Theory: Religion Causes War
Original post
Posted by {aud}devil, 19.09.2007 - 04:05
For millions of years, there have been wars. Difference of religion, i believe, is the cause of all major wars.
for example, The American Revolution. People have immigrated to the united states to rid themselves of religious prosecution.
also, the war in iraq. The american troops are merely aides in reform. The real war is between the sunnis and the shites.
Does anyone agree with my theory or am i nuts?
Branzig |
05.10.2008 - 19:05
The Crusades... Jihads... Thirty Years War... The French Wars of Religion... The current conflict in Iraq... Many of the conflicts that have arose in our world throughout the years had some kind of link to religion. People live for conflict, we are a brutal being (just look at our own communities choice in music, many of our favorites bands sing about conflict, gore, death, blasphemy...but that is for another thread ![]() It is easy to say that Religion is the cause of these wars, but is it truly, or just merely a motivator. Anybody who goes into the history of these conflicts will find that it is usually an individual, or a group of individuals, that start the initial push towards violence in hopes of gaining a personal benefit or gain (whether it be more land, power, respect, etc) . And what better way to rally people behind your cause than with something they have such a devout belief in, religion. It's a tough call for me. I am not a religious person, but I have took the time to study religions. I personally feel that religion plays a significant role in many wars, however; I do not directly correlate it with the cause of war. War is caused by people, which in turn use powerful beliefs/views (i.e. religion) to have people rally behind their cause. So I suppose my final thought of the situation is, no, religion does not cause the war. It is the people who are slanted/intelligent enough to psychologically abuse the people of as a whole, through religion, to join their cause and pick up arms, that cause the war... The man starts it, the theology motivates it.
---- In Grind We Crust
AiwiAstwihad AiryanaKhvarenah |
05.10.2008 - 22:18 Written by [user id=30512] on 10.06.2008 at 21:04 it doesn't invalidate your argument, even in that case just "they start to look at HIM funny and odd" NOT murder him or something. you wrote: "Don't you know that Israel is the land in the middle east with the highest level of human rights?" and yes, looking at the counties in middle-east, your assertion still stands. IMO Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestin, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE, Yemen. AND Quote: uhmmm...i know it all but never use it when arguing with an Iranian indivisual Cus the ppl (at least non-Muslims and even Moderate-Muslims) are victims NOT the tyrant... too offensive if you ask me.
---- You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness That you've not had to face
John Barleycorn Minimalist |
05.10.2008 - 23:10 Written by AiwiAstwihad on 05.10.2008 at 18:34 ok, so there maybe do exist some possibilities for argumentation. Still, you also seem to be quite vague here. I mean, what is meant by "religion" here in the first place? If it is defined as a belief system that is held over time to secure the unity and build certain us vs. them distinctions then maybe it could really be argued this kind of thinking would cause wars. But religion is hardly only that. And I know that you said "one of the reasons" but then for me the subject of this thread will still remain quite meaningless. It's almost hopeless to make any valid generalization over social phenomena, especially if the latter are so hard to define. Well, at least "religion" is. Also, if this generalization had any real meaning, then it should be possible to define certain falsification conditions for the proposition in question. Concerning the latter, only condition I can think of would be an existence of a pacifistic religious denomination. We have them in todays world. Ergo - religion doesn't cause war ![]() You also added that "it's not a simple causation, maybe a mutual effect, maybe a hand in hand relation". Very well, in that case I may easily agree with you because in social world anyhing can have effect on anything. And my point stillremains that the title of this thread is dumb as hell. One more point. I really don't believe that in most of the time it can said that religion is made by men to control society. Firstly, most of the world religions (as you see, I am also unable to give a definition) beside the historical ones are not stricktly made, in the sense of a conscious decision. And although religions can be strong factors in maintaining social cohesion, I am not sure whether the religious "experts" have this as their primary motivation when keeping up the tradition. It surely can be sometimes but again, the possibility of generalizing doesn't seem believable .
