Original post
Posted by Bad English, 04.02.2007 - 03:57
2)Catholic alot of us comes from South America and South Europe
3)Ortodox - Well if you're Ortrodox in witch groop belonge Greek or Esater(Russian)
4)Muslim some of us are mislims to here

Please explain shiit or sunniit(dunno how spell corect in english)
Here are fiew ppl who shood belong here

6)Hinduism/Budism/Jainism/sinthoism explain something
7)Shaman/Folk if you belong here explain whit name and soemthing more
8)Atheist why?
9)Other Name whit out name dont post because its spam and Pklease dont vote if dont post

Sorry for short opening post nut I realy dunno what explain because IMO we dont need it here

Ok about me I dunno because I had a lot of blood mixes and I had all 3 cristian religions in family but well hmmm I ont wote not now I shood know more about my pats to vote

Ok I remove my previusly poll because I fogot judaism now I open t for new

Dont vote and mention satanism here othervise its be spam

In witch religious confesion/religion you belonge?
Total votes: 255
Kasper |
29.03.2009 - 21:14
It's quite simple for me, I don't believe in any religion. I find it ridiculous to think that someone watches over us - created earth - is sitting in the sky - whatsoever, lots of stuff to mention. We're animals who have gotten a slight amount of intelligence, so that we start imagine, create things, that other animals are incapable of doing. It's not like a cow is thinking "Shit, I forgot to pray today, man, I'm going to hell". - No offence to anyone by the way ![]() Guess religion gives comfort to people, makes them feel safe - which I think is the reason it was created. People wanted to have something to believe in. And stuff like life after death, nonsense. I mean, some animals, including ourselves, are aware of living in the present. The brain causes this, and obviously when the brain has no fuel, and goes dry, it will die. When that happens, we'll probably loose the ability to be aware of the present. We stop feeling, we stop seeing, we stop remembering, well everything stops. Bang - You're dead. It's all emptyness - enjoy the blackish ride - oh, you can't, you're dead. I'm kind of an atheist, I suppose? ^^ Anyway, this is MY opinion on religion. ![]()
---- "An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded"
THE_BLACK_GOD Account deleted |
04.04.2009 - 17:47 THE_BLACK_GOD
Account deleted
I voted for Atheist, cause I think there is not just one power in ones hand, its so funny to think like this. but if I was K7 I would write just Christian than to write its subgenres!!! it was better to add Pantheist and Pagan too
Ph0eNiX Fire from Above |
09.05.2009 - 09:19
Self styled Heretic, origionally Orthodox but I pretty much encorporated more into it than origionally intended. God's at the height of everything, angels are here there & everywhere and deities are all working under God (Think the feudal system) as long as they work for the aspects of "the Light". I believe it's all under one flag and has been. Dogmatic principles divide us from connecting the truths between the main scriptures of the world so we can get a clear view of how it's all built. Nothing really divides us better than the institutions and rules man put in place.
Daggon Underpaid M.D. |
11.05.2009 - 09:10
Atheist, because I just need to believe in myself to achieve my dreams, I believe in the power that one has inside, nothing mystic or magical, no, I'm talking about one's body and mind together as one. Religions divide people, make them kill each other for IMO (sorry for this, nothing personal) very stupid reasons. "If you'll bear with me, you'll fear of me" in other words, religions, please, don't mess with my life and I won't mess with your zealots. I share most of Sammeh's opinion by the way.
---- "Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
THE_BLACK_GOD Account deleted |
25.05.2009 - 13:44 THE_BLACK_GOD
Account deleted
I dont believe in Atheist votes, cause ppl who like metal think they are Athe but most of them arent, just pose.
MadGatsu |
26.05.2009 - 15:22
Sorry for this probably off-topic post, but until now i considered myself Atheist. My question goes to catholic people who are in this forum (and probably watch this specific topic): how is it possible to convert? I mean, how do you know if you "are now a believer" or not? I know its an odd question, but my girlfriend is a catholic (almost) die-hard person, and she wished i would become a praticant myself. I still dont fully believe in God, the Bible and all things connected with this religion, but maybe im starting to believe in it (a miracle did happen... i got to meet the most wonderful woman i've ever been with). Im a bit confused, i dont know if i "believe enough" to convert or not. I dont want to do this and then looked down at by other praticants just because they think i "did it as a favor" and im a fake or something. Maybe this is not the best topic for this discussion, so can someone redirect my post and warn me please? Cheers ![]()
---- Games don't make people violent, lag does.
Faust |
