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Thumbs up: +2
Favorite Albums Of All Time!(Mine Not Yours)(So Far...)

Favorite Albums Of All Time!(Mine not yours)…

1.Kamelot - The Black Halo
2.Kamelot - Epica
3.Within Temptation - The Unforgiving
4.Nightwish - Oceanborn
5.Kamelot - Ghost Opera

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Created by Epictemptation on 20.10.2012

FleshGod's Top 10: 2012

1.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
2.Ne Obliviscaris - Portal Of I
3.Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
4.Wintersun - Time I
5.Tiamat - The Scarred People

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Created by FleshGod on 19.10.2012

Thumbs up: +2
Autumn Serenades For My Woes

Not *quite* as doomy of a list as the title implies. This is just my current playlist, since my preferences change this time of year.
Post Edit: Now that Bell Witch is on *is* as doomy as the…

1.Kamelot - Silverthorn
2.Bell Witch - Self Titled
3.Wintersun - Time I
4.Watain - Lawless Darkness
5.Sunstorm - House Of Dreams

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Created by Tristus Scriptor on 12.10.2012

Thumbs up: +3
Introduction To Kamelot

Kamelot albums put in order of preference. Fourth Legacy will always be their best album to me and the first 2 are definitely the weakest...

1.Kamelot - The Fourth Legacy
2.Kamelot - Karma
3.Kamelot - The Black Halo
4.Kamelot - Silverthorn
5.Kamelot - Haven

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Created by Mountain King on 27.08.2012

Thumbs up: +12
2012's SILVERfox-compatible METAL

Another year, another favourites of the year list... But hopefully this will be more complete than the previous years ones. Rather than making a massive list of everything I have listened to, I'll…

1.CSSABA - Underground Lo-Fi Songs
2.Indesinence - Vessels Of Light And Decay
3.Monolithe - Interlude Second
4.Nadja - The Primitive World
5.In The Silence - A Fair Dream Gone Mad

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Created by Ag Fox on 07.05.2012

Thumbs up: +17
2012 Dreamy Albums Milena Considers A 7.5+ (update 26.12)

Other good lists with some melodic metal in them:
strade's - R'Vannith's - Unhealer's - Lkoturnindrin's

Will only add 7.5+ releases, so this won't be a gargantuan list...

1.Enochian Theory - Life... And All It Entails
2.Dissona - Dissona
3.Big Big Train - English Electric 1
4.Headspace - I Am Anonymous
5.Beyond The Bridge - The Old Man And The Spirit

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Created by Milena on 24.02.2012

Thumbs up: +4
Vonpire's 2012 Best

1.The Gathering - Disclosure
2.Xandria - Neverworld's End
3.Moonspell - Alpha Noir/Ómega White
4.Epica - Requiem For The Indifferent
5.The Foreshadowing - Second World

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Created by Vonpire on 01.02.2012

Thumbs up: +7
My 2012 Likes

Troy had the right idea doing this at the start instead of waiting so here we go...

However my list is in alphabetic order...

1.Abnormality - Contaminating The Hive Mind
2.Abominable Putridity - The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin
3.Aborted - Global Flatline
4.Aeon - Aeons Black
5.After Oblivion - Stamina

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Created by psykometal on 18.01.2012

Thumbs up: +27
2012 Musical Perusals

My list of favourites and interests for this year ordered roughly in descending order. My new years resolution is to branch out a bit and listen to new and unfamiliar genres, metal and non-metal.


1.Enslaved - RIITIIR
2.Pharaoh - Bury The Light
3.Anglagard - Viljans Öga
4.Overkill - The Electric Age
5.The Foreshadowing - Second World

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Created by R'Vannith on 12.01.2012

Thumbs up: +1
TOP 2012(let's Start)

1.Katatonia - Dead End Kings
2.Wintersun - Time I
3.Saturnus - Saturn In Ascension
4.Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
5.Paradise Lost - Tragic Idol

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Created by DoomSayer on 10.01.2012

Top 2012

My top 2012…

1.Blind Guardian - Memories Of A Time To Come
2.Kamelot - Silverthorn
3.Sabaton - Carolus Rex
4.Moonspell - Alpha Noir / Omega White
5.Katatonia - Dead End Kings

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Created by rafroes on 02.01.2012

Thumbs up: +16
My Top Albums Of 2012

1.Godspeed You! Black Emperor - 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
2.Amiensus - Restoration
3.Mors Principium Est - ...And Death Said Live
4.Deftones - Koi No Yokan
5.Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind

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Created by Red_Travis on 02.01.2012

Thumbs up: +104
The Encyclopaedia of Beautiful Metal Ballads

If you know other wonderful songs which are missing in this list, feel free to suggest them to me

1.Adagio - Underworld
2.Aerosmith - Aerosmith
3.After Forever - Prison Of Desire
4.After Forever - Decipher
5.After Forever - After Forever

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Created by ~Starchild~ on 28.12.2010