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Motörhead Ranked 💀

Rock n Roll, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal.
Motörhead, the best in your face Metal band.

1.Motörhead - Overkill
2.Motörhead - Iron Fist
3.Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
4.Motörhead - Another Perfect Day
5.Motörhead - Orgasmatron

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Created by Blackcrowe on 14.12.2021

Thumbs up: +6
Old Nick's Top-101 Of The '10s

One band, one album in alphabetical order. No EPs, demos, etc.
Favourite album: Mgła - With Hearts Toward None
Favourite song: Schammasch - "Above The Stars Of God"…

1.1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind
2.Abbath - Abbath
3.Accept - Blood Of The Nations
4.Aenaon - Hypnosophy
5.Agalloch - Marrow Of The Spirit

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Created by nikarg on 09.01.2020

Thumbs up: +1
Favorite Motörhead Albums

1.Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
2.Motörhead - Bomber
3.Motörhead - Sacrifice
4.Motörhead - Orgasmatron
5.Motörhead - We Are Motörhead

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Created by vermin scourge on 28.02.2019

Top 25 Albums Of 2013

My personal favorite studio albums of 2013…

1.Shade Empire - Omega Arcane
2.Kauan - Pirut
3.Ghost - Infestissumam
4.Wolfheart - Winterborn
5.Amorphis - Circle

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Created by Jagsey on 09.03.2016

Thumbs up: +1
Best To Worst Motörhead Albums

The best to worst studio albums by Motörhead (in my opinion).

R.I.P. Lemmy (1945-2015)…

1.Motörhead - Overkill
2.Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
3.Motörhead - Bastards
4.Motörhead - Inferno
5.Motörhead - Bomber

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Created by Pokermask on 26.02.2016

My Top Favorites Of 2013

The list is short.
But at the top, there can only be room for few.

1.Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
2.Emyn Muil - Turin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga
3.Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle
4.Atlantean Kodex - The White Goddess
5.Iron Maiden - Maiden England

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Created by worm_is_gloaming on 26.03.2014

Thumbs up: +7
Favorite 2013 Albums

There is no real arrangement here, apart for the top 3.

1.Ayreon - The Theory Of Everything
2.Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn
3.The Vision Bleak - Witching Hour
4.Avatarium - Avatarium
5.Black Sabbath - 13

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Created by TheMAGAmvm on 04.10.2013

Thumbs up: +18
२०१३ - Ex Mea Sententia

All Studio releases including Full lengths, EPs, Collaborations and Splits.

Support the artist.

Lascaille's Shroud | Youtube


1.Intronaut - Habitual Levitations (Instilling Words With Tones)
2.Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
3.Shade Empire - Omega Arcane
4.Obliteration - Black Death Horizon
5.Dream Death - Somnium Excessum

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Created by 3rdWorld on 08.09.2013

Thumbs up: +2
Top 2013's Albums

1.Carcass - Surgical Steel
2.Black Sabbath - 13
3.Sodom - Epitome Of Torture
4.Volbeat - Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies
5.Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods

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Created by Andre.Sauer on 02.09.2013

Thumbs up: +3
2013 List (continued)

Because I can't stop listening to music, but neither can I sacrifice my lovely descriptions, so same fare as before, but deleted descriptions for those covered in the first list.

1.Protest The Hero - Volition
2.Persefone - Spiritual Migration
3.Amorphis - Circle
4.Nero Di Marte - Nero Di Marte
5.Monolithe - Monolithe IV

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Created by musclassia on 09.06.2013

Thumbs up: +2
Favorite Albums Of 2013

to be continued...

1.Shade Empire - Omega Arcane
2.Vulture Industries - The Tower
3.Chthonic - Bú-Tik
4.Thousand Eyes - Bloody Empire
5.Illnath - 4 Shades Of Me

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Created by Pierre Tombale on 30.05.2013

Thumbs up: +6
2013 gnirpz's essentials

That's the 2013 gnirpz's essentials in order, following the releases along the year. Every ranking should be based on production quality, originality, musical technicality and specs like that.


1.Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
2.Ghost B.C. - Infestissumam
3.Deafheaven - Sunbather
4.ASG - Blood Drive
5.Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed

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Created by gnirpz on 18.05.2013

Thumbs up: +2
My favorite releases of 2013

1.Gorguts - Colored Sands
2.The Dillinger Escape Plan - One Of Us Is The Killer
3.Voivod - Target Earth
4.Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity
5.Alice In Chains - The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here

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Created by Doom Trooper on 09.01.2013