Instrumental Death Metal?
Posts: 28
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Zombie94 |
07.09.2012 - 13:40
I have a friend who says he likes the music in death metal but he strongly dislikes the extreme vocals. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some instrumental only death metal bands for him? I tried to think of some but none came to mind! (He's already listened to Opeth, who aren't totally instrumental but you know what I mean). Thanks.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
07.09.2012 - 14:21
I know many sogs, but full instrumental DM .... cant rermeber anyband
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
Written by Zombie94 on 07.09.2012 at 13:40 but then again Opeth had/has zero to nothing to do with death metal ![]()
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Zombie94 |
07.09.2012 - 16:36 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 07.09.2012 at 14:47 I know but that's about as close to enjoying more extreme music as he's come. Amon Amarth are an exception for him too, I suppose because of how melodic they are and because the vocals aren't as extreme. But I'm looking for some pure death metal that is only instrumental.
theFIST |
07.09.2012 - 18:09 Written by Zombie94 on 07.09.2012 at 16:36 if Amon Amarth are ok already, try giving him other melodic stuff using clean vocals can recommend the Synestesia album Feeniks, the first Red Descending album, also the latest Kataklysm albums are rather close to Amon Amarth also he might like the Arghoslent album Hornets of the Pogrom can"t really recommend other bands/albums, as i don"t listen to much melodic death don"t really remember any instrumental bands either... hope it helps
---- Written by Warman on 07.11.2007 at 22:39
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
07.09.2012 - 18:38 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 07.09.2012 at 14:47 Except 'My Arms, Your Hearse' which clearly has plenty of death metal ![]()
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
07.09.2012 - 18:52 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted
Sleep Terror and Blotted Science. [EDIT] Also, if you're feeling adventurous you could make your way through some of these
Zombie94 |
07.09.2012 - 22:42 Written by theFIST on 07.09.2012 at 18:09 Thanks man I'll mention those bands to him. ![]()
Zombie94 |
07.09.2012 - 22:44 Written by [user id=4365] on 07.09.2012 at 18:52 Thanks a lot. I've linked those two bands to him and I'll see what he thinks. Might even listen to a bit of Sleep Terror myself now - that was some good shit!
theFIST |
07.09.2012 - 23:01 Written by Zombie94 on 07.09.2012 at 22:42 glad to have helped well, those have those vocals but aren"t that extreme, so he can get used to the vocals, then he"ll have an easier time finding more extreme bands and if it"s an issue with growls only and not shout/scream then grindcore might be the answer
---- Written by Warman on 07.11.2007 at 22:39
Iriki |
08.09.2012 - 01:31
I came here to post Sleep Terror, I'll post T3h Shred Boiz instead, then. EDIT: I remembered Continuo Renacer as well.
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
08.09.2012 - 01:38 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by Iriki on 08.09.2012 at 01:31 Really good band. Haven't listened to them much but I remember them on Metal Archives a few months ago and thought what a retarded name they had. Thankfully the music was much better than their name suggested.
Jaeryd Nihil's Maw |
09.09.2012 - 10:32 Written by [user id=4365] on 07.09.2012 at 18:38 Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that was closer to something like black metal? The sound quality, the flow, the atmosphere, the vocal style, pretty much everything.
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
09.09.2012 - 14:51 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by Jaeryd on 09.09.2012 at 10:32 Actually I'd say it's this record where the black metal influence has completely gone. The first couple of albums have a bits of pieces of black metal influence in them but I didn't hear any in this one myself.
EmperorGonzo Account deleted |
09.09.2012 - 19:07 EmperorGonzo
Account deleted Written by [user id=4365] on 08.09.2012 at 01:38 They are incredible. I actually grew up with them two. They are working on some new material right now. Abolishment Of Hate. Found these guys randomly and fucking loved their EP.
Bad English Tage Westerlund |
09.09.2012 - 19:21
Turkish dead/doom band deadwish plays intrsumental songs
---- I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens. Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die" I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Jaeryd Nihil's Maw |
09.09.2012 - 21:08 Written by [user id=4365] on 09.09.2012 at 14:51 Maybe I'm on crack, but stuff like April Ethereal set up an atmosphere for me like "False Dawn" by Drudkh. That and in an interview I heard Mikael say "With the third record, My Arms, Your Hearse, it was a little more black metal" or something along those lines. If you'd like I could probably find it. Got it. It's at about 2:13 in.