AiwiAstwihad AiryanaKhvarenah |
06.10.2008 - 02:00 Written by John Barleycorn on 05.10.2008 at 23:10 am i supposed to defend the title? ![]() ![]() there's a plausable corellation between war and religion but not neccessarily a causation IMO. i agree, it's hard to define the term religion meant in the title. for example Buddhism, has it ever provoked any war? but what about Islam or other Abrahimc ones? though i admit that without relligions there will certainly still be wars... (as far as i know) when Islam arose, there was no centeralized State in Saudi Arabia, only distributed tribes ruled by an elder, that era is known as Jahellie (barbarism) but as Islam spread, a relatively centralized government appeared in spite of vast ethnic conflicts (to gain power) and little by little they united and even dared to invade the Persian empire. that was the first phase...the second phase is that NOW they have a delusion of superiority and want to spread their new found doctorine and enforce it on other nations or despoil their property BUT they have to fight for it and fear of death may be a barrier that's when the third phase starts: the crusaders are good and the other side evil. religion makes the goods certain of their fascinating fate in heaven as a martyr and the evils terrifying destiny in hell and after all their freshly created omnipotent God is on their side and they fight for Him not themselves. therefore the crusaders (Mujahedin) fight to die while the defenders fight for their land and life... the crusaders win and interpret it as their God's gift to strengthen their belief... i'm currently reading Freud's "Moses & Monotheism", he sensibly explains the psychological insprations of all the attributes assigned to a Moses by jews to make him suitable to play the role of their Messiah and where Yahweh's characteristics are rooted... and no need to mention Christians Crusades/Inquisitions/... one more thing, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is defined as a Islam(good) vs. Evil in our TV everyday and the government uses the same excuse to support terrorism. without religion (Islam) serving as a intermediary how else could they fool ppl so easy by such a simple black/white classification? what except an afterlife in paradise can make someone explode him/her self for nothing? then yes i concur, religion seems to be more like an excuse or cover for other inspirations and there are several origins (possibly including religion itself) for any conflict to naively conclude: religion -> war
---- You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness That you've not had to face
m|standy Account deleted |
07.10.2008 - 10:24 m|standy
Account deleted
Maybe not millions of years, but the idea seems solid. Religion is simply a tool that wields fear and still has control of people to this day.
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
08.10.2008 - 22:13 Aei Ontos
Account deleted Written by AiwiAstwihad on 05.10.2008 at 22:18 So....? Is religion (possibly) a problem in the wars in and around Israel and is Israel maybe wrong?
AiwiAstwihad AiryanaKhvarenah |
08.10.2008 - 22:25 Written by [user id=30512] on 08.10.2008 at 22:13 isn't it obvious enough that i took your side on that argument? ![]()
---- You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness That you've not had to face
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
08.10.2008 - 22:33 Aei Ontos
Account deleted
The first part is clear, I just didn't understand the second part.
AiwiAstwihad AiryanaKhvarenah |
08.10.2008 - 22:44 Written by [user id=30512] on 08.10.2008 at 22:33 about the second part: when arguing with The_Black_God, you used that link showing how fuckin bastard Iran's regime is, ok, you're right but i meant you shouldn't have used it against an indivisual because he has nothing to do what the governers do, is it clear now? about the first part: i forgot to mention that i've asked another israeli guy in another topic which kinda approves your statements about the comarison between Middle-eastern countries: Written by Sunioj on 24.08.2008 at 10:08
---- You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness That you've not had to face
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
08.10.2008 - 22:51 Aei Ontos
Account deleted Written by AiwiAstwihad on 08.10.2008 at 22:44 I got it. Thank you very much.
Toast Account deleted |
11.10.2008 - 08:21 Toast
Account deleted
I don't think that only one factor is enough to ever cause a war. Someone could say that the Crusades were only for religion, but i'm pretty confident that as the military strengths of countries in Europe grew that they would go to war for more land anyways. Likewise with even world war 2. The Germans didn't just get manipulated by Hitler one week and decide that they wanted to kill so many of different religions, countries and races. It all started with the MESSED UP Treaty of Versailles which pretty much destroyed Germany's people, moral, economy, military, ect. It was this treaty that left the germans vulnerable, and ready to accept any leader (in this case Hitler) that promised to get them out of their mess. Many things must happen in order to cause a war, not only religious reasons.
Powerslavex Alexskywalker |
28.10.2008 - 14:34
I think religion sometimes can cause war, but sometimes it is used as an excuse to go to war "fighting in the name of god"
belisarius Posts: 222 |
28.10.2008 - 17:03
Personally i believe that religion isn't the real cause of war. the leaders of the nations at war have normally other reason (economical profit f.e.). only the people of those countries really think that religion is the cause and only they will fight in the name of their god.
