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2014-  Chaney Crabb - vocals
2014-2019  Navene Koperweis - drums
› 2019-  -//- guitars, bass, synthesizers, drums
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2014-2015  Frank Costa - guitars
2014-2019  Evan Brewer - bass
2015-2016  Malcolm Lee Pugh - guitars
2016-2019  Travis Levrier - guitars
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2022-2023  Evan Brewer - bass
2016-2017  Travis Levrier - guitars
2022-  Brian James - guitars
2022  Tim Walker - bass
2022-2024  Robert Brown - guitars
2024-  Andrew Vincent Virrueta - guitars

Latest reviews

Polished new school tech death, even with more of a core leaning, might be a sound that's already quite saturated, but there's still enough that's unique about Entheos sound for them to leave a mark.
Review by RaduP ››

Bandcamp player