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InstruMEnTAL Metal Songs

This is an alphabetical list of interesting instrumental songs that have been included by vocal groups as original contribution to an album. Therefore, this list does not include instrumental-based groups…

1.Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes
2.Amorphis - Black Winter Day
3.Anathema - Eternity
4.Anathema - Judgement
5.Arch Enemy - War Eternal

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Created by Plattner on 28.01.2023

Thumbs up: +2
Top Favourite Doom Metal Albums

1.Candlemass - King Of The Grey Islands
2.Solitude Aeturnus - Alone
3.Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
4.Dominion - Threshold - A Retrospective
5.Trouble - Psalm 9

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Created by blackwreath13 on 20.03.2021

Thumbs up: +5
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (S)

This list is meant to be an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, collection of the greatest (modern) metal albums and eps. Running the gamut from avant-garde to trve norweigan black metal. *As someone…

1.S.V.E.S.T. - Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum: Le Diable Est Ma Raison
2.Sabachthani - Miserable Endings
3.Sabaoth - Les Illuminations
4.Sabaton - Carolus Rex
5.Sabbat - Dreamweaver

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Created by Uxküll on 17.02.2021

Thumbs up: +6
Old Nick's Top-101 Of The '10s

One band, one album in alphabetical order. No EPs, demos, etc.
Favourite album: Mgła - With Hearts Toward None
Favourite song: Schammasch - "Above The Stars Of God"…

1.1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind
2.Abbath - Abbath
3.Accept - Blood Of The Nations
4.Aenaon - Hypnosophy
5.Agalloch - Marrow Of The Spirit

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Created by nikarg on 09.01.2020

Thumbs up: +1
tominator's 2017... Best To Worst

A list of the albums I listened to that came out in 2017.

Two rules were followed for the selection and ranking of these albums:
1. I listened to these albums at least 2 times in order to give them…

1.Eruption - Cloaks Of Oblivion
2.Sorcerer - The Crowning Of The Fire King
3.Ascendant - A Thousand Echoes
4.Enrichment - Reanimate
5.Night - Raft Of The World

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Created by tominator on 31.12.2017

Thumbs up: +7
Best Of 2017

Some list from 2017, 1-13 is in order, rest is just what I have heard and what is good to mention. I don't made this to please MS elitists staffers, spammers, ordinary users, shotbox freaks, media…

1.Iced Earth - Incorruptible
2.Sun Of The Sleepless - To The Elements
3.Evertale - The Great Brotherwar
4.Paradise Lost - Medusa
5.Wolves In The Throne Room - Thrice Woven

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Created by Bad English on 21.12.2017

Thumbs up: +17
Top 15 Of 2017 (finalized Version)

2017, like all years, was once again a great year when it came to metal releases. Way too many albums too choose from. But, alas, a top 15 has to be made.
The top fifteen can be seen in this list.

1.Venenum - Trance Of Death
2.Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
3.Emptiness - Not For Music
4.Loss (USA) - Horizonless
5.Pallbearer - Heartless

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Created by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.12.2017


1.Vuur - In This Moment We Are Free - Cities
2.Sorcerer - The Crowning Of The Fire King
3.Power Quest - Sixth Dimension
5.Nocturnal Rites - Phoenix

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Created by rivendel on 04.11.2017

Favorite Albums Of 2017

same procedure as every year!…

1.Moonspell - 1755
2.Kreator - Gods Of Violence
3.Sorcerer - The Crowning Of The Fire King
4.Soen - Lykaia
5.Band-Maid - Just Bring It

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Created by Pierre Tombale on 30.03.2017

Thumbs up: +13

2017 was a weird year for me. While I did construct, update and maintain this list in 2017, I was very limited in what I was exploring and listening to. I have viewed 2017 as probably the weakest year…

1.Pallbearer - Heartless
2.Almyrkvi - Umbra
3.Tyrannosorceress - Shattering Light's Creation
4.Dodecahedron - Kwintessens
5.Amenra - Mass VI

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Created by Neachy on 10.03.2017

Thumbs up: +16
Brimbly-Brambly Bucka-Bucka Woozle-Wuzzle It's A Doom List.

This is a list of the doom albums I have listened to.

The list starts with a handful of what I'd call my favorite doom albums. The first few of those count among my favorite of all time, with Paranoid,…

1.Black Sabbath - Paranoid
2.Warning - Watching From A Distance
3.Kypck - Черно
4.Woods Of Ypres - Woods 5: Grey Skies & Electric Light
5.Heaven And Hell - The Devil You Know

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Created by ScreamingSteelUS on 24.01.2015