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The Last Time I Was Blown Away

I am an experienced guy in weirdness. Well... MUSICAL weirdness that is. It's not too easy to surprise me, given what I subject my ears to on a daily basis, but even so, music still manages to get me red-handed every now and then.
This is a list to keep track of the most recent release that blew my mind.
When am I updating it next? I don't know... If I knew when I was about to get surprised, some surprise would it be!

EDIT: now the entries that mindfucked most recently come first so that whoever follows this (me, for instance) doesn't need to scroll.

Created by: Karlabos | 24.01.2021

1. Dukh Däkomposita - Revenant / Black Hop ((hip hop/blac metal) Is it ok to be blown away by the same genre fusion twice? Well, you don't see this mix very often so I guess it is. If Uratsakidogi is the blackened hip hop then Dukh Dakomposita is the hip hopened black metal, if that makes any sense. There is much more trve lofi black vibes here but still not losing the hip hop song structure.
2. Forlorn (USA) - Forlorn Music ((drum&bass/electronic/depressive black metal) Finally! After all these years longing! The drum&bass black metal. Too bad there are just a couple legit drum&bass passages, it's more like experimental electronic and lofi depressive black. Still, solid stuff. The songwriting is serious, not a meme band despite the fusion. Looking forward for full lengths.
3. VercinFeatherix - Everything is Annoying ((zeuhl/disco) C'mon... it's zeuhl and disco! Together!
4. The Pale Stillness - The Great Guardian Of Forbidden Sorcery And Witchcraft ((black metal/dungeon synth) Now, I have seen several dungeon synth/black metal attempts over the years. Most of the time they are either downrightbad, or some albums are dungeon synth then others are black metal or something like that. The only thing I NEVER found before is an actual good mix of dungeon synth and black metal. You know an actual mix, like the name of the genre suggests. This record here aces exactly how the thing should be done. And it makes it so apparent that the other dungeon synth black bands were doing it so wrong that it actually sounds fresh, like something I never heard before. It's like they invented the genre here and the others so far were just doing some full black or full synth albums.
5. Ouroboric Deity - Calleth the Void ((/post punk/magick metal/krautrock/avantgarde black metal) I can't even begin to describe this salad. It has so many tags: post punk, darkwave, krautrock, magick metal, experimental black metal, atmospheric black metal, space black metal. And all of them fit. And even better: the structure is consistent throughout the entire thing! This gem here is a one of a kind, it's something you'd need to listen to understand what it is about.
6. 夏目間風 - 位​置​が​変​わ​っ​て​る ((r&b/jpop) As experimental as the jpop genre is, I've seen several unexpected fusions over the years, but jpop and r&b fusion is a first. They write it in a way that makes r&b sound all comfy and fluffy. Also the vocals remind me a lot of Yakushimaru Etsuko, which is great.
7. Yezdin - Modra Veda ((chiptune/magick metal) Well... While we are accepting that magick metal is a thing... How about we do magick metal fusion? I mean... Why stop at disco and blackened prog rock? Just throw in some chiptune as well.
8. Magick Metal - genre (Well this is a different entry for this list. It's a whole genre instead of a particular band. This is the name of a genre of bands that take that old prog rock production that you found in a dusty tape of the 70s and then mix it with disco and apply black metal vocals. Does that sound familiar? Yea... Black Magick SS was doing this since huh... since pretty recently, really. But apparently they broke the genre barrier so much that they gave birth to a genre themselves... And there are PLENTY bands with this tag already as 2024. Go figure...)
9. Tangentg - 地​下​の​国​の​ア​リ​ス ~ Alice Under Ground ((jazz/touhou music/surfrock) Yet another unusual touhou music mashup. Touhou melodies played as surf rock. I like it when surf rock sounds like this: raw and with the basslines bassy indeed. There is also some tracks which are more to the jazz side. I'd rather if it was all mixed up instead of some tracks jazz and some surf rock, but anyway the surf tracks sound great.
