Zenzero Zenzero
Posts: 472  |
04.02.2010 - 18:40Rating: 10
It's the best Freedom Call's album!
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
Yes. Over the years I would pick Gamma Ray over Freedom Call any day. This time however, I think Freedom Call have released the better album.
fade Son of Sweden StaffPosts: 3771  |
fadeSon of SwedenStaffPosts: 3771 
The troubles of avoiding horseshit.
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Kamilbolt Account deleted |
Kamilbolt Account deleted
9 /10 ?- this is some kind of joke or somethin'
Edit: sorry, I just don't like FC stuff - it's too sweety.
And those keyboards melody on the begining of third song.......
Dragonlord TG
Posts: 140
A agree. The best FC album so far. And, although Gamma Ray is a better band, Freedom Call has released the better album now, no doubt.
wrathchild StaffPosts: 14090  |
I should definitely give it a listen before I see with on tour with Gamma Ray next week. I enjoyed their first album, but all the others were boring, so I'm glad to hear that this new album shows more variety.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate
Txus, Mägo De Oz
Valaskjalf Account deleted |
Valaskjalf Account deleted
Sounds like a mix between Avantasia and Rhapsody only more happy-clappy....I mean i sometimes like flower metal but this kinda made me cringe.
Posts: 195  |
9?! - Oh I get it - "Only for real pOwweR mEtaL fans"  Dumb music...
Posts: 532  |
I cant realy decide if i hate or love this album, its REALY an album of mood to me, sometimes i just cant stand it, but at other times i can just sit back and relax to it, but its not a great album tbh, heard 1283919231203 better power metal albums. Still mediocre to me.
Posts: 784  |
This is to high rating for sure. It isnt bad album, but for example, the last two songs, are the highest rank of awfulness. 7,5/8 for me.
the riddle wants to be...
Valaskjalf Account deleted |
Valaskjalf Account deleted
Completely agree....there's nothing about this album that is 9/10. Something has to be seriously fucking good or unique for me to give 9/10 but this is just Rhapsody of Fire with less skilled guitarists....
Posts: 234  |
Freedom Call 9 for originality? I will need to try this album out then! I can only stand a few songs on previous albums
"I'm rising in power through murdering rain
Stronger than Faith allows
Braver than heroes vows
...My head is bloody
but I am unbowed
I am power..."
Metal Maiden Megadead
Posts: 352  |
Hmm, now that's a power metal band I like...their last album was kinda disappointing though, hope this one is better...
Ellrohir Heaven Knight
Posts: 8680  |
Hey! i must get this! now!
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
Posts: 1469  |
"This is about as good as modern power metal of recent years gets."
Considering how much modern-day Powermetal sucks, I don't even consider this sentence as a compliment.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
Ellrohir Heaven Knight
Posts: 8680  |
Surely it is no album for you, Lord_Regnier...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
Posts: 1469  |
I listened to all the songs on Youtube. There are maybe 4-5 songs I like (they remind me of Stairway To Fairyland) but it's not an album for me, indeed. More or less half the album is garbage, imo. The last two songs are especially atrocious.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
Posts: 31  |
Lol i love how everyone just includes cheesiness as one of the things freedom call is just known for. hilarious.
- Wrainth
Ellrohir Heaven Knight
Posts: 8680  |
The last song is especially great...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
I saw the last song as them just messing about.
My favourite is the chunk from track 1 to 4.
Metal Maiden Megadead
Posts: 352  |
Ah, unfortunately nothing in the vein of Eternity or the different but also great Circle of Life...Slightly better than Dimensions though...
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071  |
Same comment here as I posted in the album comments department:
Damn, I listened to it and it is once again a dripping cheesefest.
And reading the review how the bleep is it possible too give this piece of generic music a 9 for originality?
My God... Helloween and the other forefathers of cheese a 9 no porblem, but on eof the copiers a 9 in the originality department is just ludicrous. Performace 9, production 10 etc I can all live with but ORIGINALITY 9 hahahahaha joke of the year
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Ellrohir Heaven Knight
Posts: 8680  |
Too bad, that even a staff member is not sharing opinion with you here, eh?
but to be honest, you are probably right about that - there are very few innovations compared to older albums, maybe that they are singing one song in German?
on the other hand - you can listen to few seconds and you can be almost certain, that it is Freedom Call due to quite specific vocals and choruses...maybe this is meant with this "originality"?