26.05.2009 - 16:43 Written by MadGatsu on 26.05.2009 at 15:22 Although your question is directed to the catholic people and I'm atheist I'd like to give you my opinion. I'll start by saying that your question is your answer, special the last phrase. I believe that good and sometimes improbable or hard to believe things do happen, just like they did happen to you, but that don't necessarily mean that its doe to some religious or spiritual reason, i usually see people associate this good aspects of life to religion and its usually the religion that they are more familiarized with (for cultural or geographic reasons). In your case, and anyone else, i would make sure that your doubts don't have more to do whit the desire to please your girlfriend and with the euphoria of happiness then the fact that you are starting to convert and believe in the catholic religion, and why would be that and not some other religion? To have this kind of conversion its necessary to really understand the ideas and meaning behind the faith, its not something to take light and to be caused by doubt. Anyway i suggest that you make her understand whats going in your mind and even if you don't convert that isn't a reason not to make her company during a religious ceremony, if that's so, it would only be a prof of your feelings and that your are willing to be whit her even in places you don't feel comfortable. I probably was a beat cold but that's just my opinion, hope it helps...
---- "May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you are dead"
Daggon Underpaid M.D. |
27.05.2009 - 09:01 Written by [user id=31891] on 25.05.2009 at 13:44 Oh surely you know something we don't know, wanna share with the class?
---- "Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
THE_BLACK_GOD Account deleted |
27.05.2009 - 09:26 THE_BLACK_GOD
Account deleted Written by Daggon on 27.05.2009 at 09:01 yes I know alot of ppl who want to say that they are very different hehe, but when it cames to a Force Majure situation they pray for god, oh plz god, Im scum hehe plz forgive me and save me from this situation. the weird thing is that why all Religionists have fear of death ! when there is a heaven for them and otherside why not dying young? its so better than this painful life so pray for die hehe
Daggon Underpaid M.D. |
27.05.2009 - 09:54 Written by [user id=31891] on 27.05.2009 at 09:26 You are a kind of strange and sick man you know? Nah, just kidding ![]()
---- "Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
Daggon Underpaid M.D. |
27.05.2009 - 10:02 Written by MadGatsu on 26.05.2009 at 15:22 IMO, if you love her, it doesn't matter if she is a very proud catholic, you will love here anyways, and you will respect her beliefs, so if she loves you, she should learn to respect your beliefs, because if you don't feel The God, inside of you, if you don't really believe in him, why wear that mask, both just need to respect each other beliefs and thoughts, even if the other one is not totally as we like, that is the great thing about a relationship. .Talk with her about this, if she doesn't respect that, then why bother? Even if she is so great with you, you don't have to change what you believe just to make her feel good. Well, is just my opinion, in the end you have the final word.
---- "Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
MadGatsu |
27.05.2009 - 11:35
Thanks for Daggon's and Faust's points of view. The fact is that i always went with her to church when im with her (she is Polish so when i was with her in there i went with her, when she was in Portugal i still went with her because i didnt want her around alone in a strange country ![]() The thing is, i always wanted to believe. I did "pray" many times (not like catholic people), wishing for things to change, blablabla. I mean, im not exactly sure that i do not believe either (or never did). Its confusing ya know...heh....
---- Games don't make people violent, lag does.
THE_BLACK_GOD Account deleted |
27.05.2009 - 11:59 THE_BLACK_GOD
Account deleted Written by Daggon on 27.05.2009 at 09:54 im atheist but, dont get me wrong. btw are u pagan?
Diabolos Space For Rent! |
27.05.2009 - 12:36 Written by Daggon on 27.05.2009 at 09:54 No sexy playboy models waiting for me either? ![]()
Daggon Underpaid M.D. |
28.05.2009 - 06:01 Written by [user id=31891] on 27.05.2009 at 11:59 It's really hard to understand you man hehehe, and no, I'm no pagan, I'm Daggon ![]() Written by Diabolos on 27.05.2009 at 12:36 mmmm aaahm ejem ejem cof cof, yeah man, lot's of them, and everyone working for Hookers, ejem, sorry, Hooters hehe ![]()
---- "Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
Torelli |
08.06.2009 - 00:12 Written by MadGatsu on 27.05.2009 at 11:35 I know that I'm a bit late in this discussion, but I'm kind of in the same situation. I'm currently searching for my belifes, but I have no effective method. However, I don't think konverting for the sake of love is such a good idea. I mean, were are talking about your core belifes here! Imagine that you would have strongly belived in hinduism and suddenly you give it all upp just for some girl that you may or may not spend your life togheter with. And it isn't exatly that you would be in favour of your "new" god as you don't belive in him, or entirely confident in your "real" religious belifies as you symbolicly distance you from it when you konvert. Either you and her accept your religous diffrences, or try to find other ways around it. That's my convicton anyway...
