Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 01:53Rating: 10
Written by Culty on 19.08.2010 at 01:01
Written by vezzy on 19.08.2010 at 00:53
I like BNW the best out of the modern Maiden catalogue.
Didn't feel they did Huxley's novel justice though. Just the damn title.
Did anything on that album relate to the novel at all? Other than the name. I haven't looked at the lyrics too closely.
Now, I will be the first to tell you how much I hate this song. At least TFF doesn't repeat choruses nonstop like this.
Introspekrieg Totemic Lust ElitePosts: 2749  |
19.08.2010 - 02:00Rating: 3
Written by LordMaiden on 19.08.2010 at 01:53
Written by Culty on 19.08.2010 at 01:01
Written by vezzy on 19.08.2010 at 00:53
I like BNW the best out of the modern Maiden catalogue.
Didn't feel they did Huxley's novel justice though. Just the damn title.
Did anything on that album relate to the novel at all? Other than the name. I haven't looked at the lyrics too closely.
Now, I will be the first to tell you how much I hate this song. At least TFF doesn't repeat choruses nonstop like this.
Yes... Brave New World did have a problem with repetition, parts overstaying their welcome
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 02:15Rating: 10
BNW (the song) For The Greater Good Of God, No More Lies....I mean, it takes momentum from otherwise awesome songs, except BNW. I never liked that song to begin with.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071  |
My God thisbutthurt Maiden fan's posts are even more boring than current Maiden's music. Please go back to writing school before posting ever again.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Posts: 289  |
19.08.2010 - 03:06Rating: 7
Ok, I bought the album today (it was only 10 $ CAN) and I listened to it carefully as it was playing in my sound system. As I thought all this argument about the album which went to far, as every time people who don't know about rationality and objective thinking argue, was unjustified. In fact, the album is good for what it is but it doesn't revolutionize the world of metal. There is pretty good songs (almost all of the second half of the album) but also pretty bland moments (the title song). Anyway, it was worth the ten bucks and I think that if you liked Maiden efforts since the return of Bruce, you'll probably like this one. No need to curse or insult others, no nedd to force your beliefs about music unto others.
Posts: 1941  |
19.08.2010 - 03:28Rating: 2
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.08.2010 at 03:03
My God thisbutthurt Maiden fan's posts are even more boring than current Maiden's music. Please go back to writing school before posting ever again.
You're a mod, why don't you get rid of this fanboy turd? He blatantly admitted himself to be here to troll. If I'd be a mod, he would have already received the proverbial kick in the butt he deserves a hundred times. There's a difference between saying that bands and albums suck, and coming here to "tell people on this board how idiotic they are", like this idiot pretends.
The mods don't seem to realize that they make this board look as a joke by tolerating those butthurt fanboys.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
Posts: 75  |
Written by LordMaiden on 19.08.2010 at 00:03
Written by vezzy on 18.08.2010 at 23:59
Even us death metal freaks are better than you, fanboy turd.
OMG...I think I've been called a fanboy for the 100th time.
YOU WIN!!!!! What does he get, Charlie?
When one of your DM bands makes 15 albums and is still able to sell them, let me know.
But they won't because death metal is utter horseshit.
No, DM is not horseshit.
Posts: 10
Written by RavenKing on 19.08.2010 at 03:28
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.08.2010 at 03:03
My God thisbutthurt Maiden fan's posts are even more boring than current Maiden's music. Please go back to writing school before posting ever again.
You're a mod, why don't you get rid of this fanboy turd? He blatantly admitted himself to be here to troll. If I'd be a mod, he would have already received the proverbial kick in the butt he deserves a hundred times. There's a difference between saying that bands and albums suck, and coming here to "tell people on this board how idiotic they are", like this idiot pretends.
The mods don't seem to realize that they make this board look as a joke by tolerating those butthurt fanboys.
Posts: 10
Written by RavenKing on 18.08.2010 at 01:39
Chess and mate...
Daydream Nation Account deleted |
Daydream Nation Account deleted
Written by LordMaiden on 18.08.2010 at 22:31
Written by [user id=100467] on 18.08.2010 at 20:13
I refuse to support the fan boys on this occasion. A single word to describe Iron Maiden: STAGNATION. They aren't progressing and experimenting; they play the same damn tune over and over again. I've already heard their 80s heyday albums and their classic 90s stuff...and ever since Brave New World, they have been sleepers (with the possible exception of Dance of Death, which did have many songs I consider classic.).
Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer, even Megadeth... there has to be more originality and thought placed into their songs. Maybe I'm not justifying myself well enough, but it feels like the same plod through all their albums. And until I see a concerted effort to separate the bands from their past works and innovate (that's what I pay artists to do, of course!), I will not be supporting their albums.
Score once again: 6.
Ummm, WHAT? DoD is the worst of the modern albums.
