.2014 - 05:22
Written by Jaeryd on 09.01.2014 at 23:23

Wow, last post in 2011? That was quite a while ago. I just got into Magic a few months ago--my brother (whom I didn't know played the game at all) was modifying his deck, so I asked him how it worked. It explained to me how it was played, and then let me borrow a deck so I could play against him. Been hooked ever since, started playing the 2013 Duels of the Planeswalkers game on 360 (which I downloaded for Free games for Gold), until finally my brother bought me a 2014 Deck Builder's Kit for Christmas.

I'm now running a Dimir mill deck with cards like Mind Grind, Traumatize, Duskmantle Guildmage, Wight of Precinct Six, Consuming Aberration, and Jace, Memory Adept. It's worked pretty well for me so far. If I can't mill you to death, then Wight or Consuming Aberration will do tons of damage for whatever I did happen to mill. Just played against another brother of mine and another friend--who has been playing for years--in a three-way battle, and won twice in a row with that deck before we stopped playing.

Really glad I finally have my own decks though, 'cause before when I'd use someone else's, this is how I'd feel:

MTG is the best card game ever. I've played off and on since a while. Isn't jace memory Adept the one that mills 10 for free every turn? that is quite mean to be on the receiving end of. The last deck I built was a Black, Red, and White enchantment deck (love those tri-colors) fast and aggressive with 3 dreadbores
10.01.2014 - 13:31
I bought a MtG Online account with a bunch of the starter cards, but I never got around to playing much. It was an impulse buy to relive my childhood, but to be honest it's just too much trouble to get into the game on the level it requires to be fun. So if anyone wants my account, let me know. An account costs 10 bucks, and I should have all the event tickets and booster packs intact, so I wouldn't mind if you offered like 5 bucks in exchange or smth.
15.01.2014 - 00:18
Nihil's Maw
Written by -DC-002- on 10.01.2014 at 05:22

MTG is the best card game ever. I've played off and on since a while. Isn't jace memory Adept the one that mills 10 for free every turn? that is quite mean to be on the receiving end of. The last deck I built was a Black, Red, and White enchantment deck (love those tri-colors) fast and aggressive with 3 dreadbores

Yeah, and Duskmantle Guildmage has an ability that activates for one black, one blue, and one colorless mana, which makes it so the opponent loses 1 life for every card that enters the graveyard that turn. That means if I have Jace and Duskmantle Guildmage on the field, they lose 10 life every turn. It's pretty cruel.

Even more cruel is if I have Traumatize and 8 available mana--3 for Duskmantle Guildmage's ability, plus 5 for Traumatize--and they not only lose half of their deck, but they lose that much life, too. Depending on how big their deck is at the time, that can be massive. If they have a particularly huge deck, half of their cards could be around 30 to 40 at that time, which is an insane amount of damage to deal to another player.
15.01.2014 - 00:18
Nihil's Maw
Written by IronAngel on 10.01.2014 at 13:31

I bought a MtG Online account with a bunch of the starter cards, but I never got around to playing much. It was an impulse buy to relive my childhood, but to be honest it's just too much trouble to get into the game on the level it requires to be fun. So if anyone wants my account, let me know. An account costs 10 bucks, and I should have all the event tickets and booster packs intact, so I wouldn't mind if you offered like 5 bucks in exchange or smth.

I wouldn't mind paying $5 for an account like that.
20.01.2014 - 23:38
Written by Jaeryd on 15.01.2014 at 00:18

Written by -DC-002- on 10.01.2014 at 05:22

Duskmantle Guildmage has an ability that activates for one black, one blue, and one colorless mana, which makes it so the opponent loses 1 life for every card that enters the graveyard that turn. That means if I have Jace and Duskmantle Guildmage on the field, they lose 10 life every turn. It's pretty cruel.

Even more cruel is if I have Traumatize and 8 available mana--3 for Duskmantle Guildmage's ability, plus 5 for Traumatize--

That'd hopefully win you the game at that point, especially if you can activate Duskmantles ablility more than once.

Guiltfeeder and Mindshrieker (you can do the ability as many times as you can.) are cards I've used for mill deck, and they are mean! Black and blue have really good Kill/Removal to help out as well.