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My Top 60 Favourite Black Metal Albums

If you have any recommendations on similar albums I might like, you can suggest me.

Created by: Aristarchos | 26.07.2012

1. Behemoth - Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic)
This album defines black metal for me, although it isn't considered as one of the true classics. What bother me most with most black metal albums is that all of the songs often sounds too similar. On this album you find more variation, and it has some element from most of the black metal sub-genre. It is quite brutal, but also quite melodic, it has some semi-symphonic elements, an accoustic interlude, a dark atmosphere, and also some almost ambient stuff.
2. Behemoth - Grom
3. Lutomysl - Catharsis
4. Furia (POL) - Martwa Polska Jesień
5. Behemoth - Pandemonic Incantations
6. Khors - Return To Abandoned
Atmospheric black metal
7. Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs
8. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
I strongly denounce his political view, but I can't deny the greatness in his music. Atmospheric black metal.
9. Lutomysl - De Profundis
10. Furia (POL) - Grudzień Za Grudniem
11. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
12. Hefeystos - Hefeystos
13. Lutomysl - Lutomysl
14. Paysage d'Hiver - Paysage D'Hiver
Atmospheric black metal. Actually, this is only a demo but it is so great. Interesting use of violins.
15. Paysage d'Hiver - Winterkälte
Atmospheric black metal. This one is only a demo too.
16. Wolves In The Throne Room - Diadem Of 12 Stars
Atmospheric black metal
17. Alatyr - Alatyr
18. Algor - Hierofánia
19. Dark Funeral - The Secrets Of The Black Arts
20. Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
21. Khors - Mysticism
Atmospheric black metal
22. Khors - Cold
Atmospheric black metal
23. Kroda - Поплач Менi, Piчко... (Cry To Me, River...)
24. Besatt - Sacrifice For Satan
25. Drudkh - Microcosmos
Atmospheric black metal. I especially love the solos on this album.
26. Botanist - III: Doom In Bloom
27. Lantlôs - .neon
28. Sólstafir - Köld
I'm not sure if this one counts as black metal. I have seen descriptions like post metal too. I think it has an element of both.
29. Alcest - Le Secret
30. Algor - Úder Pohanského Hnevu
31. Hail Spirit Noir - Pneuma
Psychedelic black metal
32. Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
33. Nagelfar - Hünengrab Im Herbst
34. Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
35. Fen - The Malediction Fields
36. Kroda - До Небокраю Життя... (Towards The Firmaments Verge Of Life..
37. Burzum - Filosofem
More depressive than his earlier albums.
38. Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
39. Burzum - Burzum
40. Peste Noire - La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénérescence
I especially love the solos on this album.
41. Evilfeast - Lost Horizons Of Wisdom
Atmospheric black metal
42. Evilfeast - Mysteries Of The Nocturnal Forest
Atmospheric black metal
43. Evilfeast - Funeral Sorcery
Atmospheric black metal
44. Evilfeast - Wintermoon Enchantment
Atmospheric black metal
45. Nifelheim - Envoy Of Lucifer
46. Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
47. Helrunar - Baldr Ok Íss
48. Gehenna - First Spell
49. Besatt - Hellstorm
50. Abigor - Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)
51. Bathory - Blood Fire Death
52. Mgła - Groza
53. Mgła - With Hearts Toward None
54. Wolves In The Throne Room - Two Hunters
Atmospheric black metal
55. Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
56. Darzamat - In The Flames Of Black Art
57. Darkthrone - Ravishing Grimness
58. Nifelheim - Nifelheim
I especially love the song "Sodomizer"
59. Darkestrah - Epos
Atmospheric black metal
60. Drautran - Throne Of The Depths
Atmospheric black metal

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 9   Visited by: 118 users
21.09.2012 - 16:53
I have expanded the list to a top 40. As you can see I mostly love black metal from Poland and Ukraine. I love scandinavian death metal, but I don't think our black metal bands come close to our death metal.
10.08.2014 - 21:07
Dr. Strawberry
Your selection is not wide enough, looked like a fanboy's list.
Very bad actually.
10.08.2014 - 22:47
Erik M.
As a BM fan, it scares me a bit how little I've heard from your list (a little less than 1/4th).
11.08.2014 - 15:37
Written by Erik M. on 10.08.2014 at 22:47

As a BM fan, it scares me a bit how little I've heard from your list (a little less than 1/4th).

I'm well aware I have a very unusual taste in black metal (as well as in death and thrash metal).
11.08.2014 - 18:43
I actually like most of these. Also nice to see that Algor is recognized outside Slovakia. Make sure you check their new album, Hierofania.
12.08.2014 - 12:05
Written by Alien1988 on 11.08.2014 at 18:43

I actually like most of these. Also nice to see that Algor is recognized outside Slovakia. Make sure you check their new album, Hierofania.

I can tell you that you are responsible for that, by starting the Slovak black metal thread. I also added Alatyr after that. I will check out Hierofania as well.
08.10.2014 - 12:50
Written by Alien1988 on 11.08.2014 at 18:43

I actually like most of these. Also nice to see that Algor is recognized outside Slovakia. Make sure you check their new album, Hierofania.

I have checked out Hierofania, and I love it even more than their first album, and I have added it to the list.
08.10.2014 - 13:47
Written by Aristarchos on 08.10.2014 at 12:50

I have checked out Hierofania, and I love it even more than their first album, and I have added it to the list.

Awesome! Uder Pohanskeho Hnevu is a classic for me but yes, Hierofania might be even better.
23.10.2014 - 17:44
Written by Alien1988 on 08.10.2014 at 13:47

Awesome! Uder Pohanskeho Hnevu is a classic for me but yes, Hierofania might be even better.

I discovered you had thumbed up my list. I didn't expect any thumb up for my list, since it differs quite a lot from what usually is consider to be the best black metal albums, so thanks!

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