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Top 2013

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1.Wolfheart - Winterborn
2.Rotting Christ - Κατά Τον Δαίμονα Εαυτού
3.Omnium Gatherum - Beyond
4.Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods
5.In Vain - Ænigma

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Created by Liafev on 02.07.2024

Thumbs up: +1
My Top 50 Albums Of 2013

1.Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)
2.Riverside - Shrine Of New Generation Slaves
3.Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle
4.In Vain - Ænigma
5.Omnium Gatherum - Beyond

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Created by JHK on 23.03.2022

Thumbs up: +1
My 150 Favorite Albums (Plus ~10 EPs)

It's always changing.

1.Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty
2.Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet
3.Equilibrium - Sagas
4.Týr - Ragnarok
5.Finsterforst - Rastlos

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Created by Zyk on 05.12.2017

Thumbs up: +4
Yet Another Useless Folking List

This is a list of all the folk metal albums I have listened to that I found to be of at least marginal quality. It is purely for my own organizational purposes and is not meant to be a definitive statement…

1.Elvenking - Secrets Of The Magick Grimoire
2.Forefather - Ours Is The Kingdom
3.Forefather - Steadfast
4.Forefather - Last Of The Line
5.Dalriada - Áldás

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Created by ScreamingSteelUS on 17.05.2016

Thumbs up: +1
Top 3 Albums By Year

My top 3 albums per year starting in 1999.

2.Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
3.Finntroll - Midnattens Widunder
4.Shaman (FIN) - Idja

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Created by Zyk on 18.06.2015

Thumbs up: +1
2013 Interesting Picks

Apologies for possible writing errors or bad grammar.

Non MetalStorm band links:

Basarabian Hills:

1.Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus
2.The Meads Of Asphodel - Sonderkommando
3.Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
4.Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle
5.Synkvervet - Vår Avmakt

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Created by Rot Teufel on 20.02.2014

Top 20 albums of 2013

Absolutely amazing year! The fact that a Dream Theater fanboy such as myself can't put their self titled release on the list either shows what a great year it was or how dissapointed I was with that…

1.Ayreon - The Theory Of Everything
2.Tribulation - The Formulas Of Death
3.Frosttide - Awakening
4.Ghost - Infestissumam
5.In Vain - Ænigma

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Created by Warman on 09.02.2014

Éomer's Album Top 10 Of 2013

1.Carcass - Surgical Steel
2.Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods
3.Battle Beast - Battle Beast
4.Månegarm - Legions Of The North
5.Suidakra - Eternal Defiance

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Created by Éomer Éadig on 13.01.2014

Thumbs up: +18
२०१३ - Ex Mea Sententia

All Studio releases including Full lengths, EPs, Collaborations and Splits.

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Lascaille's Shroud | Youtube


1.Intronaut - Habitual Levitations (Instilling Words With Tones)
2.Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
3.Shade Empire - Omega Arcane
4.Obliteration - Black Death Horizon
5.Dream Death - Somnium Excessum

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Created by 3rdWorld on 08.09.2013

Most Enjoyable 2013 albums

1.Finntroll - Blodsvept
2.Thyrfing - De Ödeslösa
3.Chthonic - Bú-Tik
4.Wolfchant - Embraced By Fire
5.Turmion Kätilöt - Technodiktator

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Created by Akio on 22.06.2013

Thumbs up: +3
2013 List (continued)

Because I can't stop listening to music, but neither can I sacrifice my lovely descriptions, so same fare as before, but deleted descriptions for those covered in the first list.

1.Protest The Hero - Volition
2.Persefone - Spiritual Migration
3.Amorphis - Circle
4.Nero Di Marte - Nero Di Marte
5.Monolithe - Monolithe IV

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Created by musclassia on 09.06.2013

Thumbs up: +20
Albums of interest: 2013

These are the albums I've enjoyed so far this year to which I've given an approximate rating and organised in a rough order of preference. As the year progresses I'll add some descriptions…

1.Vulture Industries - The Tower
2.The Moth Gatherer - A Bright Celestial Light
3.Walrus - Walrus
4.Clutch - Earth Rocker
5.Oranssi Pazuzu - Valonielu

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Created by R'Vannith on 23.05.2013

Thumbs up: +2

1.Witherscape - The Inheritance
2.Ayreon - The Theory Of Everything
3.Týr - Valkyrja
4.Thrawsunblat - Thrawsunblat II: Wanderer On The Continent Of Saplings
5.Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn

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Created by ICONofSIN on 15.03.2013

Thumbs up: +7

Another year, another top list. These are all the 2013 releases that I have listened to so far.

1.SubRosa - More Constant Than The Gods
2.Nhor - Within The Darkness Between The Starlight
3.Wolvserpent - Perigaea Antahkarana
4.Kauan - Pirut
5.An Autumn For Crippled Children - Try Not To Destroy Everything You Love

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Created by Draugen on 05.03.2013

Thumbs up: +23
2013 List

1.Persefone - Spiritual Migration
2.Amorphis - Circle
3.Nero Di Marte - Nero Di Marte
4.Riverside - Shrine Of New Generation Slaves
5.The Ocean - Pelagial

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Created by musclassia on 05.01.2013