Moonspell - Alpha Noir / Omega White
597 votes |
Release date: | 27 April 2012 |
Style: | Gothic metal |
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518 have it 101 want it 1 trades it |
Disc I [Alpha Noir]
01. Axis Mundi
02. Lickanthrope
03. Versus
04. Alpha Noir
05. Em Nome Do Medo
06. Opera Carne
07. Love Is Blasphemy
08. Grand Stand
09. Sine Missione
Disc II [Omega White]
01. Whiteomega
02. White Skies
03. Fireseason
04. New Tears Eve
05. Herodisiac
06. Incantatrix
07. Sacrificial
08. A Greater Darkness
01. Axis Mundi
02. Lickanthrope
03. Versus
04. Alpha Noir
05. Em Nome Do Medo
06. Opera Carne
07. Love Is Blasphemy
08. Grand Stand
09. Sine Missione
Disc II [Omega White]
01. Whiteomega
02. White Skies
03. Fireseason
04. New Tears Eve
05. Herodisiac
06. Incantatrix
07. Sacrificial
08. A Greater Darkness
Fernando Ribeiro - vocals
Pedro Paixão - keyboards, guitars
Ricardo Amorim - guitars
Miguel "Mike" Gaspar - drums
Aires Pereira - bass
Guest musicians
Sílvia Guerreiro - vocals
Carmen Susana Simões - vocals
Additional info
Produced, mixed and mastered by Tue Madsen.
Drums recorded at Antfarm Studios, Aarhus, Denmark.
Alpha session June 2011; Omega session September 2011.
Pre-produced and arranged by Benny Richter at Inferno Studios, Olival Basto, Portugal. Summer 2009, Spring 2011.
Additional production and tracking by Pedro Paixão at Inferno Studios, Olival Basto, Portugal.
Art by Seth Siro Anton.
Band pictures by Paulo Moreira / Naked.
Hair and makeup by Ninja Chanel.
Band logo by Adriano Esreves / Burokratik.
"New Tears Eve" is dedicated to Peter Steele (Type O Negative).
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The Melting Snow |
01.05.2012 - 17:02 Rating: 9 Written by Troy Killjoy on 01.05.2012 at 16:47 No, it doesn't make sense. I wonder why you even felt the need of rating the album if you didnt like it at all.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
01.05.2012 - 17:05 Written by The Melting Snow on 01.05.2012 at 17:02 Maybe when you realize people don't only rate albums they like, we can discuss the matter further.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
X-Ray Rod Skandino Staff |
01.05.2012 - 17:06 Written by The Melting Snow on 01.05.2012 at 17:02 It's called difference of opinions. It's a pretty normal thing in this world and it makes perfect sense any time when it comes to something so subjective as art. Written by [user id=39762] on 01.05.2012 at 01:49 No offense... But it's a big fat lol if you question your "metal-ness" (whatever the hell that means) and "feel you don't understand anything" just because of something as trivial as some people's opinons about an album which you think is too overrated or that you don't find anything particularly awesome this year or the previous one. Jeez, ask some of the old farts around. I'm pretty sure a good chunk of them rarely see anything that trully moves them nowdays.
---- Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
The Melting Snow |
01.05.2012 - 17:19 Rating: 9 Written by Troy Killjoy on 01.05.2012 at 17:05 Well yeah, going through the discography of a band you don't like to give their albums poor ratings seems pointless. I for one wouldn't bother rating a Slipknot album, even if Slipknot fans say it's awesome. Follow and support the bands you like. Leave the rest.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
01.05.2012 - 17:23 Written by The Melting Snow on 01.05.2012 at 17:19 You can't tell me how to listen to music. It doesn't work that way. I don't go through band's discographies and sandbag their releases because I'm not an idiot. I rate albums I listen to according to what I think of them. I'm sorry I listened to this and felt the need to give it a 50% - a score I feel is perfect for the album considering it straddles the line of "harmless noise" and "failed attempt". I try to follow and support the bands I like as much as possible, but I can't predict if I'm going to like an album or not. So by telling me to leave the rest you're saying I should never listen to new music, and personally I think that's the most idiotic thing anyone has ever suggested.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
The Melting Snow |
01.05.2012 - 17:29 Rating: 9 Quote: well if there is such honesty behind that rating as you show, then i have no reason not to accept it. 5 it is, according to your taste.
