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1998-  Mathieu - drums
1998-  Wilfried - vocals, guitars (1998-2003)
1998-  Clément (II) - bass
2004-  Nicolas (I) - guitars
2007-  Jean-François (I) - guitars
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1998-2003  Romuald - guitars
2003-2007  Guillaume (III) - guitars
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2008  Jeff Waters - guitars
2008  Filip Leo - vocals

Latest reviews

There's a fine line between extreme technicality, and just being flat out irritating. While everyone draws this line in a different place, chances are Outcast will draw you in, just to step over that line over and over and over.
Review by Doc G. ››
The last album of the French of Outcast was just great so you can be sure that I was awaiting the new release with a lot of expectation. "Self-Injected Reality" is now in my CD reader and I can tell you that I'm not disappointed one more...
Review by Jeff ››

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