10. The Nephilim Novel - Winter ((black midi/vocaloid) So there is this genre called "black midi". I have heard of this genre before, but I just assumed it would be blackened chiptune or some awful nintendoish covers of very well known black metal songs, gosh I should have checked this earlier. Apparently the genre has nothing to do with black metal, but instead began by circles inspired by touhou music. A progressive style of computer composition that could be a bullet hell soundtrack. The Nephilim Novel also adds vocaloid as vocals, which make it extra cool.
11. Someone 45356 - discography ((cumbia / touhou music) Been on a touhou music binge, and gosh do those songs suit every single genre out there. Most of the time you'll find stuff like trance/jpop/melodeath/melodic heavy metal and such stuff, and sometimes you may find stuff that is waay out there. Such is the case of this channel on youtube who does touhou latino music. Several latin styles such as cuambia, merengue, huayno, salsa,etc featuring your favorite touhou melodies
12. Eugenics Scarlet Divinity - 恋​の​わ​か​ら​せ​★​マ​ジ​ッ​ク ((gothic metal/denpa) While I love the denpa genre, I always thought it's a pretty stale genre with only some bands who dare venture outside the mainframe. What was my surprise when I saw this band mixing denpa and... gothic metal!?!? I don't think there's anything more discrepant than a loli voice for such an abrasive instrumentation, but musicians will always make it work.
13. 7979 - 『​~​ア​ン​ド​・​リ​ー​ミ​ー​ク​シ​ー​ズ​・​フ​ォ​レ​バ​ー​~​』​= & remixes FOREVER ((jpop/ambient) This is a simple idea, but one that as far as I'm concerned was somehow never thought before. 7979 does remixes of jpop songs in the ambient style. The whole album is very beautiful and ethereal, and the voices suit the genre perfectly. And it also helps that there are vocals because otherwise my attention spam wouldn't be able to bear 10 minute long ambient tracks like that.
14. Bríi - Corpos Transparentes ((avantgarde black metal) suddenly... drum and bass o.O
15. hsiu - you were beautiful when i loved you, you were beautiful when i lost you. ((breakcore/lolicore/nightcore) This is mainly a nightcore/breakcore album, but it has something otherwordly about the production that is hard to describe. It feels like it came from another time... Like if breakcore was done in the 70s or something
16. Ottone Pesante - …and the Black Bells rang ((brassmetal?) heavy bass metal with a trombone and a trumpet honking all over the place. This record is mostly instrumental, but other songs by them had vocals, too. It kinda feels like a merge of Combat Astronomy and Imperial Triumphant.
17. Arizona Tortured Sluts - Exslvt ((experimental electronic) C'mon!!! Someone just went ahead and made an entire mashup album of Death Grips' Ex Military and Sewerslvt tracks!? Ok... This is the new thumbnail)
18. Winterquilt - O'discordia ((blackened trip hop or blackened cloud rap?) They consider themselves a mix of black and vaporwave, however this is totally different from the expected. First of all, the "blackened" part is not only the vocals but also symphonic piano handling, more like symphoblackened other than anything. And the "wave" part is more keen to cloudrap or those very slow wave subgenres, almost like trip hop. At the end they take a genre that is pretty boring and turn into something really interesting by adding the piano together with other black metal elements.
19. Record Club - Synthrap ((hip hop/synthwave) Just look at that genre mashup. Does anything else even needs to be said?
20. La Romi pa' tu consu - Mikuperreo ((vocaloid/reggaeton) C'mon! Hatsune Miku singing perreo!? How awesome is that?
21. BOFXVI - 田中 ((denpa) I don't really pay attention to singles... Neither do I pay attention to lyrics to the point that lyrics alone can blow me away. But holy shit, this is an out of the curve case. The whole lyrics for this song are composed of just three syllabes, and no, it's not just gibberish, they have a meaning. It actually tells a story. This puts the tongue twister to a new level. I wonder how the singer could even sing this correctly?
