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Yea, avant-garde was excellent. Also voted for TC but damn, Oranssi is like my #2 of the year and I can't distinguish them in any way : (
21:45 - Vellichor
Cave Sermon and Thy Catafalque all the way
21:28 - Boxcar Willy
Oranssi Pazuzu tops that one IMO
21:17 - ScreamingSteelUS
I think the avant-garde category was really strong this year: Five the Hierophant was one of my favorites from 2024 and Papangu/Cave Sermon/Oranssi Pazuzu were excellent. But I also voted for Thy Catafalque in the end.
21:08 - Erik M. 2.0
I'm pretty sure it'll win that MS award... I voted for it even though I didn't listen to any of the others. Not sure if that's fair but whatever. :P
21:05 - Erik M. 2.0
[link] Great album.
20:59 - Boxcar Willy
Warlord, have you checked out your fellow Countryman in Hercules?
Guests: 1584