What is Black Metal nowadays?
Posts: 94
Visited by: 164 users
Original post
Posted by Karlabos, 09.02.2014 - 20:06
Then there was the second wave which it seems that kind of changed the style completely, the vocals, the monochordic guitars, song structures became close to progressive, atmosphere was grimmer, except that the lyrics remained on the same theme.
I read somewhere that Venom's guys wouldn't consider the bands of the second wave "black metal".
And nowadays if you allow yourself to the black subgenres, you will see that most bands don't have the satanic imagery anymore, neither the lyrics are aimed to that concept.
Also there are bands which have such a unique style that they went far from what one would consider a black metal band of the second wave.
So... What is sufficient to categorize a band as "Black Metal" nowadays? For instance would you guys consider bands like "Botanist" or "Circle of Ouroboros" black metal?
What are your opinions?
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