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In The Depths Of Black Twilight: Exploring Crepusculo Negro

Written by: Auntie Sahar
Published: January 07, 2018

The feathered serpent beckons.

For a long time, a common thematic feature within black metal was a focus on the history and cultural practices of ages past. The present, modern era of humankind being seen as empty, artificial, and devoid of significant meaning, black metal musicians tended to take to looking backwards for answers, often to pre industrial (and more specifically, pre-Christian) civilizations. Due to black metal originating in Europe, and being defined as a legitimate sub-branch of metal with the rise of the Norwegian scene in the 90s, this idea first emerged in the form of bands exploring Norse history and mythology. Bathory, Burzum, and Enslaved were some early examples, and many more would follow. Even today this more or less remains the primary way in which this exploration and veneration of ancient civilizations within black metal manifests itself.

Understandably so, the early Scandinavian black metal bands were undoubtedly exploring Norse mythology because, put simply, it was the heritage to which they were born. In more recent black metal history, an interesting new twist on this principle has risen in the form of Crepusculo Negro. Emerging in the mid 2000s in Southern California under the leadership of Eduardo "Volahn" Ramirez, the "Black Twilight Circle" (BTC) would become a mysterious black metal collective centered around, above all else, themes of Mayan history and mythology. But despite sharing common themes, time would show that the bands of Crepusculo Negro would come to display quite a remarkable diversity of sound and songwriting techniques between them, with no two really sounding too much alike, and the alliance as a whole continues to display a commendable degree of variation between its members.

Mini reviews of most (but likely not all) of the bands currently involved in Crepusculo Negro will follow. Giving each one a peek comes as highly recommended. Since most of them do have relatively small discographies at the moment, investigating each shouldn't come as too big a commitment either.


While you'll find a lot of interesting takes on melody and ambiance among some of the Crepusculo Negro bands, this isn't really the case with Acualli, who go for a rawer, more bestial type of approach, a vile fusion of the more ferocious aspects of black and death metal. It's not too far off to say that this is the "war metal" band of BTC. While often pulverizing you with frantic, uptempo riffs and blast beats, the music can make some surprising shifts as well, occasionally going into slower, more midpaced territory and even tapping heavily into noise influences (see the final track of the Pact Of Possession demo). In Acualli, BTC "leader" Eduardo Ramirez handles guitar and drums as "Vahxak," vocals are done by Daniel Tia ("Kampilan"), and bass responsibilities fall upon Acatlan Coatlicue ("Eztli"). Coatlicue is also notable for being the first female member of Crepusculo Negro.

*Dive into Pact Of Possession here


With five full releases, an EP, and appearances on two compilations, at present Arizmenda stands as the most prolific BTC member. One of the few bands in the collective that doesn't feature Ramirez, this deranged, mindbending beast is the brainchild of Juan "Murdunbad" Cabello, who takes care of all vocal and instrumental conjurings. Though each release from Arizmenda has seen a slightly different approach employed, thus far the band has more or less employed an incredibly hypnotic brand of psychedelic black metal. Not "psychedelic" in a bright, bouncy, jammy type sense, but more embracing of the darker, abysmal brands of psychedelia. The music of Arizmenda is like a swirling, primordial vortex, replete with puzzling, nontraditional riffs that seem to snake in and out of one another, impressive drum work, eerie melodies, and soul sucking shrieks from Cabello. Curiously enough, Arizmenda is also distinct within Crepusculo Negro for being one of (if not) the only bands to not take to Mayan mythology as a lyrical theme, instead seeming to investigate topics of pain, suffering, and general mental instability. Even so, given his prolific output with Arizmenda as well as his involvement in several other BTC bands, Cabello's significance for the collective as a whole cannot be overstated.

*Every release is rock solid, but there's no harm in starting with the superb debut, Within The Vacuum Of Infinity.


Now here's one Crepusculo Negro band that I definitely need more of. Axeman is essentially Ramirez's take on blackened thrash metal, and boy does it stick. As with Volahn, here he's responsible for everything, cranking out a sound reminiscent of the early days of extreme metal in the 80s and early 90s, with nods to bands like Possessed, Slayer, Celtic Frost, Absu, and others. It's extremely crunchy, riff heavy, and hard hitting, but somehow, even with its more retro, familiar feel, it still retains Ramirez's signature sense of dark, dreamlike melody in little atmospheric breaks and the guitar solos. A total banger of a project that hits like a brick in the face and seriously needs to deliver some more material in the near future.