!J.O.O.E.! Account deleted |
09.09.2012 - 21:12 !J.O.O.E.!
Account deleted Written by Jaeryd on 09.09.2012 at 21:08 In my experience members of the actual bands in question are the people that get their own genres wrong more than anyone else. I don't get any black metal in My Arms. Never have, never will. Only a few blackened screams and a somewhat hazy production, which isn't enough to make it black metal for me.
Jaeryd Nihil's Maw |
09.09.2012 - 21:41 Written by [user id=4365] on 09.09.2012 at 21:12 I guess that makes sense. To me, Opeth has always been in between everything anyway. They have a mix of all kinds of progressive metal, folk music, melodic death metal, atmospheric black metal, and more in each one of their albums. I think that they're not just one thing, they borrow from too many different styles to have any of their work to be labelled as a single one of those styles. If I was going to pick a single term, then I guess I'd go with extreme progressive metal? I don't know, I'm just saying that, to me anyway, My Arms sounds like melodic death meets black metal meets progressive. Again, I could just not know what I'm talking about, but there's a certain ambiguity to genre labels anyway, isn't there? There is a distinct difference between black metal and death metal, but then again I can also say that there's a distinct difference between death metal from Morbid Angel and death metal from Death. Where do you start drawing lines and making distinctions in sound? Doesn't each band sound different anyway (usually)? Anyway, I'm just saying it all depends on the perspective of the observer, though it is indeed helpful for all of us to be on the same page and have the same distinctions between genres.
Angry Chair |
14.09.2012 - 16:25 Written by Jaeryd on 09.09.2012 at 21:08 lol at him playing angry birds while he takes a shit. ![]()
---- "Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." - Denis Diderot
R'Vannith ghedengi Elite |
17.09.2012 - 06:47 Written by Zombie94 on 07.09.2012 at 22:42 I can't think of anything instrumental which hasn't already been mentioned but if there is one album with vocals I would suggest it would be Disillusion's Back To Times Of Splendor. That album is largely responsible for my own introduction to death metal. Though whether he likes it or not will depend on how much he likes prog metal I suppose.
Zombie94 |
18.09.2012 - 01:22 Written by R'Vannith on 17.09.2012 at 06:47 Pretty sure he likes prog metal. I'll mention that band to him too, thanks. Although in all honesty I'm beginning to think that the more extreme genres of metal may never appeal to him, so no point in forcing it if it's really not to his taste. Also you have a fucking awesome avatar ![]()
R'Vannith ghedengi Elite |
18.09.2012 - 07:10 Written by Zombie94 on 18.09.2012 at 01:22 I wasn't used to harsh vocals at the time but the ones Disllusion use on that album are a nice mix of clean and some slightly harsher ones. I'd guess he wouldn't find them too difficult to get into as they certainly aren't your typical death style vocals and I consider them as a sort of in between harsh and clean. Haha thanks! ![]()
Grody2themax |
26.09.2012 - 05:03 Written by [user id=4365] on 09.09.2012 at 21:12 For me, I always thought MAYH was the most "blackened", if you could call it that. Still Life to me was when the black metal sounding stuff was pretty much gone, and had the most death metal.
Dööm |
26.09.2012 - 19:47
It's hard to find instrumental death metal bands. After all, the deep guttural growls are a core part of death metal. However, there may be enough bands that have made a few instrumental songs so that a decent playlist of instrumental "death metal" can be constructed. Suggestions are: Fortunately, Nile has a habbit of including some of their tracks wihtout vocals as bonus tracks to their albums. Chimaira has more than once ended their album with an instrumental piece Enjoy
Sphynx |
20.04.2018 - 12:22
Dark matter secret
DispensatioN |
08.05.2018 - 03:29
The Great Cold. Absolutely no vocals on this one. And freely available, too:
Cistern Rumbler |
15.03.2019 - 13:32
The Neoandertals' album called Australopithecus is a totally sickening instrumental album. Bizarre and niche brutal death metal. Warning, this band is an acquired taste: