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Porcupine Tree & Anathema - Toulouse, France 19.11.07

Written by: Jeff
Published: January 03, 2008
Event: Porcupine Tree
Location: Le Bikini, Toulouse, France


Porcupine Tree & Anathema by Jeff (17)

Jeff: Two weeks after the concert of Symphony X and Dream Theater, we had one more time in Toulouse the opportunity to see two great Metal bands. Well, I cannot really say that Porcupine Tree and Anathema are Metal bands but since that their fans are Metalheads in general, it was impossible for me and my friends to miss this show (the principal reason was also that these 2 bands are both at the top of my favourite bands). We weren't disappointed and had the chance to see one of the most beautiful and "charismatic" show that we've ever seen. After this night, everybody agreed to say that the word "class" was the most appropriated to talk about this concert, it was just amazing?

Before the show, Anathema played a little acoustic "showcase" at the Fnac (Fnac is like the French Virgin) of Toulouse. The show was short, something like 30 minutes but it was a great free addition to the concert of the evening. All the guys were there except John and we were able to listen to some classics like "Fragile Dreams" and some news songs like "Angels Walk Among Us".


Jeff: But let's talk a bit about the "real show" now. It was also really short but Anathema was an opening act this night and we didn't complain a lot to have this band before Porcupine Tree. Strangely, the guys weren't really talkative (which doesn't mean that they weren't happy or friendly) but obviously they didn't have a lot of time and wanted to play music. The show began with "Fragile Dreams" and Anathema which wanted to do some promotion for their upcoming album also played two songs that you can listen to on their Myspace page "A Simple Mistake", "Angels Walk Among Us" to finish the set with "Hindsight", an instrumental which was really good but maybe not a perfect way to close their set. I mean that without any vocals on their last songs, it was a bit frozen but all in all the performance of the Britons was one more time really convincing and we had the chance to listen to "Deep" a song that the band rarely play live? Super poetic and melancholic, I think that it was a nice experience for the people who were in the venue and I know that some of them who didn't know the band before this concert said that it was a great concert? Yes, Anathema was good and let's hope that they will be back in Toulouse during their upcoming tour?

Darkside Momo: First of all, even before this evening's show, Anathema played an acoustic showcase in a big record store in Toulouse. The audience numbered more than 50, and the show was good, with songs from Alternative 4 (Fragile Dreams), Judgement (the oh so intense One Last Goodbye), A Natural Disaster (Flying), or new songs (Angels Walk Among Us). Danny seemed a bit pissed off by his guitar sound (which wasn't loud enough), but apart from this the show was really enjoyable.
And then, a few hours later, the show at the new Bikini venue. Let it be said that this place is great, even better than the original one (which was blown off in 2001), with a fantastic sound. Anathema started off with an electric interpretation of Fragile Dreams, followed by Empty, with an industrial feel added in for good measure. The rest of the set was as good, Closer and Flying taking a new dimension, and Deep being the good surprise for me.

And yes, Anathema is absolutely peerless when it comes to play emotional stuff. They played their songs with utter dedication, giving all they had (particularly Vinnie) for the few fans who were really into it.
The audience was receptive, but quiet (typical of prog rock I suppose), excepted the few fans here and there who were banging, shouting, singing along? A mere 20-30 people.

I know some Anathema fans here in Toulouse didn't come, mainly because the band wasn't headlining. Well, they really missed something, because listening to their songs on a CD is only a part of it. Cos' seeing them performed live magnifies them in a beautiful, intense way?

Shroud Of False
Fragile Dreams
A Simple Mistake *
Angels Walk Among Us *
Hindsight *

* songs from the forthcoming new album


Jeff: Porcupine Tree and Mr Steven Wilson played after Anathema? It was not an easy thing to do don't you think? But there is no competition between these two bands and anyway they both rock. The first important thing that I saw during the show is that even if Porcupine Tree is Steven's baby, the other musicians aren't just "guests". Of course, except the guest guitarist John Wesley, all the other members are official members but John played guitars soli and it was nice to see that all the musicians were "important". Though of course, we saw Steven Wilson who played and sang his songs with an astonishing charisma. That's simple, the show of Porcupine Tree was classy as hell, the performance of the musicians was exceptional without any mistakes and the videos that we were able to see were really good too. As Steven said to me in the afternoon, their shows aren't only music, this is also a matter of ambiances, lights and videos and it was confirmed during the show.

With magical passages with "Anesthetize" or heavier ones with "Fear Of A Blank Planet", to close the chapter for the encore with "Train" and the groovy "Halo" it was a perfect show of two hours. I know,it was oriented toward the last album of the combo but since that it's one of their best, it was not really problematic. Porcupine Tree has performed an amazing show in Toulouse and I hope that I will have the chance to see them again soon.

Porcupine Tree

Jeff: My first concert in the New Bikini (this venue was destroyed in 2001 by the big explosion of a factory) was perfect. The sound in this venue is the best of the best and since that the bands were both great there is simply nothing to say more about this night. Anathama and Porcupine Tree rock not only on CD, this is a must see if they come one day in your town.