22. Ikigusare - Ikigusare 14 ((jpop...?) The first impression I got when I skimmed through this was that it sounds like Emamouse, and that's already weird enough. More to the rock side, this record mixes sometimes pop, sometimes math rock, sometimes bossa nova (or is it?) all with that lofi production and weird unsettling and hazy emamouseishesque vocals
23. TVOD - Victory Garden ((disco punk) What the hell is disco punk? Is this a thing? Well, it surely feels like a genuine mix of punk... and disco... and krautrock...? and indie rock...? I love it. Surely gonna have to dig deeper into this genre
24. Sanctus Daemoneon - The unaVOIDable ((psychedelic rock) evil and exaggerated throat sang, diphonic vocals? Who the hell is this guy? Attila Fucking Csihar!? Either way, this sort of vocals goes perfectly with the whole sinister, creepy psychedelic rock Sanctus Daemoneon are doing here. Big newsflash, after all this kind of vocals goes well with anything, really.
25. 3776 - Discography ((jpop) This band blends calm idol pop with tons of genres such as breakcore, shoegaze, bossa nova, honestly each time they're doing something different. Even thought, the songs never sound disconnected at all, the genre transitions are just natural. Honestly it gives me a Migma Shelter or Serani Poji or even Doopes vibe. other:
26. 故やす子 - コンクリートの変形 ((dissonant tech death?) And here I thought every tech death band nowadays sounded about the same... The more you know... This is legit math/tech wankery, except that it's not done to show off, but to invoke a chaotic atmosphere, and trust me, it works. Together with the VERY offkey vocalwork selections scattered around sparsely over the already hectic songstructure, if you can call it that, this is easily one of the most wtfish things I've listened to this year.
27. Braek En Poni - ST ((country noise) This is an interesting mix of country and noise. Basically it sounds like a haunted farm from the 20s that has been abandoned for this whole time. It's kinda creepy.
28. Noble Déchet - Psychoféodale Herpétocratie ((folk black metal) "Oh, Karlabos... But folk black metal is overdone... Duh.." My man... You'd have to listen to it to understand...
29. Hoofstomper - Chapter I ((black metal/surf rock) On my journey to find surf black metal or at least blackened surf, amongst other gems I found this one in particular. Hoofstomper. Oh... Remember when you first listened to hail Spirit Noir's Pneuma? That completely silly ridiculous blend of black metal and 70s prog rock that worked so well, instrumental-wise, the vocals, everything was just top notch? Well, this band does exactly that. A genuine tongue in cheek blend of black metal and surf rock, and even the vocals are similar to HSN's too! What is there not to like here? Well, perhaps the fact that it's only a short ep...
30. Chandra - Transportation ((psychedelic rock/post punk) If there is something that I LOVE in this world is kids doing stuff that supposedly only adults can. This is not only a post punk with a 12 yo as a frontwoman, (and gosh, does she ace the vocals) it's also highly experimental instrumental-wise. It's like if the irreverence of post punk met the blurriness of lofi and dissonant production of psychedelic rock.
31. Malikliya - 誄:condolence ((post black/jpop) Of course black metal and jpop are destined to meet. They are the two most experimental genres after all. There's something transcedental about idol vocals over tremolo picking and blastbeats. new instant fav, of course.
32. Demondice - Alkatraz ((electroswing/experimental hip hop) Fresh stuff on the hip hop scene is always good to hear. Funnily enough the good stuff always seem to be written by women. C'mon men, put your rap game together. Anyway, this here is a weird blend of genres, mostly but not limited to electroswing and hip hop, and the songs manage to still flow naturally. Also the vocals are really good.
33. Digital Autist - Nymph 仙女 ((asmr/vaporwave) On this journey to find good asmr music I also stumbled upon this. Instrumental-wise it's like your regular 80s nostalgia inspired vaporwave album, but the vocals (if you can the sampling that) are on the asmr side. They sound like a vtuber whispering to your ears, tingling the spot.
34. BGelais - My First ASMR Black Metal Song Experiment ((asmr black metal) The other day I had this idea of an asmr extreme metal album, that'd be pretty lit. Of course, the first thing I did was browse to see if it was already been done. Not quite, but I found this. I don't know exactly how I expected asmr black to sound like but this definitely exceed my spectations. It's sounds exactly how it's supposed to. Actual asmr black. It's possible. Unfortunately it's only a single 2 minute jam track so it's pretty unlikely the artist is ever gonna do a full. Quite interesting, nonetheless.
