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Logar's Diary - Book 1: Iostros review


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Band: Logar's Diary
Album: Book 1: Iostros
Style: Power metal
Release date: April 25, 2001
A review by: Undercraft

01. Earthdawn
02. Lonely On The Serpent River
03. Travelling To The Blood Woods
04. Ti'An - A Troubadour's Ballad
05. Demon In The Kaer
06. Travar - The Golden City
07. Home Of The Traders - Barterstown
08. King's Hall
09. Iostros
10. My Love Still Exists
11. Déjà Vu
12. Riding The Storm [Brazilian bonus] [Running Wild cover]

What happened here? I had such great expectations for this album, and I'm terribly disappointed. Logar's Diary is a concept band, dealing with the life and adventures of Logar, a wizard in the fantasy world of Earthdawn. (Many of you maybe know Earthdawn because of the Role-playing game of the same name)

So, I requested this album because I really thought that it were going to be a great listen. So I didn't listened to any sample or nothing, I wanted to be surprised, also I read some reviews in the web, and there were some mixed opinions about this one, many hate it, and many others love it.

It came the day. In my mailbox was the album. I ran to my room, and turned on the Stereo. First track, spoken passage, nice, to set the mood. Second track, first song "Lonely on the Serpent River", a fast song, typical opener. Nice, very nice, but wait... ohhhh NOOO my ears!!! who is singing??? Why are you doing this to me??? Damn! I jumped in a matrix-like effect to the stereo just to skip to the next track "Travelling To The Blood Woods"(by the way guys, traveling is written with one L only), anyway, another cool start, nice guitar line, double bass pedals... hmm nice, and at the 44 seconds mark... ARRGGG NOT AGAIN!! Why?? Who are you!! Why are you singing like this!!!

I think by now EVERYBODY that is reading this knows what is wrong with this band. Come on! Everybody! THE SINGER. Don't get me wrong, these guys can play, catchy guitar lines, great double bass, some cool medieval passages, but please, fire the singer! he kills the whole experience! This is a shame, I really wanted to like this album, I'll bet if Logar's diary release a Karaoke version of this album, it would get great reviews around the globe (and my cat would sing better).
I don't intend to be mean , but let's deal with the facts, these guys play great music, but the singer sucks. This guys have a long road to travel.

Another thing that caught my attention was something written at the end of the booklet, And I quote "A big Fuck goes out to: Metallica($), Iron Maiden ($$$), and Co. To all fans out there: Don't buy names, the music counts! Don't let the business overtake the Metal-scene, the underground is still alive!", guys, guys... why insult other bands? If they chose a musical path that doesn't appeal to you, why insult them? They owe you something? Bad move. Really bad. And please, with this album, can't speak, because Re-load and Virtual XI were more entertaining than this Book 1.

I don't think I'll receive more promos from Logar's Diary... Ehhh is my lost

Written by Undercraft | 20.02.2022


Comments: 2   Visited by: 14 users
28.02.2022 - 15:45
Traveling is the American spelling, travelling is the British one.
02.03.2022 - 15:04
Rating: 8
This is certainly their weakest album, but I don't really get the hate that this singer gets. Sure he isn't that great on this one, but since it was their debut it's easy to forgive. On the other hand, people tend to dislike the guy in Van Canto as well so maybe I'm just lucky that I can tolerate his voice.

As for the liner notes, that was pretty stupid indeed. But well, they were young back then and it was not long after the bigger bands "sold out". Looking back that (alleged) selling out isn't that much of a deal anymore, but back then it seemed like it was.

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