Go get floored by Arrive right over here.


Well that's an interesting name for a band, now isn't it? In keeping up with the ancient Mexico themes of Crepusculo Negro, "Blue Hummingbird On The Left" is the literal translation of the name of the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli. An interesting technique I've come to enjoy in metal is when bands go for a very raw, stripped down approach, yet include just one nonmetal instrument to shake things up a bit. This is the case with Blue Hummingbird On The Left, who play a form of black metal that really isn't all that nuanced or layered, but that features the occasional use of some sort of wind flute to create a more epic, transcendent vibe. The music, however, remains rather rough and abrasive throughout, and could use some softer moments to help to accentuate this mood. Admittedly Blue Hummingbird On The Left come across as one of the more uninteresting bands of Crepusculo Negro, but given the quality of the others they're up against as well as their limited amount of material at present, this might not be saying all that much. There's certainly much potential for them to grow and refine their formula in the future.

Give Bloodflower a listen here.


Musically, Kallathon produce black metal of a rather raw, gritty variety, not too unlike Blue Hummingbird On The Left, but with a greater sense of melody and tempo variation. There's a good sense of atmosphere here, not quite of the caliber of bands like Arizmenda or Volahn, but still in the sense of there being some sort of higher, ethereal force bubbling beneath the surface of the music that helps to make it more powerful and ensnaring. The slower, more midtempo movements from Kallathon actually come across as quite relaxing in their minimalism and almost uplifting approach. Once again, this is another band on the Crepusculo Negro roster that sees the involvement of Eduardo Ramirez, but here he takes a more minimal role of just playing drums, while the eponymous Michael "Kallathon" Prado handles everything else. The only real complaint with Kallathon is the sense of production, which is a little too resemblant to early black metal techniques for my tastes. There's nothing inherently wrong with raw and gritty of course, but listening their music you kind of get the sense that there's a lot of layering going on with Kallathon, so a cleaner production would be ideal to really hear all aspects of the composition a little better.

Have a taste of Before Drifting Into The Abyss right here.


Along with Axeman, Kuxan Suum are probably the Crepusculo Negro band that I most want to see a full length debut from in the near future, as their formula is incredibly interesting. It is black metal, but delivered in a very formless, atmospheric style that for the most part sticks to a slower, more meditative mood and doesn't really seem to be in much of a rush to get to any sort of energetic climax or frenetic burst of aggression. There are some definite influences from doom metal and drone to their sound, although blurred together with the black metal so effectively that it really becomes difficult to determine where the lines between them are drawn. This band features both Ramirez and Juan Cabello from Arizmenda, and listening to the music, it's easy to see how both of their approaches combine here into truly magnificent results. Kuxan Suum also occasionally employ the use of folk instruments such as flute and (from what it sounds like) native percussion, to great, trancelike effect. Seriously, this is a considerably overlooked BTC band and one that we definitely need more of.

Dive into Kinich Ahau.


Also a Maya-related reference, the name "Muknal" is derived from Actún Tunichil Muknal, a Mayan archaeological cave site in Belize known for housing human sacrificial remains as well as peculiar crystal formations. Upon first impression, the music of Muknal, like Acualli, sounds quite ferocious and bestial, albeit a tad less abrasive and with a bit of a different guitar tone. At times it might slow down, but in doing so it becomes more painful and crushing, and embellished by strange electronic and other atmospheric effects lurking in the background. It's basically something that sits in between Acualli and Blue Hummingbird On The Left, but with a greater sense of melody and nuance. Not necessarily my favorite of the Crepusculo Negro bands, but still definitely a good listen.

Check out the self titled demo here.