35. Why? - Alopecia ((country hip hop/indie rock) when I found out this was country hip hop I was expecting something like Buck 65, which would also be great, but instead it's a far more moody album rather than partiesque. Either way, if you want to leave the staleness of average hip hop this is a must.
36. Uratsakidogi - Black Hop ((black metal/hip hop) The one and only, and the trvest black metal/hip hop fusion. Honestly, as genre fusions go, it can't get better than that.
37. 385 - 脳みそあらおう ((progressive punk?) Hmm... How can I begin to describe what's going on here? Imagine if a punk band played virtuoso slap bass throughout the whole thing and also had a very heavy piano also soloing all above the mix and then as very good musicians as they are they started playing free jazz, because why not, and then... Well, it's the kind of thing you need to listen for yourself.
38. My Bloody Sex Party - 鳥獣伎楽コンサート紀行 ((noise with folk influences) Was that supposed to be touhou arrange? It has touhou on the tags... And on the cover... But I can't recognize any touhou melody here. Also any melody at all. I also can't recognize music, as it's basically just noise. But somehow it still has that magical, entrancing feeling that makes me willing to keep listening. I can't stop it. I can't help but to listen from the first to the last note (if there are any) while I feel my brain cells burn out.
39. Graham Kartna - TMP2 ((pop/breakbeats/lofi indie rock/chiptune) Honestly I don't know why I still try to classify the things on this list in some genres. I can't begin to describe the salad that my ears experienced here, I think the closest I can think of a description is that it sounds like if Bubblegum Octopus wrote music in the 1980s. Except that it's a 2021 album.
40. Old Nick - A New Generation Of Vampiric Conspiracies ((avantgarde black) Oh it's been a while since I had actual original avantgarde black. And you'd think being avantgarde would be enough to be called original. anyway... I can't begin to describe everything that has to be found here. Some sort of very lofi and almost chiptunesque raw black except that it's not raw at all because of the amount of... non- rawish stuff that's going on. Samples, jazzy bits, piano, brass instruments, chiptune... Old Nick manages to insert so much elements into the composition but still just enough so that it can still be recognizeable as raw bm somehow. When you stop to think about it, it's kinda like what Sigh does.
41. Papangu - Holoceno ((zeuhl metal?) Zeuhl is a subgenre of rock (even tho sometimes it's a completely separated thing, like say Koenjihyakkei) but we never see a metal band blending zeuhl on their music. The only examples that come on my head are more like metal and then some zeuhl passages rather than a solid, consistent thing. It seems that Papangu is the first actual zeuhl metal instead of zeuhl/metal band.
42. Quarta 330 - Sunset Dub, 9 Samurai ((lofi chiptune) What even is this? Some sort of reggae or dubstep except that made with... chiptune? Anyway, I like it.
43. Rummelsnuff - Himmelfahrt ((punk/neue deutsche harte?) While I was aware this band existed I never took the time to listen to a full album. Big mistake. Instant fav. The songs are so good and cheery, it brings a smile to your face throghout the whole thing. Musicalwise, think of it as if Rammstein wrote punk instead of metal and if the songs were even catchier and more memorable.
44. Yin Yin - The Rabbit That Hunts Tigers ((instrumental prog rock) You know those movies where there is a scene inside a chinese place and there is a guitar jam, played in such a way that unexplainably evoques a chinese feeling? Who told china has to sound like that guitar? I don't know, but it's been used so much now it does. Now imagine an album entirely made of that typical guitar. It's this album here. It's like the movie song you've been looking for the whole time but never quite knew you were.
45. Dzivia - Rujnuj ((neoclassical/neofolk) Whenever I think of neoclassical and neofolk I think of boring background cinema music and I always think to myself: what if somewhere out there there is someone who does this genre properly? like... the songs don't sound like interludes, everything is bombastic and full of energy, like that very small bit in your favorite classical piece that is really good but you need to hear the whole song for it to come because it only plays for a short while in the end. What if someone did it so that you don't have to wait at all, because it's always there...? Well, that's Dzivia for you.
