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The Lost Concert Files - Various Stuff From 2015

Written by: D.T. Metal
Published: January 11, 2016


Various Artists by D.T. Metal (94)

Too little - too late, but here it is nevertheless.

There I was ? finally getting my old hard drive back in working order and thus recovering some gems which were too good to just delete. And in the process of cleaning out my desk area, I also found some SD cards. So, here is my "Shit that fell through the cracks" report.

  • Down: Punk Rock But Kinda Not Tour - Summit Music Hall, Denver, CO - 17 Dec 2014

    I know, not a 2015 gig, but it's Down after all, and from what I remember of the show (there might have been alcohol involved?) it was pretty darn kick ass.

    Opening that night were Australia grinders King Parrot and they did a great job loosening up the audience for things to come. Pure energy and at one point their singer went into the audience to crowd-surf; ended up in the middle of the floor and instigated a mosh-pit while still on the microphone. Pretty cool.

    According to the event flyer, Bl'ast was also on the bill To be honest I can't remember, but UK's Orange Goblin was there for sure. Anyhoo, if you have never seen them live, please make this one of your New Year's Resolutions. Pure fun - and a great opener for Down to say the least.

    While still supporting their latest release Back From The Abyss, it was no surprise that they played more songs off this one than their other albums. But looking at a picture from the set-list that night, Orange Goblin actually managed to play a song off each of their albums; except their 1998 release Time Travelling Blues. Respect, since many bands only play the 'fan favorites' in addition to their new songs.

    Then Phil & the gang took the stage and all went hazy from there on out. The last time I have seen Down, Crowbar's Kirk Windstein was still with them, but since the new shredder Bobby Landgraf did the old man proud, not all was lost.

    Love him or hate him, but one thing can't be denied: Phil Anselmo is one heck of a frontman and he had the crowd going in no time. Well, maybe things went a bit out of hand when he was talking shit about the Denver Broncos , but other than that he had the crowd eating out of his hands. Oh yes, if you have never seen Phil in action, be prepared for his on-stage talking episodes; almost as funny as Corpsegrinder's.

    While I did get a pic of the set-list, it is rather useless since they changed things up a bit. I know "Lifer" was a huge hit ?duh, but "We Knew Him Well", off their recent EP, got a big response as well; honestly, the crowd was into each and every song they played.

    During the last song everybody,?no really, fucking everybody in the touring party was on stage, either singing, playing instruments - shit, at one point even Phil's personal assistant was wielding the axe on stage. Awesome !!! Hands down, and I have seen Down plenty of times, this was by far the best gig I have attended.

  • Sepultura: 30th Anniversary North American Tour - Summit Music Hall, Denver, CO - 13 June 2015

    Due to the fact that my SD card was misplaced and [insert lame excuse here], I never got around to report about the gig. I did however post the interview with Andreas Kisser in a timely manner. Funny story about the interview ? we were already a couple minutes in and chatting away when I saw that the external microphone on the video camera was not on. After interrupting Andreas in mid-sentence to inform him of this mistake, we just started over again. So, I repeated my first question and Andreas was lip-syncing the answer, making fun of my boo-boo. I've been knowing the dude for years and it was all in good fun. This was of course edited in the final version.

    So, yay Starkill was the first band that night - I had seen them when they were on tour with Kreator before and that's all I got. Not my cup of tea but many people seem to like them.

    Moving on to Arsis, and then Havok, now Soulfly bassist Mike Leon was filling in for Noah Martin on this tour. Seriously, there probably isn't a band where Mike wouldn't fit right in. Anyways, Arsis is ALWAYS a treat to watch and that time was no different. Technical as it can get while still melodic - if this makes sense even.

    German thrash titans Destruction enlisted ex-Primal Fear drummer Randy Black for this tour and other than missing Vaaver behind the kit, I enjoyed their set as usual. As a matter of fact, I saw them three times in total during this tour. Schmier and Mike are longtime friends of mine and the hubby and I took a mini-vacation and surprised them in Seattle, WA and also made our way up to Canada's finest venue - the Rickshaw Theater in Vancouver, BC. Those who have ever been to the Rickshaw probably just died laughing btw.

