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Thumbs up: +20
2021 Album Ranking

1.Beast In Black - Dark Connection
2.1914 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet
3.Duskmourn - Fallen Kings And Rusted Crowns
4.Grima - Rotten Garden
5.Gojira - Fortitude

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Created by Anghellic67 on 01.01.2021

Thumbs up: +14
2021: Jul-Dec

At around 450 album, I've been averaging something like 75 new albums per month since the start of 2021, not to mention albums I only listen to 1-2 songs of before moving on. It's been intense,…

1.Between The Buried And Me - Colors II
2.Year Of No Light - Consolamentum
3.Be'lakor - Coherence
4.LLNN - Unmaker
5.Spaceslug - Memorial

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Created by musclassia on 02.07.2021

Thumbs up: +6
MSA 2021 All Write-ins - Best Albums By Genre

For those interested in suggestions of albums by genre

- Trolls
- Limp bizkit outside of Alternative category
- albums already nominated. After the results, I will add the nominated albums that…

2.Heleven - Into The Oceans
3.Imminence - Heaven In Hiding
4.Lantlôs - Wildhund
5.Leprous - Aphelion

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Created by Maxder on 28.02.2022

Thumbs up: +4
Death Is Only The Beginning (Of This List)

This is a list of all the death metal albums I have listened to that I thought were at all worth remembering. Like my other genre lists, this is just a record of my own listening experience that I use…

1.Death - The Sound Of Perseverance
2.Death - Symbolic
3.At The Gates - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness
4.At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
5.Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side

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Created by ScreamingSteelUS on 15.04.2022

Thumbs up: +4
Best Of 2021!

Another year, another list. Huh time flies. First 10 in order I think was best of the best. Last 10 worst of the worst. Rest is in a order as I think they fits (based on todays perspective) , maybe december…

1.Thyrathen - ThanatOpsis
2.Black Soul Horde - Horrors From The Void
3.Cult Of Eibon - Black Flame Dominion
4.KK's Priest - Sermons Of The Sinner
5.Icon Of Sin - Icon Of Sin

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Created by Bad English on 30.01.2022

Thumbs up: +4
Best 2021

1.Evergrey - Escape Of The Phoenix
2.Abiotic - Ikigai
3.Architects - For Those That Wish To Exist
4.Michael Schenker Fest - Immortal
5.Need - Norchestrion: A Song For The End

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Created by Depth land on 27.02.2021

Thumbs up: +4
Favourite Albums of 2021

2021 Playlist…

1.Swallow The Sun - Moonflowers
2.Empyrium - Über Den Sternen
3.Iotunn - Access All Worlds
4.Wheel - Resident Human
5.Between The Buried And Me - Colors II

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Created by illusivecamel🐪 on 01.01.2021

Thumbs up: +3
Pick Ups For 2021 So Far...

1.Aborted - ManiaCult
2.Asphyx - Necroceros
3.At The Gates - The Nightmare Of Being
4.Cannibal Corpse - Violence Unimagined
5.Carcass - Torn Arteries

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Created by mute30rp on 31.05.2021

Thumbs up: +3
fullblackreviews /instagram…

1.Cannibal Corpse - Violence Unimagined
2.Kauan - Ice Fleet
3.Osiris - Meanders A Soul . . .
4.Spectral Wound - A Diabolic Thirst
5.Tribulation - Where The Gloom Becomes Sound

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Created by deswesher on 25.04.2021

Thumbs up: +2
Tominator's 2021... Best To Worst

You already know what to expect from these kinds of lists, so let's get straight to the point.

The statistics for this year's list:

- 268 albums
- Total points given: 2007,4
- Average Score:…

1.Raphael Weinroth-Browne - Worlds Within Live
2.Decimals - Symmetry
3.Hwaino - We Lost Another Moon
4.In Mourning - The Bleeding Veil
5.First Nation - Baraka

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Created by tominator on 31.12.2021

Thumbs up: +2

A list of Bands and Albums to check in 2021 in chronological(release) order…

1.Need - Norchestrion: A Song For The End
2.Emma Ruth Rundle - The Helm Of Sorrow [Collaboration]
3.Soen - Imperial
4.Tribulation - Where The Gloom Becomes Sound
5.Steven Wilson - The Future Bites

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Created by chris_blackwater on 26.08.2021

Thumbs up: +2
2021 of the Pangolin

My List of the releases made during 2021. Score based on the excel sheet i've made…

1.Decline Of The I - Johannes
2.Vokonis - Odyssey
3.Between The Buried And Me - Colors II
4.Kanonenfieber - Menschenmühle
5.Stortregn - Impermanence

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Created by Space Pangolin on 09.04.2021

Thumbs up: +2

1.Memoriam - To The End
2.Asphyx - Necroceros
3.Cannibal Corpse - Violence Unimagined
4.Hate - Rugia
5.Fractal Universe - The Impassable Horizon

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Created by twisted_johnz on 24.01.2021

Thumbs up: +2
My Top Of 2021

1.Tribulation - Where The Gloom Becomes Sound
2.Thy Catafalque - Vadak
3.Ethereal Shroud - Trisagion
4.Yoth Iria - As The Flame Withers
5.Cradle Of Filth - Existence Is Futile

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Created by Archie 666 on 24.01.2021

Thumbs up: +1
Oldy's 2021 Album Ranked

1.1914 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet
2.Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell
3.Iotunn - Access All Worlds
4.Stormkeep - Tales Of Othertime
5.Mare Cognitum - Solar Paroxysm

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Created by Oldy86 on 02.11.2023