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Torture Killer - Part Ways With Vocalist, Seek Replacement

Finnish metallers Torture Killer have issued the following update on their MySpace blog:

"Our cooperation with our vocalist Juri has ended. We thank him for the past years, all the shows we've played together and wish him all the best in his future endeavours. Like any band member would know, there's more to being in a band than just performing on stage. With these other things, we have had constant difficulties meeting each other eye-to-eye and these issues we have not been able to resolve. This has once again put us in a situation where we need to evaluate our line-up and where we stand with the band. This decision is very unpleasant, but regardless of that, necessary and the right one.

Because of this we are now looking for a new death metal vocalist. We hope you live in Western- or Southern part of Finland, and/or you are capable of coming to Turku
whenever needed. Contact us via: serialtorturekiller [at] gmail [dot] com

"We wish your "application" would include the following info:

- a sample of your voice (old-school style - yes / doggy,-fart,-piggystyle - no).
- a short bio about yourself.
- bandhistory (your ex/active bands, if there's any).
- a short note about your studio & live-experiences (if there's any).
- youtube / other links to give us a hint about your stage presence (if there's any).

We've been under these circumstances before and even if these situations have always been annoying & unpleasant, we've always managed to come back stronger and stand straight again. And so it shall be, again!"

Band profile: Torture Killer
Posted: 07.05.2011 by Abattoir


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Comments: 2   Visited by: 23 users
07.05.2011 - 14:49
Account deleted
Every each album they changes the vocalist, its so predictable now.
07.05.2011 - 16:49
Seems like just yesterday when I was reading this about Barnes O.O

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