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Thy Catafalque - Róka Hasa Rádió

8.6 | 198 votes |
Release date: April 2009
Style: Avantgarde black metal


156 have it
26 want it

01. Szervetlen
02. Molekuláris Gépezetek
03. Köd Utánam
04. Űrhajók Makón
05. Piroshátú
06. Esőlámpás
07. Kabócák, Bodobácsok
08. Őszi Varázslók
09. Fehér Berek

Top 20 albums of 2009: 10

Guest review by
Thy Catafalque are masters at portraying nature and summoning magical myth-heralding auras through their music. In Hungary they dwell and with the sweat of epic-ness on their brow they forged their fourth brainchild, 2009's Róka Hasa Rádió.

After ten consecutive listens, it utterly inveigled me into realizing that this album has no equal in terms of originality. Folks, this is an ogre whose dragging dagger-like claws were doused since its most tender childhood into an evergreen cork oak grail enclosing a magical elixir of Negru Vodă's dark ambient lustering bewitchment, Nerthus's Black Medieval Art's mythic resonances, Negură Bunget's Vîrstele Pamîntului masterly transitions between epic pendulous black metal and ashen sere quiescence, and Kraftwerk's electronic rhythms and catchy melodies.

published 20.08.2011 | Comments (18)

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Comments: 12   Visited by: 742 users
20.11.2010 - 20:31
Rating: 9
Fat & Sassy!
This album creates some very niffy atmospheres. I recommend to anybody who's looking for some electronic avant-garde metal stuff.
29.12.2010 - 21:18
Rating: 9
Musicianship: 8
Vocal: 8
Atmosphere: 10
Melody: 8
Originality: 10
Production: 8
CD Covers: 9

Best Songs:
03. Köd Utánam
04. Ûrhajók Makón
06. Esõlámpás
25.07.2011 - 23:08
Rating: 10
Incredible! What an original and awesome music this is... Atmosphere that this band creates is just mind-blowing. I just wonder why this band is so not well-known, i guess this is cause they not sing in english.. This album (band) is definitelly a must hear. A hidden masterpiece.
24.11.2011 - 13:53
Rating: 10
Lyrics translation:

Szervetlen - Inorganic

A hexagonal system, dolomite pulsating -
Grainy textures in a solid structure,
Mass created by a crumpling, treading,
slow matter, an inorganic power.

The land swirls, shouts,
hammers, as it were in a circle of rain
Ladybug, black bird
Going back and forth, stone flaking in the darkness.

Yet, time flows in a crystal-lattice.

(This order within.
Unyielding, rigid.
Cilia-mysteries incising the form,
Coldly gleams the vast night.)
24.11.2011 - 13:59
Rating: 10
Lyrics translations:

Molekuláris gépezetek - Molecular Machines

Coal isotope, coal isotope,

Arms on a mill of coal isotope circling
Beneath the lights of New Nano City,
Circling and circling and synthesising,
Long live Progress, long live the Light!

A bridge of hydrogen crushing into the clear future!
Forward, forward!
On hulls, rings and fields of meson!
Forward, forward!
Folk of the reticent coal-field,
Forward, all forward!

With time vanished, where are you roaming in the matter?
Will you return on swarming fibres?
Layers, agglomerations, hurrying courses,
This is me and this here is my home.

Tummy of the fox hibernating, time flowing in its depths,
Dormant pastures for geese, buzzing pastures for geese.
Ship on the water in my bathtub, a radio from the room -
One can here mom at night, and dad during the day if the broadcast is strong.

Tummy of the fox hibernating, time rolling on a cloud,
The field softly resonating, with some sort of power within.
At night the snow falls down, it is quiet, the ship moors
In a wintry port amongst lamps, a molecule growing here inside.

"As you can see, it is tiny molecular machines that are doing this motion. To highlight it again, on the level of molecules there are eight billion protein-molecules in a cell and these tiny little machines are moving in a synchronised manner."

The machine is moving!

"In the case of a galloping horse, in the muscular tissues proteins - fibres of actin and myosin - slide on each other, thus bringing about movement; and even now, as I am raising my hand, in the cells in my muscles these proteins slide in each other."

The machine is moving,
Life runs.

"And on a room temperature, thus on the temperature of life, these secondary interactions split up owing to the kinetic energy of heat, yet only a few connections split, so the structure itself remains intact, while on the other hand certain elements in it are able to bring about a significant level of atomic motion. This swarming movement that we have seen is the consequence of this phenomenon. Thus, the structure of proteins is in a constant motion on room temperature, and this flexibility is what enables the proteins, as molecular machines, to bring about atomic motion."
24.11.2011 - 14:02
Rating: 10
Lyrics translations:

Köd utánam - Fog behind me

The vast trackless forest is soaring, the moon in its hair,
Its gleam quivering on the window, on my sheet,
The star-lit sky, a nightly wheel is turning
Round above the house since a hundred thousand years.
It is gone and I sleep and dream on and on,
The iron car clattering its way up on the slate-hill.
Through fields, and through meadows
The clouds are running, my coat fluttering
In the wind, oh in the wind.

Andesite shrivels rumbling in the dark,
The coal-depot droning, glimmering in the body.
I sleep and sleep and dream on and on,
Clouds running shuddering up there.
Clouds running, I'm flying in the wind
Through time as in a fairy tale,
I sleep and sleep and dream on and on,
Straw rustles, spins and falls on my eyes
From the moon, oh from the moon.
24.11.2011 - 16:52
Rating: 10
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Thank you very much

Big smooch
loves 小巫
01.05.2012 - 05:49
Rating: 9
This stuff is just amazing! a great piece of art
03.01.2017 - 19:44
China was a neat
Yeah this might just be his masterpiece. Just heard the first 2 tracks off this today and was instantly blown away. Tamas Katai is truly an auteur of long tracks and here it is no exception! Would be nice to see if it could top Sgurr as well and take the top spot in the catalogue.

Also he really needs to do more and more long tracks really. He is so fucking good at it.
03.01.2017 - 22:11
Rating: 9
Yeah the first two tracks of this album is what Thy Catafalque is about to me.
He can do some pretty ok, or even great stuff when he is inspired. But it will always be a shadow of what those two are
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
09.07.2018 - 23:11
Rating: 10
(o> . <o> )
Well I'm stunned, I'm really feeling this one
14.04.2020 - 21:31
Rating: 6
A little too avantgarde for my taste
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