Well, I didn't find any song on AMOLAD great. And Paschendale and Dance of Death are some of the best modern Maiden tunes, in my honest opinion. Note that I said "possible exception."
Don't even respond to the stagnation comment. You know it's true.
Ellrohir Heaven Knight
Posts: 8680  |
I would even say that Paschendale might be their best song ever (at least for me), but overall Dance Of Death really sound weaker how Brave New World and AMOLAD...first i loved it, but as the time flowed, it somehow lost its miracle...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
vezzy Stallmanite
Posts: 3493  |
19.08.2010 - 12:30Rating: 6
vezzyStallmanitePosts: 3493 
Written by Culty on 19.08.2010 at 01:01
Written by vezzy on 19.08.2010 at 00:53
I like BNW the best out of the modern Maiden catalogue.
Didn't feel they did Huxley's novel justice though. Just the damn title.
Did anything on that album relate to the novel at all? Other than the name. I haven't looked at the lyrics too closely.
I don't think it had anything in common besides the name.
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
Posts: 10  |
JohnDoe Account deleted |
JohnDoe Account deleted
Third listen on the album right now; El Dorado is the weakest song on the album. The album is OK, not great or amazing, it's enjoyable. More than decent let's say.
Daniell _爱情_ ElitePosts: 6127  |
19.08.2010 - 16:06Rating: 6
Let's be fair. Iron Maiden has 6 excellent musicians who, even at the nadir of their creativity, are capable of writing songs that will be at least decent. So "The Final Frontier" being as it is, is a decent album. Too bad it's light years behind Maiden's really good stuff.
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 16:09Rating: 10
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.08.2010 at 03:03
My God thisbutthurt Maiden fan's posts are even more boring than current Maiden's music. Please go back to writing school before posting ever again.
I must say....listening to this album on a good pair of headphones makes a huge difference. The dynamics are much better and you can hear all three guitars with more clarity.
OK, now on to your insults.
# of times "butthurt" has been used on this forum: 56
# of times "fanboy" has been used on this forum: 2,672
Good God, could you stop being so fucking cheap and uninspiring? Have I taught you anything yet?
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 16:09Rating: 10
Written by Daniell on 19.08.2010 at 16:06
Iron Maiden had 6 excellent musicians who, even at the nadir of their creativity, are capable of writing songs that will be at least decent.
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 16:13Rating: 10
Written by [user id=100467] on 19.08.2010 at 07:11
Written by LordMaiden on 18.08.2010 at 22:31
Written by [user id=100467] on 18.08.2010 at 20:13
I refuse to support the fan boys on this occasion. A single word to describe Iron Maiden: STAGNATION. They aren't progressing and experimenting; they play the same damn tune over and over again. I've already heard their 80s heyday albums and their classic 90s stuff...and ever since Brave New World, they have been sleepers (with the possible exception of Dance of Death, which did have many songs I consider classic.).
Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer, even Megadeth... there has to be more originality and thought placed into their songs. Maybe I'm not justifying myself well enough, but it feels like the same plod through all their albums. And until I see a concerted effort to separate the bands from their past works and innovate (that's what I pay artists to do, of course!), I will not be supporting their albums.
Score once again: 6.
Ummm, WHAT? DoD is the worst of the modern albums.
Well, I didn't find any song on AMOLAD great. And Paschendale and Dance of Death are some of the best modern Maiden tunes, in my honest opinion. Note that I said "possible exception."
Don't even respond to the stagnation comment. You know it's true.
No, it isn't. How the fuck are you going to claim they aren't progressing and experimenting on an album that does both?
All you are doing is trying to repeat what everyone else is saying and attempting to be original about it at the same time.
vezzy Stallmanite
Posts: 3493  |
19.08.2010 - 16:33Rating: 6
vezzyStallmanitePosts: 3493 
Okay, fine:
They progress into boredom.
They experiment with how long they can play until the listener falls asleep.
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 16:36Rating: 10
Well then don't listen to it.
Spyroid Rosetta Stoned
Posts: 1023  |
Written by Winterthrone on 19.08.2010 at 03:06
Ok, I bought the album today (it was only 10 $ CAN) and I listened to it carefully as it was playing in my sound system. As I thought all this argument about the album which went to far, as every time people who don't know about rationality and objective thinking argue, was unjustified. In fact, the album is good for what it is but it doesn't revolutionize the world of metal. There is pretty good songs (almost all of the second half of the album) but also pretty bland moments (the title song). Anyway, it was worth the ten bucks and I think that if you liked Maiden efforts since the return of Bruce, you'll probably like this one. No need to curse or insult others, no nedd to force your beliefs about music unto others.