With luck, Shataan will end up becoming of the more prolific bands of Crepusculo Negro. There is certainly hope here, as in 2016 they dropped their full length debut, Weigh Of The Wolf, the first band in the collective other than Volahn and Arizmenda to have done so. Shataan are a strong testament to the diversity of the Black Twilight Circle, as the sound they conjure is entirely their own. Here Eduardo Ramirez plays bass, but the band is really the brainchild of its eponymous front man Joseph "Shataan" Alanouf, who contributes vocals, guitar, and flute. Shataan conjure a more relaxed, transcendental type black metal sound boosted by the flute, acoustic guitar passages, and, oddly enough, the vocals of of Shataan himself, who rather than going for traditional black metal shrieks instead opts for a clean delivery. I've seen many negative comments on the music due to the vocals, which certainly aren't for everybody, as not only are they quite wail-y, but it's not often that clean vocals are set on top of black metal to begin with. I happen to love the approach, however, and it combined with a very tight sense of songwriting help to make Shataan one of the more interesting of the BTC bands.

Give Weigh Of The Wolf a spin.


Finally, we come to the "main" band of Crepusculo Negro, the one that Eduardo Ramirez started first and that which more or less receives his primary focus: Volahn. Even with many more bands being added to the Black Twilight Circle since Volahn's initiation, this project has, over the years, still very much maintained its own signature sound that differentiates itself from all of them. The black metal of Volahn features a very distinct guitar tone, ripe with treble, that you don't really hear with any of the other BTC bands. There's also a strong penchant for melody here, not in the vein of traditional "melodic black metal," but more in the sense that there are just a lot of well written, bouncy, and catchy riffs that easily get stuck in your head and transition into each other incredibly well. The mood this sense of melody conjures is often dripping with Latin influence and at times almost sounds "Western" in a way. All this and more helps to make Volahn one of the strongest bands of Crepusculo Negro, and if this project is sort of the unofficial "leader" of the collective, it's not without good reason.

Aq'Ab'Al from 2015 was a phenomenal release and undoubtedly one of the best for black metal from that year. Plunge into it.

Particularly within the past 5 - 6 years, since the emergence of more of its younger members, Crepusculo Negro has evolved into a powerful, multifaceted, though still veiled and secretive collective. The process has been slow and steady, with more bands performing live, more merchandise being made, and more music being released from each member. It's a little disappointing that the majority of the bands involved have only released demos and EPs, but this may be inevitable in a way. Due to the involvement of Eduardo Ramirez in almost all of them, perhaps he really just doesn't have enough time as he'd like. One can only hope that eventually, as did Shataan did in 2016, other bands will debut some proper full lengths of their own.

One can always get a brief idea of each of the Crepusculo Negro band by checking out the massive Tliltic Tlapoyauak as well, a compilation album where each band (including some both not mentioned here as well as others who are no longer members) contributed a single track. It's convenient if you're short on time, but for a better, fuller understanding of the bands, investigating the releases linked to here is recommended. It is hoped that this article will spark interest in doing so, thus shedding more light on the unique and consistently impressive machinations of this fascinating group.


Comments: 68   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 132 users
07.01.2018 - 18:49
You're doing the good work, sir. Keeping this site alive. Another very good article.
07.01.2018 - 19:32
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by Neachy on 07.01.2018 at 18:49

You're doing the good work, sir. Keeping this site alive. Another very good article.

Thanks for the compliment

Great new things on deck for the new year though, hopefully with my partner in crime Radu who's just recently been bumped up. The continued support and encouragement is always appreciated.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

08.01.2018 - 08:07
This reminds me I have to check out stuff other than Volahn and Arizmenda. Just seems like he really should release more stuff under all these projects.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
08.01.2018 - 08:17
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by RaduP on 08.01.2018 at 08:07

This reminds me I have to check out stuff other than Volahn and Arizmenda. Just seems like he really should release more stuff under all these projects.

Ramirez isn't a Mories-alike, for better or worse, a case where more bands generally means a more prolific output over time. Who knows what ultimately factors into that: other members not being as productive, shows, etc. I'd say "less is more," "absence makes the heart grow fond," shit like that, but really after a point I just want some goddamn Axeman and Kuxan Suum full lengths especially.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

08.01.2018 - 08:19
Written by Auntie Sahar on 08.01.2018 at 08:17

Ramirez isn't a Mories-alike, for better or worse, a case where more bands generally means a more prolific output over time. Who knows what ultimately factors into that: other members not being as productive, shows, etc. I'd say "less is more," "absence makes the heart grow fond," shit like that, but really after a point I just want some goddamn Axeman and Kuxan Suum full lengths especially.

