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12.09.2006 - 06:44
Immortal Plague
Well, im a really really suprised no one has made a Topic on Mortician, probally one of the most BRUTAL bands of the century, and no one is reconizing them, for their infamous old school horror movie film clips for the intros to their songs, for their odd but amazing drumming, their brutal vocals, and also awsome looking covers. Im sure lots of you know who they are, well i hope so. For those of you that dont know them here is there Offical Website link:

Not including the Re-animated Dead Flesh, theirmost recent Release has been their live CD which is entiltled "Zombie Massacre Live", but other then that aswell, the most recent album they have actually writen and put out is Darkest Day Of Horror, tell me what you guys think of them, and give me your opinion on them.
03.01.2007 - 15:59
Xtreme Jax
Your really suprised that no ones made a topic ... Im suprised no ones posted!! I just didnt see the thread so thats my excuse haha.

Awesome brutal band, I have 'Chainsaw Dismemberment', 'Hacked Up For Barbecue' and a heap of tracks from most of the albums ... brutal stuff, and agree with their cover arts are good.

The creepy twisted 'movie' like intros that they put into their tracks are pretty cool. Particularly like the intro's to the track's 'Chainsaw Dismember' and 'Mass Mutilation'.

Hellcunt Smurf
13.01.2007 - 07:25
Zombie, M.D.
I really like Mortician. I dont see why they seem to get a bad rep, most people I talk with think Mortician is boring. What they lack in variety, they more than make up for with being insanely heavy. Every riff is like getting kicked in the chest.
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
13.01.2007 - 08:02
Southern Wind
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Mortician is some weird kind of act that although I had tried to hate them, I can't....
13.01.2007 - 08:15
Well...I like their stuff ok, but I'm not a huge fan, their albums have some good tracks here and there, but their monotonous beat makes me yawn in the end, I can handle like 20 minutes of their crap and I still head-bang a little, but I just can't take a full album of the same thing over an over again...

Their catchy bits are fucking cool though....
13.01.2007 - 09:04
Account deleted
I think Mortician are okay, although I just don't see myself getting anything more than Chainsaw Dismemberment (which I already own). Their songs just sound way too samey to me to warrant getting any more of their albums, and this is coming from a Von fan.
13.01.2007 - 19:28
I know this band gets a bad rap, but is there an album by them that is considered a must-have for all death-metal fans?
13.01.2007 - 19:38
Hail the great Mortician! Awesome band, I never knew they had a topic and I never looked for one. Like Immortal Plague said, they ARE one of the most brutal bands of the century. I like the horror clips at the start of their songs and "Chainsaw Dismemberment" is a masterpiece. I really like the gruesome cover art on that.
13.01.2007 - 20:46
Zombie, M.D.
Written by theflyingmachine on 13.01.2007 at 19:28

I know this band gets a bad rap, but is there an album by them that is considered a must-have for all death-metal fans?

Well, theyre all pretty similar with only differences in production value. Id advise getting Hacked Up For Barbeque/Zombie Apocalypse, which is a full length album along with the oop Zombie Apocalypse EP. If you dont like the idea of movie samples and drum machines in every song get Final Bloodbath Session. Its a compilation of various tracks preformed with a real drummer and no movie clips.
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
14.01.2007 - 18:33
Account deleted
Mortician is fucking great, not only are the riffs chest kicking (like Zombie, M.D. said) but everytime you here the vocals it makes you feel like your bowels are going to puke your intestants. FUCKIN' AWSOME!
16.01.2007 - 04:50
Zombie, M.D.
Anybody into Prosthetic Cunt? A side project of the guitarist from Mortician. Its like bizarro Mortician, instead of horror films the samples are from cartoons and comedy movies, and the music is simmilar to Mortician but with a cybergrind touch.
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
19.01.2007 - 18:05
Xtreme Jax
The gig I went to tonight, the band Corpse Carving covered the track 'Zombie Apocalype'. Man it was awsome, one of my favourite Mortician tracks and they did it superbly. Though think I would have prefered seeing actually Mortician playing it rather than being covered

Hellcunt Smurf
22.05.2009 - 10:14
I have "Chainsaw dismemberment". It is really specific kind of metal, but I feel, without the movies introductions it would be a little bit boring.
But with the introductions it is cool!!

Does anybody know, which movies are the introductions of "Chainsaw dismemberment" from? Specially the first intro is brilliant.
15.08.2009 - 02:07
These guys upset me. I wasn't able to get past having to sit through all of the horror sound clips, but I want to like these guys because their tracks are catchy as fuck. So, I took Zombie MD's advice and checked out Final Bloodbath Session, but I can't fucking hear the vocals. Is he whispering while growling?
15.08.2009 - 21:20
Account deleted
Honestly one of the worst bands I've ever encountered. Novelty only goes so far.
23.09.2009 - 18:34
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Great band but the intros are too much. half the time you hear horror movies