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1993-  Keijo Niinimaa - vocals
1993-  Mika Aalto - guitars
2007-  Sami Latva - drums
2021-  Matti Raappana - bass
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1994  Masa Kovero - bass
1994  Ville Väisänen - drums
1994-2006  Kai Hahto - drums
1998-2000  Pekka Ranta - bass
1998-2001  Juha Ylikoski - guitars
2000-2003  Mika Häkki - bass
2003-2010  Toni Pihlaja - bass
2010-2020  Kristian Toivainen - bass
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2013  Kai Hahto - drums
2013  Toni Pihlaja - bass
2020  David Kasipovic - bass
2002  Mieszko Talarczyk - guitars, vocals
2008  Spellgoth - vocals
2011  L-G Petrov - vocals
2011  Jason Netherton - vocals

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Here's a Rotten Soundtrack for the inevitable Apocalypse (which hopefully won't be too soon). Brace yourselves for the incoming impact. It'll all be over in a flash, before you even know what hit you.
Review by AndyMetalFreak ››
Rotten Sound. Oh Rotten Sound. What have you done this time? Oh roughly 8 minutes of grind.
That's Cool.
Real cool.
Review by Boxcar Willy ››
Dear readers, welcome!!! Today on, a new review that will talk about a world of anger, a world of violence and aggression, the world of the upcoming album of the Finnish combo Rotten Sound. "Exit" is the 4th album of this "old",...
Review by Jeff ››

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