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Blindead - Vocalist Leaves The Band

Polish post-metallers Blindead are facing a tough time. Vocalist Patryk Zwoliński announced it himself, over the band's Facebook page, that he is no longer part of the group after 12 years. Being in the band since the very beginning, Patryk participated on all four studio albums: Devouring Weakness (2006), Autoscopia/Murder In Phazes (2008), Affliction XXIX II MXMVI (2010) and Absence (2013).

Here is the full statement: "It is time for me to share the following news with you: I have decided to leave Blindead. It has been my own, autonomous decision, although not easy to make after many years of fantastic and productive collaboration. I have spent many great years in this band. Throughout that time the involvement and determination of a group of people contributed to the creation of music that I hope has reached the hearts and minds of many. We have recorded a couple of great albums, played dozens of gigs, gained the fans' respect, which cannot be measured by any money... We have achieved more than we could have dreamed of when we had started our music journey together 12 years ago. Despite it all, though, I have decided to leave the band, because I no longer see a place for myself in Blindead. It is neither a spur-of-the-moment decision nor a whim. It is all the same not about any of my other outside-the-band activities. Throughout last year our in-band relations have changed. To my mind, for the worse. I've lost contact with the rest of the band, and the rest of the band with me. The main reason is probably the distance. I am the only one who has his job and family life in Warsaw, while the rest of the band are located in Tricity. It is not the only reason, though. Something has burned out between us, and without this unnamed something, this spark of mutual understanding, being in the band can no longer give me the satisfaction I used to feel in the past. I guess the part of the blame - although I do not want to look for culprits - is on my part. Blindead do deserve to have a front man who is 100-percent involved in the band, and I am not able to give as much of myself as the other members demanded of me. Even though I am leaving Blindead, there is no grudge or resentment on my part. That is the way things go. I am proud of what this band has achieved despite numerous obstacles we have met on our way. Finally, I would like to thank our fans for those years of support and loyalty. See you or hear you in the future!"

Courtesy of the band

Band profile: Blindead
Posted: 06.03.2015 by Paz


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Comments: 6   Visited by: 75 users
06.03.2015 - 12:59
I'm going to kill myself...
06.03.2015 - 14:54
Very sad news
06.03.2015 - 15:08
06.03.2015 - 16:25
Darkside Momo
Bad news. At least I saw them all together live.
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"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
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11.03.2015 - 02:42
12.03.2015 - 19:11
Au Pays Natal
Wow, shocking news. Good luck to him. Can't wait to see what Blindead do next.

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