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2022-  Adam Toth - everything


2022 Beautiful Whispering Of the Death [Single]
2022 I, The Cosmic Weapon [Single]
2022 Suffering In The Cathedral Of Emptiness [Single]
2022 Hymn For The Flames Of Rebirth [Single]
2022 Traveling Through Your Iris [Single]
2022 Meditation [Single]
2022 My Bonfire [Single]
2022 The Journey Of My Ashes [Single]
2022 Foreverdark Cosmic Castle [Single]
2022 Ode To The Forgotten Spirits [Single]
2022 Dying Beauty [Single]
2022 I Leave You My Dream [Single]
2023 Unfinished Odes [Compilation]
2023 Among The Dying Stars [Single]
2023 My Footprints Are Covered By Snow [Single]
2023 Unfinished Odes II [Compilation]
2023 Tears [Single]
2023 I'll Take You To The Stars [Single]
2023 Dreaming [Single]
2023 At The Shore Of The Souls [Single]
2023 Vir​á​gszirmok Úsznak Le A Foly​ó​n [Single]
2023 Songs From The Depths Of Grief [Compilation]
2023 Autumn Storm [Single]
2023 Rotting Flowers In The Night Snowfall [Single]
2023 Beyond The Veil Of Darkness [Single]
2023 Elhalv​á​nyult Eml​é​kek [Single]
2023 Inner Landscape [Single]
2023 Above The Clouds, Pale Stars [Single]
2024 The Echoing Sorrow [Split]
2024 Űr [Split]
2024 T​é​li Csillagok K​ö​z​ö​tt [Single]
2024 My Beautiful Forest [Single]
2024 K​ö​r​ö​s [Single]
2024 Songs From My Rotting Soul [Compilation]
2024 Green Miracle [Single]
2024 Blossom [Single]
2024 Stars, Millions Of Dead Souls [Single]
2024 Memories [Single]
2024 Journey Into The Silence [Single]
2024 Travel through The Time Of The Universe [Single]
2024 Elvesztem A Csendben [Single]
2024 When The Night Takes Us [Split]
2024 Escape To The Wilderness [Single]
2024 Áldott Mező [Single]

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