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To-Mera - Earthbound review


29 users:
Band: To-Mera
Album: Earthbound
Style: Symphonic progressive metal
Release date: October 24, 2009
A review by: Ivor

01. Mesmerised
02. Earthbound
03. Arcane Solace
04. Another World

To-Mera's music is generally not easily accessible. From the first demo To-Mera has required a considerable effort to get into the vibe. If you picture their music as a steep hill that's hard to climb on its own even when employing four-limb drive, it was made harder to grasp by someone throwing rocks at you from the top of the hill. It required a fair amount of concentration to listen to them. Now the band are back with the new EP called Earthbound.

From the first riffs you can hear that music sounds different. The steep hill is there alright but someone flinging rocks down at you has gone out to lunch. The music has calmed a bit, lost some of the edges and corners and become generally smoother. You can still find heavy riffs and changing song structures that have already become familiar on Transcendental and Delusions, and Julie's vocals still soar over the music making you navigate two changing currents at the same time when listening.

However, it's the calmer parts where you can hear the changes that have taken place in the line-up after Delusions was released. When I listened to Earthbound I was taken by surprise how good those calm parts sounded. Jazzy interludes have been previously present but they have been more like breathers in-between the turmoil. Those jumps are still there but more noticeable, smoother and maybe more prog rock like with a better blend of keyboards and guitars. The new keyboard player Richard Henshall has added quite a bit in general to the background keyboard sound.

I don't know where To-Mera are heading with their music. I don't think they know it themselves as this EP is more of an interlude to unload the ideas. However, I do like the current approach. Blending their generally harsh-toned music more with melodic elements from jazz/fusion and prog rock, elaborating more on such brief encounters of the past seems to unveil more of the band's musicianship and song-writing skills. Solo spots in "Earthbound" and "Arcane Solace" are just excellent.

In the end I want to say that there are times on Earthbound that To-Mera remind me of Estonian prog metal band called Echosilence and some elements on their MCD Distorted Horizons. Unfortunately, this will bear any real meaning mostly to Estonians. Both stuff is excellent, though.

Written on 22.11.2009 by I shoot people.

Sometimes, I also write about it.

And one day I'm going to start a band. We're going to be playing pun-rock.


Comments: 8   Visited by: 144 users
23.11.2009 - 12:06
Rating: 9
Au Pays Natal
I really like Delusions - the only release I have from this band - so I will have to check this out. Also, I have that EchoSilence cd Distorted Horizons and I think that one is brilliant...too bad they broke up!
23.11.2009 - 16:12
Baz Anderson
Who broke up, exactly?

Well I'm listening to "Arcane Solace" on the myspace and it does sound quite nice indeed. Actually, probably To-Mera at their best as far as I am concerned.
23.11.2009 - 17:31
Seeker of Truth
Wow, great, articulate review. Checking this out ASAP. I didn't the new EP was on the way.
Savor what you feel and what you see
Things that may not seem important now
But may be tomorrow

R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

Satan was a Backstreet Boy
23.11.2009 - 20:33
Written by tea[m]ster on 23.11.2009 at 12:06

I really like Delusions - the only release I have from this band - so I will have to check this out. Also, I have that EchoSilence cd Distorted Horizons and I think that one is brilliant...too bad they broke up!

It's actually pretty amazing that you have heard of Echosilence. They are good, no doubt there.

Written by Baz Anderson on 23.11.2009 at 16:12

Who broke up, exactly?

That goes for Echosilence.

24.11.2009 - 06:28
Dude, which lunch?! The guy is still there!! Only that this time, IMO, hes thrown down pebbles with less I like this release. Its easier to get into than the first two. I like your review too..
Freeze! Step away from the hubris.
24.11.2009 - 19:57
Educating and skillfully written review. Thanks.
25.11.2009 - 11:56
Rating: 9
Au Pays Natal
Written by Ivor on 23.11.2009 at 20:33

Written by tea[m]ster on 23.11.2009 at 12:06

I really like Delusions - the only release I have from this band - so I will have to check this out. Also, I have that EchoSilence cd Distorted Horizons and I think that one is brilliant...too bad they broke up!

It's actually pretty amazing that you have heard of Echosilence. They are good, no doubt there.

Written by Baz Anderson on 23.11.2009 at 16:12

Who broke up, exactly?

That goes for Echosilence.


Yea, I wish we could have seen more from EchoSilence. Their 4-track EP release was very promising!
27.11.2009 - 09:08
Rating: 9
Jason W.
Definitely in agreement with your review here. The first thing I noticed was the immense changes the sound had with Richard's keyboard style; it's so different yet equally as interesting and it makes the music come at me with a new feel.

Julie's lyrics and her style have been a favorite of mine since the start (and with her old band Without Face) of To-Mera, and I'm still pondering the ideas she put into this EP. Also, I am impressed that Tom's style remains so consistent, even with a new production and the softer sound. I know it's him and the arrangements are so good. I think this EP will keep me occupied for quite awhile into next year
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

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