Yeah exactly what I was talking about, some of these have been left without any proper material
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
08.01.2018 - 15:15
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by RaduP on 08.01.2018 at 08:19

Yeah exactly what I was talking about, some of these have been left without any proper material

The thing that really interests me is the fact that the non "Big Two" bands (outside of Volahn and Arizmenda) are still doing shows and whatnot, I mean I have a friend who's going to catch them on some BTC European tour that also has Shataan and Blue Hummingbird On The Left on the lineup. Past shows in the US have seen sets from some of the other, more obscure bands as well. Hopefully that will inspire the creation of more material for those shows, and not just "well, we don't have to do anything because if we're part of a fest we'll only get a 20 minute set anyway, and our demo is just as long."
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

08.01.2018 - 15:27
Written by Auntie Sahar on 08.01.2018 at 15:15

Written by RaduP on 08.01.2018 at 08:19

Yeah exactly what I was talking about, some of these have been left without any proper material

The thing that really interests me is the fact that the non "Big Two" bands (outside of Volahn and Arizmenda) are still doing shows and whatnot, I mean I have a friend who's going to catch them on some BTC European tour that also has Shataan and Blue Hummingbird On The Left on the lineup. Past shows in the US have seen sets from some of the other, more obscure bands as well. Hopefully that will inspire the creation of more material for those shows, and not just "well, we don't have to do anything because if we're part of a fest we'll only get a 20 minute set anyway, and our demo is just as long."

Wew, didn't expect BTC to get as far as Europe just yet. Seems like they're doing fine for themselves.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
08.01.2018 - 18:04
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by RaduP on 08.01.2018 at 15:27

Wew, didn't expect BTC to get as far as Europe just yet. Seems like they're doing fine for themselves.

They've definitely acquired enough of an underground reputation to fuel funds for it, even while still being kvlty as shit with selective appearances and the cassette only release nonsense. Volahn opening for Inquisition on the US tour last year brought a lot more money and exposure BTC's way too. Time for the Tenochtitlan Takeover
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

09.01.2018 - 00:11
I've actually never even heard of them. Thanks for the tip, and a good article, as always!

I'm way to inactive to really contribute to the site, but it would be fun to write similar articles. I usually listen to bands entire discographies. I recently did a small review list for In Flames, with a lot of unpopular choices.
09.01.2018 - 01:11
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by Kuroboshi on 09.01.2018 at 00:11

I've actually never even heard of them. Thanks for the tip, and a good article, as always!

I'm way to inactive to really contribute to the site, but it would be fun to write similar articles. I usually listen to bands entire discographies. I recently did a small review list for In Flames, with a lot of unpopular choices.

No problem man, and thank you for mentioning that list, I will definitely check it when my schedule gets a little less hectic. One of my goals above all with my writing is to inspire writing in others, so without sounding too cheesy tell me to say I'm truly blessed if I can do that
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

09.01.2018 - 12:04
Alex F
Is Odz Manouk not BTC? Because I could've sworn they were. Regardless, great article which will likely push me to finally check out the remaining BTC artists that I still haven't explored.
09.01.2018 - 21:16
gloom cookie
Written by Kuroboshi on 09.01.2018 at 00:11

I'm way to inactive to really contribute to the site, but it would be fun to write similar articles. I usually listen to bands entire discographies. I recently did a small review list for In Flames, with a lot of unpopular choices.

Contributing to the site isn't necessarily about activity, it can also be about writing quality articles and reviews whenever you feel like it it's how most of us started. Read through articles, notice how it's done, then come up with a series or restart an inactive series (with the consent of the original author) or simply review a band's new album. I started out writing guest reviews for old discographies and I have a lot of fond memories from that period.
7.0 means the album is good
10.01.2018 - 10:04
Written by Alex F on 09.01.2018 at 12:04

Is Odz Manouk not BTC? Because I could've sworn they were. Regardless, great article which will likely push me to finally check out the remaining BTC artists that I still haven't explored.

Odz Manouk is/was part of the BTC. My favorite band of this scene, along with Arizmenda and Kallathon.
10.01.2018 - 11:32
Alex F
Written by roeder on 10.01.2018 at 10:04

Odz Manouk is/was part of the BTC. My favorite band of this scene, along with Arizmenda and Kallathon.