---- I am a God in the deepest corner of my mind
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
29.10.2008 - 17:18 Aei Ontos
Account deleted
In the name of God you must die!!! (Neal Morse)
Deadmeat Necrobutcher |
07.11.2008 - 22:32 Written by Powerslavex on 28.10.2008 at 14:34 Agree. In todays wars I believe the most important thing is the stakes. Money. In Iraq and other non developed countries teh religion surely is a big factor in the decision of making a war, but when USA hit Iraq surely it was for money...
---- Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
Anthem |
21.11.2008 - 07:32
More people have been murdered in the twentieth century alone by atheism than all the religious wars of all time!! 1st world war...... 15 million Russian civil war .....9 million Soviet union .....20m 2nd world war .....55 million chinese civil war ..... 2.5 m peoples republic of China ..... 40 m Tibet by the chinese 600K korean war .....2.8 m Vietnamn .....3.5 m Cambodia / pol pot ..... 1.65 m etc....... Atheism/communism/totalitiarism/ all have ahtiestic values, they may use religious institutions but their ends justifiy their means. Wars of secularism far outway the wars of religion.
---- I swear by my life and love for it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor shall I ask another to live for me. John Galt
-Soulreaper- |
02.12.2008 - 21:17
Wars based on religion have been going back ever since the Roman republic and then a whole new branch emerged with Richard the Lion Heart trying to conquer Jerusalem for his god. In one form I agree that religion plays a big role in a lot of wars through out history but there have been numerous for causes such as land, wealth, power, etc. To say that religion and religion only, causes wars is untrue in my eyes.
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
12.12.2008 - 11:38 Aei Ontos
Account deleted Written by akatana on 21.11.2008 at 11:13 I find this very interesting ( I'm sorry for my late reaction Taka). When a catholic kills because he is a catholic and thinks it is neccesary for his believe it is a religious act, but when a communist or a nazi kills someone because he thinks it is neccesary for his ideology it is not an atheistic act. I think that the second world war was an atheistic war, so was the war in Vietnam, North Korea, Irak and many other wars. All the modern wars fought by first world countries are atheistic wars. A war has an ideology. Now the ideology is to bring democracy to people who don't want democracy. In earlier wars they wanted to bring equality (communism) or a united Europe (Nazis). The ideology is the atheistic (liberal/democratic) ideal. But it is not the ideal of anyone. Religion causes war, atheism is religion too.
Genghis Kal Account deleted |
12.12.2008 - 12:30 Genghis Kal
Account deleted Written by [user id=30512] on 12.12.2008 at 11:38 You can't have an atheistic (liberal/democratic) ideal. Religion doesn't even come into it. I agree that bringing democracy to countries was the aim of most modern wars (or so the country's who instigate them claim) but that is a completely political ideology. At the end of the day the second world war was a good old war of conquest, plain and simple, and had nothing to do with religion either (apart from some fanatical Nazi's who thought they were doing gods work). Theoretically you can have any political ideology and be of any religion. You can't link believing in nothing to any war that isn't of any other religion and thus say that war is religious.
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
12.12.2008 - 18:17 Written by [user id=2943] on 12.12.2008 at 12:30 What about Communists China's persecution, imprisonment, torture and execution of Christians? China was aiming to have an atheistic state which meant anyone of any faith had to convert or die.
---- (space for rent)
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
13.12.2008 - 18:56 Written by akatana on 12.12.2008 at 21:26 It seems you are assuming that people of a spiritual faith are defending the acts their religions have done in the past. That is not the case. When have I ever written here that I defend the various Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the witch trials, abortion center bombings, etc? Never. I totally and completely condone acts like that. That is not what Jesus taught, and acts of violence do not represent what the true nature of Christianity is about. Just as you say that atheism and communism and any other ideology is subject to misinterpretations, so is Christianity.
---- (space for rent)
Hyvaarin |
14.12.2008 - 10:52 Written by Dane Train on 13.12.2008 at 18:56 HE ADMITS IT, HE ADMITS IT!!!!!!!!!
---- "Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
14.12.2008 - 16:43 Written by Hyvaarin on 14.12.2008 at 10:52 How about you act a little more mature with this subject? Let me correct that statement, since apparently my spell checker changed it to the wrong word without me knowing. "Condemn" should be the correct word.