46. Kemialliset Ystävät - SIIPI EMPII ((collage/musique concrete) Found this band through a lovely music video on youtube (you should totally search it out). Musique concrete and collage was never really my thing since it's mostly more like collection of noises rather than actual music, but Kemialliset Ystävä does it different. They take a bunch of noises and somehow make actual music with them. Entrancing music that you can listen to without getting tired of. It's like they learned how to do what noise 'musicians' and field recorders wanted to do for ages but never managed to. The overall result sounds like ambient music, something you'd hear in a moody game or something.
47. Rupa - Disco Jazz ((progressive disco?) Old music is weird. Even more if it comes from southern asia. Albeit the title gives some hints it doesn't quite describe everything that's going on here. The album sounds like some prog rock setup backed up by that echoing and present jazz drumming, and of course, with a disco rhythm. Also there are a lot of indian folkish percussions among other folk influences. Hearing this feels like I'm hearing a weird indian cousin of Chakra (the japanese prog jpop band).
48. Emanation - The emanation of begotten chaos from God ((drone black/drone industrial) So... This is something else. Drone black is one of those genres which work in theory but have been so polluted over the years with crappy releases that it's hard to even think about it now. Oh, how I've forgotten how good it can sound. The songs here are ridiculously long, with trancing, hypnotizing riffage that somehow manages to catch your attention from the beginning to the end, to the point you don't even notice the time passing. It's never too minimalistic and also not too harsh to be called just garage noise. The ambiance... The production... The instrumentals... are all just perfectly on point.)
49. ZoZo - Simulations of Self ((poppened braindance) Every vocal-driven take on a primarily instrumental genre gets my approval. Especially if it's braindance, the weird cousin of breakcore. Here the typical wtfish electronic beats are backed up by poppish female vocals. Most of the time echoed and hazy, but sometimes sounding loud and screamed, almost like punk. And just when you think you finally get what's going on and that you 'get' the song, the tempo completely changes out of nowhere together with everything else. Great stuff.
50. ПОДГОРАЦ - Радомир и антилопа ((poemcore/folk rock) it's been hard to find good poemcore ever since Bool, Owtn and the other involved ones left bandcamp for some reason. This here is completely different from that scene. The background instrumental sounds like a bluesish/ folk-rockish setup; nothing too overbearing, of course, since the lyrics are the main focus of the genre. And the voice. Oh man, the voice... It's almost asmr-ish. It's like a deep; Rammsteinesque spoken voice vibrating into your ears in serbian. (at least I think it's serbian)
51. koro - Delusion Live "jazzcore" ((metal/jazz) Let me get this straight: This is jazz. This is metal. This is grindcore. The vocals are a synthesizer. And on top of all of that, it's a live album?
52. Pento_Baba - Absolutely Love Music ((uhh...) What the hell is going on? I don't really know... Either way, this is probably the heaviest album I dared to sit through in a while, and that's saying something. The tags say stuff like speedcore and j-core but it doesn't really make this justice. Whatever the correct genre is, I want more of that now.
53. Maedasalt - Heaven bends ((post-nightcore?) I always liked the idea of nightcore. Changing a song's tempo and pitch to improve it. It's like those youtube videos on dark ambient groups where a completely shitty pop song suddenly gets atmospheric just by being played slowed down 16x. Of course, nobody is gonna go ahead and call that songwriting, but it still holds some merit of its own. It's like a cover. The thing here seems to be different, though. Apart from the usual editing, both breakcore drums and ambiance have been added to it, to the point that the songs almost sound like atmospheric breakcore and the original songs are viewed as a very big sample being played on the back, occupying the entire track length, just another instrument.
54. Calliope Mori - Dead Beats ((hip hop) Well, to be fair I've listened to Calliope Mori before, but I really didn't expect a full EP. And everything suggests it's not gonna be all you hear of her. This is exactly what the stale hip hop scene needs. The vocals are unusual. The instrumental... Even more, and yet it's still somehow straight-up in your face rapping backed up by abrasive heavy beats, absolutely no slowcore/downtempo rap bs here. There is a lot going on instrumental-wise on most songs, such as piano soloing, dubstep, and so forth. You could even say it's more like a hip hop/fusion thing, except that you know... good. And the whole japanglish thing à là Kero Kero Bonito makes it all even better.