X-Ray Rod Skandino Staff |
01.05.2012 - 18:05
And everyone is happy now... I love you guys.
---- Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Kinetic |
01.05.2012 - 19:07 Rating: 6
ALPHA NOIR - 7.5 Highlights: "Axis Mundi", "Em Nome do Medo", "Opera Carne", "Grandstand" OMEGA WHITE - 4 Highlights: "A Greater Darkness" This album is falling victim to something that I think Moonspell has been lacking since Memorial - substance. The two last albums however had a compromise between lyrical portray and catchy sonority. Not a big fan, but I could understand from a neutral perspective how this could please fans in general. While this...this one is so abstract in visuals and so insipid and unoriginal for the most part that it's not worth the listening other than the highlights I referred above. Ribeiro put too much thought in creating a masterpiece of a contrasting duo with no kind of substance like "The Antidote" or the rich style black/folk raging of "Under Satane" and "Wolfheart". What we get is a collage of the last two albums in Alpha Noir and a half-assed version of "Darkness and Hope" in Omega White. Alpha Noir is way too forced and at the end I can't stop thinking that Ribeiro told everyone to focus the composition on something heavy, even if it meant cutting the creative flow - which it did happen, some songs sound abruptly cut off. At the end they attempt to redeem with "Sine Missione" but it's obviously an uninspired effort and almost a laughable one at that. On the positive side, "Em Nome do Medo" it's a very good song that made think why they didn't go for a full portuguese version for once. Clearly it's the best one in Alpha Noir, at least, in my opinion. For the general audience it offers an above than average experience and that's why I rated it 7.5, especially for fans of their latest work. Omega White is a bloody mess - be it for any fan. It's so insipid, so linear, so goddamn boring that it only decreased the value of Alpha Noir. A completely unnecessary attachment other than "A Greater Darkness" - superb emotional track, the kind of stuff they should be doing, I am portuguese and a long fan of Moonspell but this time I have to claim that they're doing poorly for the talent they have. If Ribeiro spent less time exploring his antics and allowed more creative flow to the rest of the band, then we could be the fortunate listeners of consistent superb albums. Instead, all we get, is a narcissistic musician that shut down all others. Listen to Ricardo Amorim, it seems that he's always ready to burst but the typical overdone production restrains him. Hoping for a better next one. That does not involve a red gothic world, a black gothic world or 2 gothic entities that have absolutely nothing to offer. Substance, structure and creative flow, please.
X-FrEaK |
01.05.2012 - 22:34 Rating: 8
My 2cents... As a Moonspell fanboy, I rate this album a clear 8/8.5. Not their best, not even close to their worst. I guess it's a mid term. The thing is, normally, when I absolutely love all the tracks in an album (i.e. Wolfheart and Memorial) they can be rated somewhere along the [9,10] range. When that, does not happen, things tend to get more complicated. And that happens with both Alpha Noir and Omega White. There are a couple of songs that I cannot relate to (Opera Carne, Incantatrix for example) but that does not mean the albuns are bad. Simply put there are awesome songs (Em Nome do Medo*, Licanthrope, Alpha Noir, Herodisiac, White Skies and a lot more) and there are some weaker, but the concept of the album is well thought, and I was kinda hoping that Moonspell would return to the Darkness and Hope days, as I thougth Night Eternal was very Memorial-ish, and it is not normal for Moonspell to repeat themselves. Fernando Ribeiro's growls are very very hum..."raw" in Alpha Noir, and his deep singing voice is perfectly displayed in Omega White. Ricardo Amorim has a lot of solos this time around, and there are some catchy riffs (Alpha Noir and Herodisiac for instance). Mike Gaspar, as usual, gives a splendid performance (I guess that there aren't any The Antidote kind of memorable drum parts, but nevertheless..) *In portuguese metal forums, there has been a lot of praise regarding "Em Nome do Medo", is it just because of the Portuguese lyrics, or, all of your foreigners, also like the song?
advent |
03.05.2012 - 19:46 Rating: 7 Written by [user id=39762] on 01.05.2012 at 01:49 And I thought that i am the one who noticed the quality decreases every year and most of releases are so...unoriginal and predictable, it's like a virus really.I started to listen now to classic and neo/classical music beside extreme doom metal.