Finally a relevant post... if you don't like the album - well, post your opinion without insulting every Maidenfan. If you get insulted - don't take it personally and just ignore the idiots, they only want your attention. If you like the album - don't call people who doesn't understand it idiots, just enjoy it and don't care about forcing your opinion on people. I even think it's pretty annoying with people who tell people how to behave on forums and comment sections (like my post... but I couldn't resist)
And I get so fucking bored by people debating which new/old/mid Maiden era album is better, worse, which songs are good or bad - and try to force people to get the same opinion?! What does it matter if songs are repetive, too long, too short e.tc. as long as they are good? And why do some people want everyone to have the same opinion as them? Listen to the songs you like, don't listen to the songs you don't like. And let people who like the "bad" songs/albums waste their time on them...
Concerning the album - Well, I grew up with Brave New World and I probably wouldn't have been listening to music at all today if it wasn't for that album - it makes it the best Maiden album for me. After that it goes down, every album since then is a little bit less good IMO. So well, in that way I got disapointed by TFF, but it's still a good album not compared to other albums. The intro is hilariously cool, The Alchemist reminds me of Aces High, Coming Home has some great lyrics, El Dorado has sneaked its way into my brain and the last three songs, especially The Talisman is increbile. A very uneven album though, IMO. I'd give it something around 7/10.
Elijah Dance, bitch!
Posts: 2925  |
ElijahDance, bitch!Posts: 2925 
Written by LordMaiden on 19.08.2010 at 16:09
Good God, could you stop being so fucking cheap and uninspiring? Have I taught you anything yet?
You've taught me the value of mediocrity.
Vikcen Metálico
Posts: 971  |
19.08.2010 - 18:08Rating: 9
Written by Spyroid on 19.08.2010 at 17:33
The intro is hilariously cool, The Alchemist reminds me of Aces High, Coming Home has some great lyrics, El Dorado has sneaked its way into my brain and the last three songs, especially The Talisman is increbile.
I coincide with you, my favorites are El Dorado, Coming Home, The Alchemist and the last three songs, altough i enjoy the other songs too... after some listenings (it is true) you come to appreciate the songs, that by the way this is a record that has much personality.
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 18:24Rating: 10
Written by Elijah on 19.08.2010 at 17:58
Written by LordMaiden on 19.08.2010 at 16:09
Good God, could you stop being so fucking cheap and uninspiring? Have I taught you anything yet?
You've taught me the value of mediocrity.
Was I talking to you? Sit down over there in that corner and shut the fuck up.
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 18:33Rating: 10
"Alexander the Great wept because there were no more worlds to conquer. And after 30 years, 80 million albums sold and more than 2,000 live performances, the same could be said of Albion's prodigal sons Iron Maiden. Braving The Final Frontier for their 15th studio outing, these career musicians have done a better job of preserving themselves than the majority of their peers.
Impossible to judge without referencing the band's awe-inspiring back catalogue and its multi-generational army of adherents, Frontier is a boundless yet masterfully controlled 77-minute juggernaut. Calling on the classic mercurial Maiden recipe of guitars, guitars and more guitars, the album overflows with ebullient positivity. Undeniably hooky riffs give vocalist Bruce "Air Raid Siren" Dickinson plenty of room to weave his four octave Neo-Arthurian sagas on epic cuts such as "The Talisman," "Starblind" and "The Alchemist." Likewise, guitarists Steve Harris and Adrian Smith ? heroes of human endurance ? embrace their global audience by layering in exotic, Middle Eastern sophistication on "Isle of Avalon. " Four years in the making, this one's for the fans: It requires careful listening. But the diehards will oblige."
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 18:35Rating: 10
"Transfiguration of Iron Maiden in the new millennium
Almost thirty years ago the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal legends Iron Maiden released their revolutionary record The Number Of The Beast (1982). It kicked off the band's best albums streak including Seventh Son Of The Seventh Son (1988) considered by the musicians themselves their best effort to date. As the nineties stepped in, Maiden feel victim to tribulations. They first had to let go guitarist Adrian Smith, and then, their singer Bruce Dickinson, one of the best rock-voices of all times. This even ignited some speculations about the ensemble's upcoming collapse. Those who believed so could not even think that Iron Maiden would not only stay alive, but become even stronger as the new millennium came. After the return of prodigal sons Bruce and Adrian, the number of the members grew up to six. Iron Maiden had three guitarists, which opened up completely new and previously undiscovered opportunities. In 2000, the Englishmen released a magnificent album called Brave New World. Despite the far-from-young age, the musicians promised to give hundreds of concerts and make a few new albums. Since then, the heavy-metal monsters have issued three more CDs, Dance Of Death (2003), A Matter Of Life And Death (2006), and, finally, The Final Frontier (2010), the subject under discussion.