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
08.06.2009 - 00:44 Written by Torelli on 08.06.2009 at 00:12 Give up all because of girl n love(who dosnt exist) and giving up beliefs and fith because of it, well I betetr choose dieng how giving up something. Its not for me
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
MadGatsu |
08.06.2009 - 23:46
We all know where you stand k7 ![]() ![]()
---- Games don't make people violent, lag does.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
09.06.2009 - 01:09 Written by MadGatsu on 08.06.2009 at 23:46 I stand in my beliefs Man you gonna merry soon? Can I ne weeding party guest? Ye stheya re religius, remeber Poland history in 1945-1991 church was whit Polsih nation, close and emeotionl, if you saw movie about pope you will understand it, well cristainity and football hooligans(Lechia Gdansk) save Poland from comies and Poland is one of fiew EU lands who ban soem BM bands ![]() But isnt Portugal same religius how Polska?
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Torelli |
09.06.2009 - 12:05 Written by MadGatsu on 08.06.2009 at 23:46 But if they have accepted you allready, what is the problem? ![]() ![]() Have you got a method for your search of religion, btw? For me, it is the hardest point. Itsn't exactly that you can read in a religious scroll and suddenly realise that "yep, this is the one for me". Discussions have made some use for me, but the objektivity might be at stake when you talk to some clever person, particulary if you're found of her( big chance that you want to suscribe to that religion). ![]()
MadGatsu |
09.06.2009 - 16:30 Written by Torelli on 09.06.2009 at 12:05 @ K7: nope im not gonna marry soon.... i hope lol XD @ Torb: Well, they have accepted me obviously. But my gf and her family dream of the "perfect wedding" ya know, ceremony at church, big party after (well that we ALL like.. xD) and etc. The whole thing. I mean i told my gf i wouldnt mind to be in the ceremonial thing at church and etc, but what really makes her sad is that i dont *believe*, or that im not oficially catholic. I dont think i should think about religions, really. I already had many hard arguments because of religion with her...if i choose a religion and its not theirs, i can smell danger in the future....and for that, i rather stay as i am >< Anyway, my gf told me that even though she will accept me the way i am, she feels quite sad and sometimes even cried in church because she knows im not "going to heaven with her because im not religious" when we die, and all the yadda yadda..and it makes me hurt too to see her in pain like that... : So its a tough matter..
---- Games don't make people violent, lag does.
Elio Red Nightmare |
09.06.2009 - 16:57 Written by MadGatsu on 09.06.2009 at 16:30 Well, also supposing that heaven exists, I guess everybody there is happy for the reason itself of being thee, so yuor absence there shouldn't attack her feeling of joy. If she really fears of losing you, tell her to ocncentrate in the earthly life ![]()
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
09.06.2009 - 17:53
Mat - As far I know wedding in church is complicated you shood be batized there and all thinks shood be like church wants , reading your post I think I never ever merry , I hope so , main problem is gf family because be soemthing what makes her farrer from her family, I dont wanna do it , and going to hevane think, well then where are all brave greek n roman solders who fight for europe before BC? Where are Alexander n Leonidas. Church say those who hasnt batized dont go to heaven, but what hepen whit souls who died BC? Dont worry about it man
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
THE_BLACK_GOD Account deleted |
09.06.2009 - 17:58 THE_BLACK_GOD
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 09.06.2009 at 17:53 I thought you were christian, not ![]()
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
09.06.2009 - 18:07 Written by [user id=31891] on 09.06.2009 at 17:58 Yes I am
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
THE_BLACK_GOD Account deleted |
09.06.2009 - 18:09 THE_BLACK_GOD
Account deleted Written by Bad English on 09.06.2009 at 18:07 . Church say those who hasnt batized dont go to heaven, but what hepen whit souls who died BC? , this is a little against religion isnt it?
Arian Totalis The Philosopher |
09.06.2009 - 18:18
Why is satanism considered spam again? Isn't that just as legitimate as anything else here?
---- "For the Coward there is no Life For the hero there is No Death" -Kakita Toshimoko "The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
09.06.2009 - 18:28
TBG - thats what church says ,
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
THE_BLACK_GOD Account deleted |
09.06.2009 - 20:14 THE_BLACK_GOD
Account deleted Written by Arian Totalis on 09.06.2009 at 18:18 satanists as I know are Atheists, but maybe you mean Anti Christ Satanists who believe in god and want Satan to be the winner, yeah?
Torelli |
09.06.2009 - 20:24
@MadGatsu: I understand your problematique. Well, you got to do what you got to do. ![]()