The Melting Snow |
06.05.2012 - 17:55 Rating: 9
Ah, was just listening to Irreligious and The Antidote after ages and suddenly this album feels like a disappointment...
Urs Blank |
06.05.2012 - 18:06 Rating: 7 Written by The Melting Snow on 06.05.2012 at 17:55 Compared to Irreligious that makes perfect sense. I wouldn't call an album you rated 9 a disappointment though.
The Melting Snow |
06.05.2012 - 18:08 Rating: 9 Written by Urs Blank on 06.05.2012 at 18:06 I gave that rating a week ago... maybe the rating goes down to an 8 now, or maybe even 7... will go through the album again.
Mr.Wilson |
06.05.2012 - 18:54 Rating: 8
Every Band has an album that is the epitome of their creation and they will never top it again! so STFU and stop comparing this album to their older ones! enjoy the album for what it is! Is a good album, not the greatest but still good:) i deeply enjoy omega white! because i am more into their atmospheric and melodic side:)
---- "..Damned in any Language..."
Fredd Account deleted |
06.05.2012 - 19:14 Fredd
Account deleted
I only listened to Wolfheart and Irreligious, and I find this superior.
bitethepain |
07.05.2012 - 15:41 Rating: 7
While I agree the rating system is flawed on Metal Storm and I take it with a grain of salt when deciding on purchases, I do think the constant bashing of "blind fanboys" goes against everything that is metal. Music is passionate. Metal is even more emotional by its fans. The Metal genre stays alive by its obsessive fans. What is the harm in that? The fact that a band has such devoted fans, people who feel so emotionally tied to the music, proves that metal is alive. The "blind fanboys" go to every show, purchase every album, shirt, etc. and help keep the scene alive. Without the "blind fanboys", many bands would falter and couldn't afford putting out music and touring. Let the fanboys get excited about their favorite band, let them give whatever rating they want. They don't need to be harassed and asked why they gave such a rating. The music affects the soul and for them it has touched them deeply. Metal is already a sub genre of music that is listened to only by the minority. Keep it alive by embracing your "fanboyism!"
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
07.05.2012 - 16:21 Written by bitethepain on 07.05.2012 at 15:41 ![]()
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
The Melting Snow |
07.05.2012 - 18:18 Rating: 9 Written by bitethepain on 07.05.2012 at 15:41 hats off, Sir ![]() ![]()
Slayer666 |
07.05.2012 - 20:53 Written by [user id=114127] on 06.05.2012 at 19:14 I'm pretty sure you just downloaded a false version of those two albums, because there is no way this one is superior.
Fredd Account deleted |
07.05.2012 - 22:40 Fredd
Account deleted Written by Slayer666 on 07.05.2012 at 20:53 No, but I "hated" Wolfheart and Irreligious.
X-Ray Rod Skandino Staff |
08.05.2012 - 07:39
^ Woah.
---- Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29 Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Daniell _爱情_ Elite |
08.05.2012 - 09:47 Written by Slayer666 on 07.05.2012 at 20:53 "Wolfheart" sucks, and "Irreligious" is boring. I can't understand why people praise them so much. Now hang me for my opinion, or try one of your snide remarks. Moonspell became good later. The new album is decent, but not great. I only know the one CD version.