55. Beqanatas - Mindfrost (EP) ((symphonic black?) Apparently this is a release of old songs by Beqanatas (current ambient black metal band Hashe.) I'd describe it as symphoblack but really, what the hell is going on? It all sounds recorded from a potato, the atmosphere is so happy it's even kinda creepy and the instruments are all played unmatchingly and all over the place. Real good stuff.
56. Loli In Early 20s - Setari no Miu ((dark lolicore?) Well, monkeys beat my butt, I thought lolicore was a dead genre! After all, it all began with shitpost anime sampling and given the scene back in the early 10s it was hard to believe there was more to that than whatever was done. But recently I've been discovering some gems. First Sewerslvt now this... thing here. Loli In Early 20s abandons the meme/shitpost main goal of the genre and uses the sampling and breakcore structure to create a dark atmosphere instead, and the result sounds more far more serious and intense. And of course, enjoyable.
57. Kaatayra - Só Quem Viu O Relâmpago À Sua Direita Sabe ((acoustic black metal) oh boy, you don't know for how long I longed for actual, serious, without any joke intent, black metal played with an acoustic guitar. it's something that should have been done ages ago but somehow only exists now. and it was born here next to me of all places.
58. Lost My Proust - End Of My Will ((trance metal/post hardcore)First time I listened to this band they were almost as good as Blood Stain Child. Now they have surpassed them. The way the heavy instruments are all recorded behind in the layers while the piano and the softer instruments come up completing the intense and neverending waterfall of sounds make me feel the biggest goosebumps the genre can bring. To be fair it's like I'm listening to Mutyumu for the first time again.
59. Mora Prokaza - By Chance ((trap metal/blackened trap) oh boy, there's nothing more satisfying than bands moving from generic metal to something completely original all of a sudden. Is this the first blackened trap metal release ever recorded? It sounds very whimsical, the band obviously wasn't going for anything too serious here, but even so, the whole thing is all very well-structured. Joke or not, Mora Prozaka aced with this one. I hope this becomes a thing.
60. Sewerslvt - The World is Fvcked ((atmospheric drum and bass/breakcore) The first impression I get here is that there's too much information to listen to at once, like I'm listening to 2 or 3 songs one on top of the other. So far so good; lots of band may have tried the same (looking at you noise musicians) but here it is all done in a way my brain can still process the song just fine. And it fits. Somehow. Sewerslvt can pile up the biggest amount of harsh noise and static and still construct something with it that invokes feels on the listener.
61. No Joy - Motherhood ((shoegaze? well, when you put it like that it sounds kinda bland) I found this by accident on an Alissa White-Gluz related post somewhere. Technically shoegaze describes this album, except that everything I dislike about the genre is missing: staleness, overinterluding, two-riff 10 min songs, boredom. Instead, here they focus on all the genre has to offer: hypnotic riffing supported by psychedelic ambiance. The song structure is so varied it doesn't even feel like a shoegaze album at all. Most songs are almost upbeat as they are so fast paced and the drumming is so present. If you want to hear the good side of the genre go ahead:
62. 五五七二三二〇 - discography ((jpop) I have been listening to most youtube tracks instead of specific albums ever since I found them. It is no news that jpop can still be a great mindfuck, given how varied the genre is. But these guys are a special kind of weird. The setup of the band seems to be a math-jpop thing, however, you can expect any genre fusion within any song. Varying from tradicional japanese to dubstep or even prog rock.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 2   Visited by: 40 users
08.03.2021 - 00:01
delicious dish
I always kinda feel like I'm too focused on what I see on MS, so it's good to find some weirder stuff. Will follow this list and check the projects out.
You are the hammer, I am the nail
building a house in the fire on the hill
08.03.2021 - 13:43
Written by Desha on 08.03.2021 at 00:01

I always kinda feel like I'm too focused on what I see on MS, so it's good to find some weirder stuff. Will follow this list and check the projects out.

Oh, welcome

I may not upload this list very frequently because sometimes you just can't find weird stuff anywhere, but the plan is to keep it growing for as long as it takes.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei

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