They're definitely up there as one of the best. The split they did with Tukaaria is damn near perfect, and their 2010 release is pretty close in quality as well.
10.01.2018 - 14:23
Written by Milena on 09.01.2018 at 21:16

Contributing to the site isn't necessarily about activity, it can also be about writing quality articles and reviews whenever you feel like it it's how most of us started. Read through articles, notice how it's done, then come up with a series or restart an inactive series (with the consent of the original author) or simply review a band's new album. I started out writing guest reviews for old discographies and I have a lot of fond memories from that period.

Hey thanks! Actually, I started reviewing a bit some years ago, but I've been too busy over a couple of years to really do something about it. Maybe I should start up again. It is fun, isn't it?
14.01.2018 - 05:59
Boxcar Willy
It's funny, once you cross the border into Mexico the similar bands to these are all NSBM.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

14.01.2018 - 06:53
Doit Like Bernie
Good call on Kuxan Suum, somehow I never stumbled upon them and they're absolutely killer! For people unfamiliar with BTC, this is a really good split featuring Shataan, Volanh, Arizemenda, and Kallathon.
14.01.2018 - 08:29
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by Marcus on 14.01.2018 at 06:53

Good call on Kuxan Suum, somehow I never stumbled upon them and they're absolutely killer! For people unfamiliar with BTC, this is a really good split featuring Shataan, Volanh, Arizemenda, and Kallathon.

That's a great one indeed, especially for that killer Volahn track, but I'd recommend this compilation instead. More bands, some of whom have apparently since left BTC, gives a nice, bite-sized overview of the entire collective and what each band is more or less about.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

14.01.2018 - 08:29
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by Boxcar Willy on 14.01.2018 at 05:59

It's funny, once you cross the border into Mexico the similar bands to these are all NSBM.

Such as?
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

14.01.2018 - 08:48
Doit Like Bernie
Written by Auntie Sahar on 14.01.2018 at 08:29

That's a great one indeed, especially for that killer Volahn track, but I'd recommend this compilation instead. More bands, some of whom have apparently since left BTC, gives a nice, bite-sized overview of the entire collective and what each band is more or less about.

I haven't heard that one in a couple years, so I could be totally wrong, but although Tliltic offers a better intro to BTC as a whole it really isn't as good of a release as Desert Dances... Though I may just do another dive through all their releases and reevaluate
14.01.2018 - 13:14
delicious dish
Written by Boxcar Willy on 14.01.2018 at 05:59

It's funny, once you cross the border into Mexico the similar bands to these are all NSBM.

BLH seems very close to it as far as I can tell. Though there's a question if we should label all nationalist metal nsbm
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
14.01.2018 - 16:58
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by Desha on 14.01.2018 at 13:14

BLH seems very close to it as far as I can tell. Though there's a question if we should label all nationalist metal nsbm

I wouldn't, NSBM is more of a Nazism thing than anything else, I think
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

14.01.2018 - 17:09
delicious dish
Written by Auntie Sahar on 14.01.2018 at 16:58

Written by Desha on 14.01.2018 at 13:14

BLH seems very close to it as far as I can tell. Though there's a question if we should label all nationalist metal nsbm

I wouldn't, NSBM is more of a Nazism thing than anything else, I think

Yeah of course. The thing is just that white nationalism is basically identical too ns ideology and it feels weird to make the distinction for different countries like Mexiko. I mean nationalism without racism is pretty hard to do, as they're always against "outsiders"...
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
14.01.2018 - 19:09
Albeit some are more dangerous than others, nationalism, nazism and patriotism are all equally dumb.
"Duh, I'm so proud I was born in this particular piece of land and not on that other one"
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
14.01.2018 - 20:06
Boxcar Willy
Written by Auntie Sahar on 14.01.2018 at 08:29

Such as?

