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Trailer Music - When Metal Meets Epic [Chapter III]

Written by: Mindheist
Published: December 27, 2011

Introducing The First Legion: Pure Epic:

Exactly seven months have gone with the wind since the day we decided to go hunting down the greatest and most suitable cues for metalheads through the shrouds of Epic-ness. We are really glad to tell you that we didn't burn out our brain cells for nothing. 66 music libraries, 152 tracks and 56 albums have made the cut after fierce competition between insanely talented Academy Award-winning artists and libraries. Unfortunately, you won't be able to hear them all due to the lack of space here but you're welcome, if you will, to embark upon your own ship and sail across the virgin seas of this lawless dark world.

In Chapter II we mentioned that we have separated the army of 66 generals into three legions. Today, we are going to unveil the first one. This, ladies and gents, is the purest sound that man has ever produced. A sound that makes demons cry and hell's blood run cold.

The Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart, Gladiator? These are some of the all-time classics. Many of us felt the urge to shed few tears when the falsely accused Andy Dufresne broke out of prison after nearly twenty years, crawling to freedom through five hundred yards of human waste to finally feel the sweet touch of rain pearls crashing against his gnarled skin, washing away his painful ordeal. Many of us kept thinking about the blood-curdling story of William Wallace and his immortals as they chronicle the events of one of the most memorable battles in the history of Scotland with a flow of tears ready to gush out of our eyes. And what about the epic ending of Gladiator? My God! The moment Maximus fell to the ground welcoming the sweet release of death, millions around the world felt their minds shrivel and their hearts filled with saddening joy.

But none of us at that very moment of intense rambling thought they should pay an extra attention to the music trudging in the background. It's very similar to what happens at war. Soldiers give their lives for their countries but history only remembers kings and leaders. Well, it's maybe the time to honor some of these soldiers and give them the recognition they deserve.

The first legion is all about shedding light on some of the most stirring, heartening and emotional tracks we were lucky enough to chance upon. You won't find any "brutal" or even "Rock-ish" spells here.

Don't feel obligated to listen to them all. Like I said, the first legion is only for daydreamers, poets and angels. If you pick one song, please listen to it to its entirety even if you don't like what you're hearing. Now, enjoy your journey into the heart of epic!

This, is the legion of Pure Epic:

Table of Contents
1.1. Epic Score
1.2. Veigar
1.3. Future World Music
1.4. Groove Addicts
1.5. Bruton Music
1.6. The Hit House
1.7. Audiomachine
1.8. Corner Stone Cues
1.9. City Of The Fallen
1.10. Phoenix Music

1.1. Epic Score:

Epic Score - This Is Our Land:
Album: Epic Action & Adventure Volume 5
Composer: Ian Honeyman

Epic Score - I Still Have A Soul:
Album: Epic Action & Adventure Volume 4
Composers: Gabriel Shadid & Tobias Marberger

Epic Score - Time Will Remember Us:
Album: Epic Action & Adventure Volume 6
Composer: Gabriel Shadid

1.2. Veigar

Veigar - Revelations:
Album: Epic Catalog
Composer: Veigar Margeirsson

Veigar - Road To Recovery:
Album: Courage & Hope
Composers: Veigar Margeirsson & Brian Brasher

Veigar - Inner Hope:
Library: Bruton Music
Album: In The Moment
Composers: Veigar Margeirsson & Brian Brasher

1.3. Future World Music:

Future World Music - New Beginnings (No guitar):
Album: Volume 7 - Evolution [Disc1]
Composer: Armen Hambar

Future World Music - New Beginnings (With guitar):

Future World Music - Beautiful:
Album: Volume 11
Composer: Armen Hambar

1.4. Groove Addicts:

Groove Addicts - The Fallen:
Album: Full Tilt Rising
Composers: Kaveh Cohen & Michael Nielsen

Groove Addicts - To Be Free:
Album: Full Tilt Rising
Composers: Kaveh Cohen & Michael Nielsen

Groove Addicts - Fire And Ice:
Album: Full Tilt Rising
Composers: Kaveh Cohen & Michael Nielsen

1.5. Bruton Music:

Bruton Music - Final Dawn:
Album: Dark, Cool & Cinematic.
Composer: Gresby Nash

1.6. The Hit House:

The Hit House - Radium:
Composer: Scott Lee Miller

The Hit House - Krypton:
Composer: Scott Lee Miller

1.7. Audiomachine:

Audiomachine - Lost Generation:
Composers: Paul Dinletir & Kevin Rix
Album: The Platinum Series III

1.8. Corner Stone Cues:

Corner Stone Cues - Danube:
Album: Casa Verdugo [Disc I]
Composers: Daniel Heath, Paul Tobias, Bryan Mantia and Jane Antonia Cornish.

Corner Stone Cues - Petra
Album: El Morro
Composers: Daniel Heath & Paul Tobias

1.9. City Of The Fallen:

City Of The Fallen - Hour Of Destiny:
Album: Crucible
Composer: Ryan Amon

City Of The Fallen - Voice Of Rushing Waters:
Album: Divine Power
Composer: Ryan Amon

1.10. Phoenix Music:

Phoenix Music - Planet Earth:
Album: N/A
Composer: Alexander Richstein

When Violins Go Up In Flames...

Alright folks, our little journey into the heart of Pure Epic has come to an end. In case you're still craving more beautiful touching cues, you can always try Youtube. Just remember, this music, trailer music, is highly sought after. Which means that the minute the cues get snatched by some company, they get automatically deleted from Youtube.

