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My Favorite Albums 2012

Nostalgic year for me. My all-time favorite album and many others I still listen to regularly came out this year. I also graduated high school. Fun stuff.

1.Anathema - Weather Systems
2.Celldweller - Wish Upon A Blackstar
3.Swans - The Seer
4.Lana Del Rey - Born to Die
5.Netra - Sørbyen

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Created by Vellichor on 22.10.2024

Top 50 Metal Albums Of The 10's

My top 50 Metal Albums Of The 10's…

1.Vektor - Terminal Redux
2.Fell Voices - Regnum Saturni
3.Deafheaven - Sunbather
4.Krallice - Years Past Matter
5.Holy Fawn - Death Spells

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Created by PēterisP on 12.01.2021

Thumbs up: +1
50 Favorite Metal (And Metal-Adjacent) Albums Of The 2010's

I haven't used this website seriously in a long time, but I think it would be fun to catalog my favorite Metal releases from the past decade.

1.Devin Townsend - Empath
2.Darkspace - Dark Space III I
3.Kayo Dot - Hubardo
4.Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
5.Deftones - Koi No Yokan

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Created by FullyOttoMatic on 21.03.2020

Thumbs up: +2
One Decade Doom (2010/2019)

One Decade Doom (2010/2019)

this is a free impression, but it comes from ten years breathing, walking, sleeping in Doom Land.

some bands released excellent works however i think they not reach the following…

3.The Foreshadowing - Oionos
4.Shattered Hope - Absence
5.Helevorn - Forthcoming Displeasures

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Created by Pimeässä on 25.02.2020

Thumbs up: +1

November = Doom Metal
Listening to as many albums as possible in said genre during said month and listing them here as I go. Suggestions welcome.

1.Witchfinder General - Death Penalty
2.Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend
3.Trouble - Psalm 9
4.Solitude Aeturnus - Into The Depths Of Sorrow
5.Orodruin - Ruins Of Eternity

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Created by Daddy Pig on 01.11.2019

Best Songs Ever

Obviously, a list of my favorite songs, or songs that mean something special to me at least. I don't remember them all of course so I'll be adding more as soon as I'm reminded of them.

1.After Forever - Decipher
2.Ahab - The Giant
3.Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs
4.Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
5.Between The Buried And Me - The Great Misdirect

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Created by Unhealer on 08.09.2016

Best of 2012 / A portal of vanity and dead end kings

1.Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pandora's Piñata
2.Periphery - Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
3.Woods Of Ypres - Woods 5: Grey Skies & Electric Light
4.Ne Obliviscaris - Portal Of I
5.Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind

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Created by Hazelnut Nero on 05.04.2015

Thumbs up: +2
My TOP 31 Favorite Albums From All Style

These are my rankings for all times of what personally like. Regardless of the style and year. Can someone to his appeal grutine and they are great ... Please comment if you wish.

1.The Ruins Of Beverast - Blood Vaults (The Blazing Gospel Of Heinrich Kramer)
2.Evoken - Antithesis Of Light
3.Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale
4.Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II
5.Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane

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Created by Satyr73 on 05.12.2014

Thumbs up: +6
My Favorite Metal Albums Of All Time

my 100 favorite metal albums of all times. Alphabetical order.

1.Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
2.Agalloch - The Serpent & The Sphere
3.Ahab - The Giant
4.Alice In Chains - Dirt
5.Altar Of Plagues - Mammal

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Created by PēterisP on 10.11.2014

Thumbs up: +15
Most Weepworthy Albums

The saddest albums I've ever heard in alphabetical order.

1.Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
2.Agalloch - The Mantle
3.Ahab - The Giant
4.Aoria - The Constant
5.An Autumn For Crippled Children - Everything

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Created by IronArkadius666 on 04.06.2013

Top 20 Metal Albums Of 2012

1.High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis
2.Early Graves - Red Horse
3.Horseback - Half Blood
4.The Howling Wind - Of Babalon
5.Old Man Gloom - No

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Created by Dmoskos23 on 02.02.2013

Thumbs up: +2
Konrad's Easily Interchangeable Top 20 Albums Of 2012

Another year, another list.

1.Enslaved - RIITIIR
2.Kreator - Phantom Antichrist
3.Mgła - With Hearts Toward None
4.A Forest Of Stars - A Shadowplay For Yesterdays
5.Neurosis - Honor Found In Decay

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Created by Konrad on 06.12.2012

Thumbs up: +2
2012: Favourite To Least (Continued)

Because I reached the word limit on the previous list, and don't want to lose my quite excellent in-depth descriptions. Those without descriptions are from my other list.

1.Sylosis - Monolith
2.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
3.In The Silence - A Fair Dream Gone Mad
4.Abigail Williams - Becoming
5.Rodrigo Y Gabriela - Area 52

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Created by musclassia on 29.10.2012

Thumbs up: +2
Favorite Albums Of 2012

edited over and over again…

1.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
2.Eyefear - The Inception Of Darkness
3.Ne Obliviscaris - Portal Of I
4.Ahab - The Giant
5.Chaosweaver - Enter The Realm Of The Doppelgänger

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Created by Pierre Tombale on 27.09.2012

Top Albums Of 2012 (work In Progress

1.Pallbearer - Sorrow And Extinction
2.Dawnbringer - Into The Lair Of The Sun God
3.Storm Corrosion - Storm Corrosion
4.Ahab - The Giant
5.Alcest - Les Voyages De L'âme

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Created by Tornado Of Souls on 25.07.2012