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Quo Vadis - New Track Online

Canadian tech-death metallers Quo Vadis have posted a brand new song on their MySpace page, entitled "Equilibrium". According to the band, the song is "still a work in progress but we thought it sounded nice enough to give everybody a sneak peek."

Quo Vadis are currently working on some new material, and are also going on tour again, starting tonight.

Band profile: Quo Vadis
Posted: 25.10.2008 by ArtiA


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Comments: 12   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 104 users
25.10.2008 - 13:36
Derelict Earth
Sounds really promising !
25.10.2008 - 13:41
Bleh, I can't go on myspace to hear it.
25.10.2008 - 14:09
White Winter Sun
Laboratory's Rat
It sounds really interesting, and I like this sample. I'm looking forward to listen to the ultimate version of this song.
25.10.2008 - 17:00
Great track
Stay Br00tal!
25.10.2008 - 20:31
Urban Monster
This is interesting, it seems they're going for an 'avantgarde' sound for their future material, a la Isis, but they're still maintaining some melodeath elements, and well the song is still very technical. Great musicianship as always from Quo Vadis and i'll be waiting to hear some new killer stuff from them.
Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
26.10.2008 - 00:31
Ah, so this means Quo Vadis has an album planned for sometime soon. This is something I will look forward to.
26.10.2008 - 02:45
Lactation Cnslt
I'd prefer Quo Vadis to be an instrumental band.
26.10.2008 - 22:14
...nice i liked it alot but i do prefer quo vadis with vocals, they r brutal
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
26.10.2008 - 23:52
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
This new song has a lot of different parts eh? It's really progressive and speedy...gotta love the whole fretless bass thing...I cannot wait to see them tommorow in Ottawa I hope they play this tune because I'm sure this song kicks ass live
27.10.2008 - 11:52
Lone wanderer
What?!? New song? Well, who are the new members then?? Are there any new members at all??
28.10.2008 - 19:19
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
All of the members are new save Bart of course...the have a female fretless bassist and she kicks ass! She can really keep up to a bassist like Steve D'Giorgio...

Profugus Mortis's female drummer was also extremely fuckin brutal in her attack

The new line-up is great although the sound wasn't that good...
28.10.2008 - 23:23
Lord TJ
Written by -Morbid- on 25.10.2008 at 13:41

Bleh, I can't go on myspace to hear it.

Right dude?
Everything on myspace loads so damn slow anymore!

Then once it starts playing it skips forever because of loading.
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