Blue Hummingbird On The Left has strong nationalistic ties too. There are more bands too, I was researching the history behind NSBM the other day when I was bored on a sick day a few weeks ago.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

14.01.2018 - 20:11
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by Karlabos on 14.01.2018 at 19:09

Albeit some are more dangerous than others, nationalism, nazism and patriotism are all equally dumb.
"Duh, I'm so proud I was born in this particular piece of land and not on that other one"

I'm going to quote what Metatron had to say about this in our interview:

"I use this band [The Wolves Of Avalon] to explore the ancient history of Britain, of times past. The first album was about Arthur and his battles with the invading Saxon hordes. The second was about Boudicca, our Celtic warrior queen. There have been some great guests on these albums from, Rob Darken (Graveland), Thurios (Drudkh), and Varggoth (Nokturnal Mortum). I am well aware that these guests have nationalistic views, and I have sympathy for a man's pride in who he is, albeit Zulu, Celtic or Nordic. Being proud of one's past does not mean you need to hate someone else."

There's nothing wrong with taking an interest in the culture you were born and feeling a sense of admiration and respect for it as opposed to others from there. The line is drawn for me when one twists that sense of national pride into persecution of other people subsequently dubbed "inferior." Other than that, I see nothing wrong with it in itself.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

14.01.2018 - 20:17
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by Desha on 14.01.2018 at 17:09

Yeah of course. The thing is just that white nationalism is basically identical too ns ideology and it feels weird to make the distinction for different countries like Mexiko. I mean nationalism without racism is pretty hard to do, as they're always against "outsiders"...

There is a distinction to be made here that I think some people commenting aren't grasping. The nationalism of oppressed, colonized people is a reaction to the imperialism and nationalist dickswinging imposed upon them for centuries by foreign powers. Why would one not develop feelings of national pride and a distrust/hatred of outsiders when said outsiders established such a long, violent track record of genocide, enslavement, and cultural cleansing of the nationalities in question?

This is why I would never lump the BTC bands in with NSBM. The nationalism of NS bands is about maintaining the racist, self righteous ideology that led to the persecution of the communities BTC venerates in the first place. BTC's nationalism is a reaction to such ideology that is more about defending it and preserving its authenticity than anything else.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

14.01.2018 - 20:27
Great article! Always good to see BTC getting more exposure, seems like even among extreme metal they are getting more well-known (I introduced these bands to quite a few die hard BM-fans that barely heard about them, and the current European Tour should help them too!).

Also, quick comment about nationalism. Even if I don't give a shit about my "country" or any State, the concept of nationalism goes way beyond "being proud of being born on a piece of land" or having ties with racism or xenphobia. Sometimes those don't even play a role in nationalism.
it is a much larger idea that involves cultural identity, social organization or the formation of a political entity under a State. It can be about almost any fucking thing you can possibly imagine, since 18th or 19th century humans have had way to much free time to come up with bullshit ideas to push such concepts. It does rely on the foundation of certain ideas such as land, language, sovereignty, etc...which show up more frequently than others but it really depends, and I personally think it doesn't have to mandatorily be something negative (even if I don't support any form, anyway). Playing devil's advocate
14.01.2018 - 20:31
X-Ray Rod
Plus... Show me one band from BTC that is writing actual NS lyrics. I do not see any a drop of anti-judeo-christianity either in their texts.
PS: Any mention of Spanish people during the conquista-period does not count due it to them being obviously historical in nature..

Written by Boxcar Willy on 14.01.2018 at 20:06

Written by Auntie Sahar on 14.01.2018 at 08:29

Such as?
Blue Hummingbird On The Left has strong nationalistic ties too.

What ties? I don't see any related members between BHL and any of the NSBM bands on the label you linked. The label you posted is clearly NSBM (just looked about most of them) but besides the fact that they are from Mexico, speak spanish and play metal... I see little in common between them and the Black Twillight Circle (even the quality is different as the bands I just checked out were fucking terrible).
I'm honestly perplexed at how you guys even came up to that comparison. Probably because I can actually read the lyrics.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.01.2018 - 20:36
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Written by X-Ray Rod on 14.01.2018 at 20:31

What ties? I don't see any related members between BHT and any of the NSBM bands on the label you linked.
I'm honestly perplexed at how you guys even came out to that comparison. Probably because I understand spanish and I can actually read the lyrics.

There's no comparison to be made, how can one even call bands that write lyrics about their heritage and standing proud in the face of racist foreigners racist in themselves?
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.


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