Comments: 20   Visited by: 92 users
04.01.2008 - 12:46
Jeff you are probably one of the luckiest guys ever you know that? lol Anathema and Porcupine Tree... Wow. If they came to Portugal I think I would cry seriously. These bands are so peculiar and individual. I can't think of that many bands that give me the shivers like them.

And we have FNAC here too, its curious and bands go there and do little acoustic things like this one. Still sounds good to me.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
04.01.2008 - 13:27
Duy Hung
Account deleted
hahah i second what BloodTears said ..., Jeff you're so lucky Btw what about Porcupine Tree setlist?
04.01.2008 - 13:46
Freaky Admin
I cannot remember everything

PS: I will try to find it, but all in all it was songs from the last album + some others of the two previous ones.
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
04.01.2008 - 14:20
Duy Hung
Account deleted
ok thanks a lot , seems like they don't play many songs from the old albums these days
05.01.2008 - 13:28
Maybe we´re lucky. Here it´s a web (I take it from the official website of porcupine ) where we can demand to came to difenrent citys.

Thanks for the review, Jeff.
06.01.2008 - 14:47
Oh thanks for that site. I'll fill the thing with demands if I can

I'm glad a lot of people have already been there to make them come to Lidbon.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
07.01.2008 - 03:35
Rosetta Stoned
Written by Jeff on 04.01.2008 at 13:46

I cannot remember everything

PS: I will try to find it, but all in all it was songs from the last album + some others of the two previous ones.

That's too bad! They played both Waiting (Phase One), Dark Matter and A Smart Kid when I saw them on this tour.
I really think they should play more old material but then there would of course be less room for the new material which also rock.... ah xP
Anyway this is the best band ever.
07.01.2008 - 22:26
Damn and this tour doesn't go to Spain, we're always so unlucky
My account on other musical pages:
08.01.2008 - 02:31
Account deleted
Saw the paris leg of the tour, it was indeed great. I actually enjoyed Anathema better than Porcupine Tree to be honest, they had still a rocky feeling, whereas Porcupine Tree, I don't know, seemed kind of doing their thing, nothing less nothing more. And wtf is up with Steven Wilson's haircut? Is he trying to copy John Lennon? :p Tho both band rocked, with a slight edge for Anathema.
08.01.2008 - 19:07
Dead Scum
Account deleted
I do like em both anathema is my favorite band indeed.Prcupine tree have great music and im sure that you had a quality time on the concert.And as bloodtears said if they come to portugal that could be the luckiest day in 2008 for me and for a lot of ppl here im certain.:banger:
10.01.2008 - 16:19
Lucky Dogs
19.02.2008 - 21:00
Dark Shark
If Anathema and Porcupine Tree come in Tunisia... Probably everyone becomes metalhead :p lol I don't know what I do if I see them
20.02.2008 - 01:07
God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!
23.02.2008 - 20:09
Written by ScabbeD'~ on 20.02.2008 at 01:07

God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!

I agree about god but what god My or yours?
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


23.02.2008 - 23:23
Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 20:09

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 20.02.2008 at 01:07

God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!

I agree about god but what god My or yours?

I'd Rather My!
23.02.2008 - 23:44
Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:23

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 20:09

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 20.02.2008 at 01:07

God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!

I agree about god but what god My or yours?

I'd Rather My!

god is just one if it exist!
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


23.02.2008 - 23:47
Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 23:44

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:23

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 20:09

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 20.02.2008 at 01:07

God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!

I agree about god but what god My or yours?

I'd Rather My!

god is just one if it exist!

Y u aks it,if u know that?!???
24.02.2008 - 15:46
Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:47

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 23:44

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:23

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 20:09

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 20.02.2008 at 01:07

God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!

I agree about god but what god My or yours?

I'd Rather My!

god is just one if it exist!

Y u aks it,if u know that?!???

however! if your god really know that what are they doing, just ask him.he is your own god,be sure he answer you
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


24.02.2008 - 21:09
Written by Varegan on 24.02.2008 at 15:46

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:47

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 23:44

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:23

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 20:09

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 20.02.2008 at 01:07

God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!

I agree about god but what god My or yours?

I'd Rather My!

god is just one if it exist!

Y u aks it,if u know that?!???

however! if your god really know that what are they doing, just ask him.he is your own god,be sure he answer you

Every Dog Has His Day
23.04.2008 - 13:57
Account deleted
Written by ScabbeD'~ on 24.02.2008 at 21:09

Written by Varegan on 24.02.2008 at 15:46

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:47

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 23:44

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 23.02.2008 at 23:23

Written by Varegan on 23.02.2008 at 20:09

Written by ScabbeD'~ on 20.02.2008 at 01:07

God Only knows that what are they doing...!!!!

I agree about god but what god My or yours?

I'd Rather My!

god is just one if it exist!

Y u aks it,if u know that?!???

however! if your god really know that what are they doing, just ask him.he is your own god,be sure he answer you

Every Dog Has His Day

thalluciantions in the name of god .

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