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1992-  Jens Volker Mathias Bömer - vocals, guitars
2001-2010  Damien Capolongo - guitars
› 2020-  -//-
2021-  Fabrice Cassaro - bass
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1992-1996  Roland - bass
1992-1996  Renaud - drums
1992-2009  Félix Börner - drums, guitars (92-95)
1995-1996  Stéphan - guitars
2000-2001  Mark Ageuttand - guitars
2000-2006  Dryss Boulmédaïs - bass
2009-2014  Antoine Bussière - drums
2010-2016  Alex Hilbert - guitars
2010-2021  Rikki Mannhard - bass
2014-2021  Christophe "Bubu" Brunner - drums
2016-2019  Mickael Rigollet - guitars
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2017  Laura Ferreux - backing vocals
2006-  Alex Hilbert - bass
2009  Jan Bünning - bass
2009  Marta Gabriel - keyboards
2009  Emmanuelson - choirs vocals
› 2012  -//-
› 2020  -//- backing vocals
2012  Blaze Bayley - additional vocals
2020  Yves Campion - backing vocals
2020  Glenn "Ovulator" Syllath - backing vocals

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Damn I didn't know that we had some bands a la Manowar in France?Well that's not so surprising actually because this kind of Power Metal is popular in the country and I understand why some bands like Lonewolf are becoming big in the French roster....
Review by Jeff ››

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