A good lot of pleasures from The Final Frontier
The fifteenth studio full-length album from the heavy-metal leaders is a good lot of surprises, gifts and discoveries for each and every Iron Maiden to find and enjoy. The title track, Satellite 15? The Final Frontier is not entirely a song because in the beginning it's just a futuristic intro, which sounds too weird on an Iron Maiden album. It is followed by vigorous El Dorado, an official single off the CD. Number three is Mother Of Mercy, the first song of the anti-war category. This idea is developed by the epic When The Wild Wind Blows. The song has an astonishing text based on the eponymous cartoon about a fictitious nuclear attack from the Soviet Union on the Great Britain. If you follow the lyrics, the eleven-minute track will speed through your mind like a flash of light. Once you taste its melodies, you will want to replay them one more time. After a number of listening, you are likely to love all the tracks of The Final Frontier; but there are those that will grab your heart all at once. Check put the ballad Coming Home with Bruce's unimaginable singing in the chorus, or the nine-minute Talisman, another story about seas and their conquerors from Iron Maiden, and, at last, Man Who Would Be King with mesmerizing mid tempos and soft guitar riffs.
Iron Maiden don't get older; they get better
A Matter Of Life And Death, Iron Maiden's previous album released four years ago, was equally interesting and contradictory. That long player did not have anything similar to what the English band used to do in the eighties. Yet Iron Maiden were not set to play what they already played, something that was attractive twenty years before and could not be attractive then. The Final Frontier has a lot in common with the predecessor. It features a plenty of long compositions, and the guitarists from time to time put aside straightforward and simple heavy metal riffs and solos offering prog-metal elements, which enriched their songs with complex structures and fancy times. Sure, there is no point expecting for new smashers like Run To The Hills, or Be Quick Or Be Dead, golden classics of the band. We have another epoch now, and the audience has different tastes. Beginning from 2000, Iron Maiden have been releasing new albums pretty seldom, making up for it with their extreme durations. The Final Frontier's 76 minutes could be a crucible for any listener if The Final Frontier were something different from what it is. Practically leaving in the past their long and alike intros with choruses based on one and the same line repeated endlessly (both widely presented on the band's previous three albums and condemned severely), Iron Maiden recorded an amazing CD that becomes better and better as you keep listening to it."
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 18:36Rating: 10
"As metal moments go, they don't get much bigger than the arrival of a new Iron Maiden album. Expectations are always huge even if they're not always met. But then there are almost as many visions of a perfect Iron Maiden album as there are Maiden fans, and the band have never, ever sought to please anyone other than themselves. It's the secret of their success, and their 15th studio album offers a wild ride for those willing to get on board.
Maiden don't really do playing it safe. The voices of critics who seem to want to consign the band to an endless 1980s time loop are always disproportionately loud and ignore the fact that Maiden have never played the nostalgia game. Beginning with frontman Bruce Dickinson's return to the band in 1999, Maiden have embarked on the most successful phase of their career whilst fully indulging their progressive tendencies and eschewing compact, catchy numbers like Run to the Hills and The Trooper; the sort of material the 80s trolls obsess over. Maiden have never been bigger and it's all been on their own terms. In that light, this album is exactly the sort of full-on prog-a-thon they were always going to write. Why would they even dream of doing anything else?
The Final Frontier is the longest album of a long career but there's barely a minute wasted. There are more ideas here than many bands manage in their entire career, but in inimitable Maiden style, it's woven together beautifully. Released in advance of the album, the single El Dorado is misleading. It's a solid if unspectacular effort, a comfortable mid-album track rather than a spanking showpiece. But even the band's best albums contain small amounts of filler and this forgettable effort is forgivable. It's certainly not typical of the album as a whole. Satellite 15... The Final Frontier opens proceedings with no small amount of melodrama, setting the scene for a series of truly gargantuan epics.
The mid-paced stomp Mother of Mercy, lighter-waving ballad Coming Home and up-tempo headbanger The Alchemist are all classic Maiden and make for an exciting prelude. The meat of the matter, however, is found in the sheer immensity of the second half. Loaded with changes in tempo and tone, restlessly twisting and turning, from Isle of Avalon to When the Wild Wind Blows, this is Iron Maiden truly living their purpose. No compromises, just complexities and challenges and more moments of brilliance than perhaps even they thought they still had left in them. A remarkable achievement."
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 18:37Rating: 10
Gee, all these positive reviews I'm posting and all I get is "Durrrr ur a booring fanboiy!"
Posts: 41  |
19.08.2010 - 18:39Rating: 10
I wonder what these people accomplished in their lives...If you don't like it, don't listen to it.
millions will enjoy the new material. I prefer being the one who enjoys..
Posts: 114
19.08.2010 - 18:44Rating: 10
They're just rotten people, reflecting the vile contempt and hostility that comes from their underground hardcorz.
I mean, Hidden Dickhole thought he was making a point by posting one shitty review. So I made a better point by posting 10 positive ones.