Now, hold your breath. The next chapter throws light on the tracks whose complexity and velocity go past the Pure Epic territory but don't have the rock or metal elements to be classified under neither of those two genres. We've officially entered Shangri-La...The land where the violin strings cannot help but burst into flames from intense shredding.

Next Chapter: Trailer Music - Introducing The Second Legion: Hyper Epic.

Guest article disclaimer:
This is a guest article, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 12   Visited by: 54 users
27.12.2011 - 01:35
gloom cookie
Keep up with this, again
7.0 means the album is good
27.12.2011 - 01:58
No Longer Human
Written by Milena on 27.12.2011 at 01:35

Keep up with this, again

I'll try. Thanks for reading it and I hope you've found something to your liking in this legion.
27.12.2011 - 02:02
No Longer Human
Also, I would like to thank Promonex for helping me with the anchors.
04.01.2012 - 07:38
Metal Addict
Thumbs up for doing a good (and thorough) job once again, Mindheist.
Actually I've listened to all the cues you presented here. Some of them I liked (the first one is my favourite), some not, but I'll surely be looking forward to your next article. You got me intrigued as I'm an ardent admirer of violins.
"And we are not who we think we are
We are who we're afraid to be"
- Lux Occulta "The Opening of Eleventh Sephirah"
04.01.2012 - 16:25
No Longer Human
Written by NocturnalStalker on 04.01.2012 at 07:38

Thumbs up for doing a good (and thorough) job once again, Mindheist.
Actually I've listened to all the cues you presented here. Some of them I liked (the first one is my favourite), some not, but I'll surely be looking forward to your next article. You got me intrigued as I'm an ardent admirer of violins.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read it, NocturnalStalker. Also, I truly appreciate your time and effort listening to all the tracks I presented here
I totally agree with you btw, This Is Our Land is mindblowing and that's exactly why I put it first in queue. I'm glad I was able to grab your attention with these few cues and I'll do my best to pick the best ones for the next article. Thanks again
04.01.2012 - 19:55
Metal Addict
Written by Mindheist on 04.01.2012 at 16:25

Thank you so much for taking the time to read it, NocturnalStalker. Also, I truly appreciate your time and effort listening to all the tracks I presented here
I totally agree with you btw, This Is Our Land is mindblowing and that's exactly why I put it first in queue. I'm glad I was able to grab your attention with these few cues and I'll do my best to pick the best ones for the next article. Thanks again

I feel that it's me who needs to thank you. You even made me reminisce of the days when I was asked to compose a soundtrack for one computer game.
"And we are not who we think we are
We are who we're afraid to be"
- Lux Occulta "The Opening of Eleventh Sephirah"
04.01.2012 - 21:48
No Longer Human
Written by NocturnalStalker on 04.01.2012 at 19:55

I feel that it's me who needs to thank you. You even made me reminisce of the days when I was asked to compose a soundtrack for one computer game.

That's great, I didn't know you were a composer! I hope you haven't given up on that dream and that you're still into trailer music.

P.S: if you have already composed some cues and would like some exposure, don't hesitate to let me know. I don't actually have "big" connections or anything but while I was gathering information about TM I was lucky enough to meet (virtually) very cool musicians and composers. And if you would like me to include some of your cues in my next article, again, it would be my pleasure. Of course, I'm gonna have to listen to them first to see whether "Hyper Epic" is the right category for them.
05.01.2012 - 05:04
Metal Addict
Written by Mindheist on 04.01.2012 at 21:48

That's great, I didn't know you were a composer! I hope you haven't given up on that dream and that you're still into trailer music.

P.S: if you have already composed some cues and would like some exposure, don't hesitate to let me know. I don't actually have "big" connections or anything but while I was gathering information about TM I was lucky enough to meet (virtually) very cool musicians and composers. And if you would like me to include some of your cues in my next article, again, it would be my pleasure. Of course, I'm gonna have to listen to them first to see whether "Hyper Epic" is the right category for them.

Well, I wouldn't call myself someone as great as a "composer". I just have fun making music, and I don't feel like giving up on it anytime soon.
Thank you, but my music doesn't fall into the category of "Hyper Epic", that's for sure. It's kind of like... a soundtrack to a post-apocalyptic world, I guess. Dark and atmospheric.
"And we are not who we think we are
We are who we're afraid to be"
- Lux Occulta "The Opening of Eleventh Sephirah"
05.01.2012 - 20:23
No Longer Human
Written by NocturnalStalker on 05.01.2012 at 05:04

It's kind of like... a soundtrack to a post-apocalyptic world, I guess. Dark and atmospheric.

Sounds interesting. You know, Tarek Mansur was just like you. He was composing dark music just for fun until one day Epic Score (one of the biggest libraries out there) noticed his talent and asked him to join their legendary army of composers. I hope you too will get the recognition you truly deserve.
06.01.2012 - 06:33
Metal Addict
Written by Mindheist on 05.01.2012 at 20:23

Sounds interesting. You know, Tarek Mansur was just like you. He was composing dark music just for fun until one day Epic Score (one of the biggest libraries out there) noticed his talent and asked him to join their legendary army of composers. I hope you too will get the recognition you truly deserve.

Thank you.
"And we are not who we think we are
We are who we're afraid to be"
- Lux Occulta "The Opening of Eleventh Sephirah"
29.04.2012 - 00:13
Very well written, congrats
12.05.2012 - 13:27
No Longer Human
Written by AndMetalForAll on 29.04.2012 at 00:13

Very well written, congrats

Thank you; there are still 3 chapters to go. Stay tuned

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