Slayer666 |
08.05.2012 - 11:39 Written by Daniell on 08.05.2012 at 09:47 Whatever, man. If there are people out there who would hang you for not liking something they do, I'm not one of them. Live and let live. But hey, congrats for replying like an over-defensive dick.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
08.05.2012 - 16:48
Wolfheart and Irreligious are miles ad miles and miles ahead and vastly superior to anything that comes after them.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
*!* |
09.05.2012 - 00:23 Rating: 8
After a couple of listens i think that Omiga White is FAR better than Alpha Noir, much more creative and varied, the music just flows while on Alpha most of the time it seems forced and lacking of ideas, like they just made it to please the fans of their more extreme side, but for me it felt like most of the songs on it are fillers. I couldn't help but to think that if they kept Omiga White as it is while adding touches of "Alpha" to the songs it would've been a masterpiece.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
09.05.2012 - 03:07 Written by bitethepain on 07.05.2012 at 15:41 there is a big difference between a fan and a blind fanboy. by your definition, i am a blind fanboi of Enslaved. I've seen them on each Arizona stop, own all the albums and multiple t-shirts. actual copies. i consider myself a fan. as much as i like the band, i am able to look at their various albums and see strengths and shortcomings. i think someone, like me, capable of critical thought a decent resource for someone else interested in the artist. seeing as forums are used by people who often are looking into artists and deciding what to spend their hard-earned coin on (or bandwidth and hard drive space on), blind fanbois are a stigma. the inability to look at an artist with a critical eye renders their opinion worhtless... i say this as when i first came to MS i spent money on mediocre disks that blind fanbois talked up. i know many of you are students or live in out of the way places where cd's are harder to come by ... i think it a good thing if the opinions they get are closer to truth than just some dude who thinks EVERYTHING IS THE BEST SHIT EVER.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
Slayer666 |
09.05.2012 - 10:29 Written by *!* on 09.05.2012 at 00:23 100% agreed. Alpha Noir is so bland, flat and uninspired that it makes me die a little bit inside every time I force myself to listen to it again, hoping that "it will grow on me after this time". It's the first genuinely bad piece of music Moonspell have ever released. "Lyckantrope" and "Em Nome De Medo" are the only two semi-interesting tracks, and only if you compare them to the others. A massive disappointment. After 4 years, you'd think they could release something that sounds like it actually took 4 years, not 4 months, to write. Omega White, although not brilliant in any way, towers above the uncreative turd on CD 1. While most tracks are simply OK, "New Tears Eve", "Incantantrix" and "A Greater Darkness" are the most beautifully soothing songs Moonspell have done since Sin/Pecado. I'm pretty sure I hear a bit of Type O Negative in it, too. Overall, quite a disappointment.
bitethepain |
09.05.2012 - 14:47 Rating: 7 Written by BitterCOld on 09.05.2012 at 03:07 I agree that using Metal Storm's rating system to purchase your next album will result in getting music you don't like. But most of the Internet is that way. Everyone has an opinion and it will differ from you. I search through MS and look for bands I never heard of, but am very careful about going and purchasing them "blindly." I always preview them on their website or myspace account to decide if the music is for me. I would suggest you don't make decisions on your purchases based solely on other people's opinions. I disagree that fanboys are a stigma. They keep the metal scene alive and exciting. That guy, the EVERYTHING IS THE BEST SHIT GUY, probably has a lot of fun. Why take away his joy? Realize that others won't like what you like, do your research carefully, and get excited for the bands you really do like. As a side note; I've realized as I get older (turned 30 this year), my enthusiasm for new bands and albums wane. It's just not like when I was 17 or even 24. Ive heard a lot of music in my lifetime and it takes more to get me excited. But I remember what it was like to be young and super excited when my favorite band was releasing an album, I don't want to take that away from younger fans. Let them get excited! Hopefully it will keep my favorite genre of music alive. The older crowd will always whine and complain how its not like it used to be or the new stuff can't compare to the old stuff. I just don't want to be one of them. Now, like fine wine, I appreciate the subtleties of metal music and search out bands that experiment with their sound. There is a lot of good stuff out their and plenty to get excited about!
SceneryOfLoss |
09.05.2012 - 15:01 Rating: 9
I honestly think that "Alpha Noir" is superior to anything that Moonspell did in the past. Not sure about "Omega White", but "Omega White" is just a Bonus Disc, tribute to bands like Type O Negative and Sisters of Mercy.
Fredd Account deleted |
09.05.2012 - 17:05 Fredd
Account deleted Written by Daniell on 08.05.2012 at 09:47 I agree wholeheartedly.
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