    Destruction played a very fan-favorites set. Starting with the power trio "Curse The Gods", "Thrash Till Death" and "Nailed To The Cross" they brought almost everyone into the mosh-pit. I believe "Carnivore" was the only song off their latest (2012!) album and they ended their, way too short, set with "Bestial Invasion". I said it before and will say it again; those who suggest that Destruction would sound better live with two guitarist need their ears checked out. Mike is THE man, the only man for the job. Period!

    Sepultura raised the roof once again. Always a pleasure watching them and I did laugh when a buddy of mine said: "oh wow, I just saw Cavalera Conspiracy the other day and I actually like Derrick over Max singing the old Sepultura songs". And there is that I guess.

    Starting their set with "The Vatican", the only other song they played from their latest (2013) full-length was "Manipulation Of Tragedy". The set-list was pretty well rounded with songs such as "Arise", "Refuse/Resist" and "Kairos" being received great by the fans. The encore was a great ending to an awesome set with: "The Curse", "Bestial Devastation", the staple "Ratamahatta" and the 'let's everyone jump up and down' "Roots Bloody Roots". Excellent!

    The gig in Utah the next day was canceled due to venue/promoter issues and I would bet that if the bands would have known this that night in Denver, there would have been stage shenanigans. Thanks for being classy Utah!

  • Psycroptic: The Bloodletting North America Tour - Moon Room, Denver, CO - 15 July 2015

    Now this was a fucking treat! The last time I had seen the lads was in Seattle, WA in 2010 during Nile's Those Whom The Gods Detest Tour II. The main reason for heading to Washington was actually a chance to see Ex Deo but having the Aussies and also Keep Of Kalessin on the bill sure as hell didn't hurt. To be honest, I think this was the last time Psycroptic played on our shores. Regardless, the gig in Denver was great. Yes, the venue wasn't that big; it's actually the bar part of the Summit Music Hall in Denver, but hey, at least one is up close and personal with the band.

    I had to do a double take when I walked into the bar, since no other than Origin's front-man Jason Keyser was slinging the merch for the Aussies. I guess we all gotta make a living somehow. Another surprise was one of the opening bands, The Kennedy Veil. I met their drummer while he did his duties with Decrepit Birth and the kid is a machine behind the kit. While I am very selective when it comes to tech death, do give his band a listen.

    Ok, keeping up with the 'fill-in live musician' vibe of this article, Psycroptic brought Sam Guy to take over on bass for Cameron, due to ? I believe he couldn't get off work or something along those lines. Anyways, the show was awesome and since the tour was in support of their new self-titled album, it was no surprise that the bulk of the songs came off Psycroptic. A real treat though was 2003's "The Colour Of Sleep" but unfortunately they didn't play anything off their debut album. Oh well, there is always next time.

  • D.R.I.: Headlining Tour - Rawkus - Colorado Springs, CO - 29 Aug 2015

    Who Am I? D.R.I. !!! Never, ever a dull moment during a D.R.I. show; hence, the one in Colorado Springs was awesome to say the least. Short sweet songs, it's crossover after all, energy on and off the stage; to sum it up: a perfect evening.

    To my surprise they actually did start the set with "Who Am I"; I been to D.R.I. shows where they played this one way later in their set, but hey, this song is bound to be played anyways. Other than that, check out the pic of the set-list since ?'if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand'. A D.R.I. show is something one has to experience.

    And with this we are coming to an end. Sorry for those involved with the late, late, late exposure, but real life was a bitch this year.

    See ya around!

    Written on 11.01.2016 by Former boss lady. Now just a professional concertgoer... dangerously armed with a camera!

  • Comments

    Comments: 1   Visited by: 69 users
    11.01.2016 - 12:58
    Bad English
    Tage Westerlund
    Excuses was a bit dutchy lol , but somehow I even forgot band Orange Goblin exist, I did like it back in a days .. nice band, somehow I lost it in some way ... thanks to MS and new users as Che what brings up weird things sometimes lol
    I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

    Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

    I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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