---- (space for rent)
Hyvaarin |
14.12.2008 - 20:04 Written by Dane Train on 14.12.2008 at 16:43 How about you lighten up. I was joking ![]()
---- "Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
14.12.2008 - 21:17 Written by Hyvaarin on 14.12.2008 at 20:04 Well it is very hard to tell when someone is joking or not through text on the Internet. Certain people on this site that I know rather well I can tell when they are joking, but I honestly don't know you so I can't tell if you are joking or not. Combine that with the fact that I receive a rather large amount of hate mail from Metalheads, it is hard for me to "lighten up" most of the time.
---- (space for rent)
Hyvaarin |
15.12.2008 - 00:59 Written by Dane Train on 14.12.2008 at 21:17 Fair enough. I was hoping all the exclamation marks and the sheer ridiculous of the post were enough but you can never be sure hehe.
---- "Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
15.12.2008 - 11:39 Written by akatana on 15.12.2008 at 08:55 Mmm, if I speak on behalf of Dane here. I think it has to do with the fact there are loads of so-called Metalheads who think Christianity and metal don't go together.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
16.12.2008 - 01:25 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 15.12.2008 at 11:39 Thank you Marcel, yes that is correct. "Tr00" Metalheads are offended by the notion of Christians using Metal to worship God with. I get many letters and e-mails from people who can't seem to understand how or why a Christian pastor would be into Metal. A year or so ago The Flame Within actually received several letters telling us to stop what we were doing or we would be hurt/killed, the letter was traced by the police back to a Black Metal band. In all honesty I am just here to serve God, spread love and talk about Metal.
---- (space for rent)
ponderer |
17.12.2008 - 17:41
Since when is a fact a theory? Almost every war that's ever been fought throughout history has its roots in religion. The only people in denial are those who use faith as a psychological bandaid to accept their own fate. The fact of the matter is that mankind evolved out of the primordial cosmic soup, and as we've (d)evolved we've created this idea of religion to pacify the masses into believing that something else is out there after death. Human beings have a difficult time accepting the fact that there's absolutely nothing after death except the great black forever. They need to believe in something and they'll buy almost anything, which proves they are a race of cattle, not enlightened beings. Where was religion when we first discovered fire and how to hunt and kill for survival? You won't find those chapters in the "bible". Religion was created out of necessity and greed and its foundation built on the blood of millions of innocents throughout history. War is an inevitable consequence of religious beliefs and fervor. Remove religion from every current global situation and you have the formula for evolution and enlightenment. Until we break the limitations of our being put forth by the church we'll continue to devolve until our race is extinct. I was baptized a catholic. I attended church ritually for nearly 16 years. I was an altar boy and read at mass on the weekends. I attended a private catholic school until my senior year. I was never molested or even approached by someone with such intentions. At the age of 16 I began to question the worth of what was being said and taught in school and at mass. By 17 I had completely given up the idea of going to church, and embraced the idea of science as a reason for our existence. Since the age of 20 I've held everything the church stands for in complete contempt. I recently attended a lecture on baptism because I'm the "godfather" of my sister in law's son. Never in my life have a heard such complete and utter bullshit spewing forth from someone's mouth. I don't even think she believed half of what she was saying. The stories are so convoluted and absurd that you have to be seriously retarded to believe any of it. Some jackass in the audience asked a question about something she stated and she never even came up with an answer. She was programmed by the church just like a robot to give a speech which sounded so made up that even Stephen King would have been impressed. History is a stark reminder of what the institution of church stands for and represents, and I abhor the idea of putting my "faith" in something that isn't tangible or even remotely realistic. The church represents war, greed and genocide on a massive scale, and your history books will tell you as such. Jesus was an unfortunate victim in the church's aggression and master plan to control humanity. How many messiahs and saviors were there at the time? Hundreds. Jesus was a pawn and look what it got him, dead. I hold every religion on this planet in complete contempt until any one of them can prove anything they've put forth over the past two thousand years or use their power to end the suffering and misery that is mankind's legacy. Merry Christmas ![]()
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
17.12.2008 - 19:27 Written by ponderer on 17.12.2008 at 17:41 It seems that you don't really understand what the term Religion means. Everyone has a religion...even atheists. Religious is a common held belief amongst a group of people. Even your little ramble here showed me a glimpse at your worldview and religion. What more saying that 'religion' is to blame is gross overstatement. Events like the Crusades were a political and land war that twisted the beliefs of people and used the concept of Faith in God as a weapon. I am by no means saying that religious institutions are innocent, but claiming that religion is the problem is just a wrong assessment.
---- (space for rent)