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2006 (Great) Year (For) Death Metal

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Posted by Herzebeth, 15.10.2006 - 07:48
I was reading a pyroleprechaun post in a Deicide thread where he said "This is the year of Death MEtal" and I thought..fuck he's right indeed. So I opened this topic for discussion, which ones are the releases of this year that you love...the ones that you don't think this is the year of Death? do you think black Metal released better stuff this year? etc... this is a topic to talk about the Extreme (not only Death) goodies of 2006 so let's have some bleeding going on...
03.02.2007 - 05:58
Lactation Cnslt
Written by theflyingmachine on 03.02.2007 at 04:43

Written by Dangerboner on 15.10.2006 at 08:14

My favorite death metal album this year is Identisick by Benighted. I've raved about this band in numerous threads and I'll do so again. The songs have structure, with choruses and verses, and their lyrics are about complex psychological syndromes. C'mon dudes...check them out! Please!!!

Listen to them here.

Not too bad at all...where do you find this band's albums?

btw...I'm buying a couple new CD's tomorrow, one of which is the new Sinister. I'm hoping to buy an album from a band that I haven't bought an album from yet (although I have downloaded a couple songs from eacy), and am choosing between three...Obituary, Autopsy, and early Broken Hope. Any thoughts?

That's a question I'd like the answer to as well. The only way to get their new album, besides downloading, is to send a check to some small store in Canada. I messaged them back and forth about it and they said they are working on distributing it better. As for their previous album, ICP (which is awesome), Amazon and have it. For Psychose, an even older album that I have but haven't listened to yet, check out goregiastic records.
04.02.2007 - 00:39
metal zombie
Account deleted
Decapitated's 2006 release "Organic Hallucinosis" was fantastic.

It's one of the main reasons I got back into metal in the first place.
12.02.2007 - 22:21
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Dim Mak-Knives Of Ice was the best DM album of the year. Just such an intense album. Shaune Kelley always writes the best riffs. His pinch harmonics are unstoppable. Scott Ruth sounds his best on this record. John just kills it, although I wish Brandon Thomas was still playing with them.

Also can't wait for the Ripping Corpse re-issue this year.
20.10.2008 - 13:01
Not heard many death metal album of 2006 till now. But surely that year DM went over thrash and black surely. I didn't find something great in Slayer's new album.
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
03.09.2009 - 20:03
So now that i've heard what i wanted i have to say that 2006 was one of the best death metal years imo. deicide's masterpiece is enough to make this year a milestone for death metal.
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!