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
Posts: 1469  |
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 08.02.2010 at 02:40
Same comment here as I posted in the album comments department:
Damn, I listened to it and it is once again a dripping cheesefest.
And reading the review how the bleep is it possible too give this piece of generic music a 9 for originality?
My God... Helloween and the other forefathers of cheese a 9 no porblem, but on eof the copiers a 9 in the originality department is just ludicrous. Performace 9, production 10 etc I can all live with but ORIGINALITY 9 hahahahaha joke of the year
There's indeed absolutely nothing new under the sun. The best it achieves, and only on a few parts here and there, is to sound like "Stairway To Fairyland".
But, come on. Originality? It's modern-day Powermetal we're talking about. It's always generic and not original at all.
And of course it's over-happy and quite cheesy. Freedom call have always been happy and cheesy. You need to be in the right mood to enjoy this band. The difference is after "Eternity" their songs are boring.
Lots of fillers and garbage songs.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071  |
Written by Lord_Regnier on 08.02.2010 at 14:01
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 08.02.2010 at 02:40
Same comment here as I posted in the album comments department:
Damn, I listened to it and it is once again a dripping cheesefest.
And reading the review how the bleep is it possible too give this piece of generic music a 9 for originality?
My God... Helloween and the other forefathers of cheese a 9 no porblem, but on eof the copiers a 9 in the originality department is just ludicrous. Performace 9, production 10 etc I can all live with but ORIGINALITY 9 hahahahaha joke of the year
There's indeed absolutely nothing new under the sun. The best it achieves, and only on a few parts here and there, is to sound like "Stairway To Fairyland".
But, come on. Originality? It's modern-day Powermetal we're talking about. It's always generic and not original at all.
And of course it's over-happy and quite cheesy. Freedom call have always been happy and cheesy. You need to be in the right mood to enjoy this band. The difference is after "Eternity" their songs are boring.
Lots of fillers and garbage songs.
Tbh I actually do find this new Freedom Call more enjoyable than their older stuff. I't just seeing the rating for originality here that made me crack up. With bands such as these it's better not to rate originality, that's like rating traditional doom bands for originality when in fact they lean so much on Black Sabbath that they should score around a 3 or 4 for originality every time, even a band such as great as Saint Vitus.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
Well yeh, it isn't that original. I must have not been thinking properly when I put that.
Compared to past Freedom Call albums though, this is definitely the most original album.
JÄY Metal slave
Posts: 1567  |
11.02.2010 - 16:58Rating: 6
JÄYMetal slavePosts: 1567 
I dont like this album one bit.....new gamma ray aint the best but how can any power metal fan claim this pile to be better?
Posts: 1469  |
Written by JÄY on 11.02.2010 at 16:58
I dont like this album one bit.....new gamma ray aint the best but how can any power metal fan claim this pile to be better?
My theory is most people who claim to be Powermetal fans nowadays have tastes that lean more towards hard rock than real PM (melodic speed metal, like we called it in the 90s).
Lots of people don't even make the difference between PM and hard rock anymore, in fact, because people are so used to hear soft and cheesy garbage from PM bands.
Old PM was fast, heavy, not overproduced. It wasn't as aggressive as Thrash, Death or Black Metal but it had a certain roughness. I would say the genre became ridiculous and cheesy around the time labels like Limb Music started to sign every mediocre and generic band who sounded a bit like PM. For me, most bands nowadays are melodic metal but not speed metal.
Some bands are barely or not even metal, from my point of view. More like some kind of sucky hard rock or a different kind of pop music.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
Darken Rahl
Posts: 32  |
21.02.2010 - 04:48Rating: 9
I am a huge Power Metal fan and this is definetly PM. The best by them so far. I can't stand hard rock. When a band starts to lean that way (Edguy) I lose interest fast. I'm still undesided which is beter, the new Gamma ray or this. They are both extremely good albums.
Posts: 170  |
Written by Darken Rahl on 21.02.2010 at 04:48
I am a huge Power Metal fan and this is definetly PM. The best by them so far. I can't stand hard rock. When a band starts to lean that way (Edguy) I lose interest fast. I'm still undesided which is beter, the new Gamma ray or this. They are both extremely good albums.
yeah man!!agree!!gamma ray is AWESOME..cant wait Avantasia new album!!!argh!!