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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


1994-  Perversifier - guitars
2009-  Daethorn - bass
2010-  Blastum - drums
2010-  A.K - guitars
2010-  Vestal - vocals
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NA-2006  Seremoth - bass
NA  Ludovic - drums
2000-2009  Jan Desaegher - vocals
› 2009-2010  -//-
2006-2009  EsX - guitars
2006-NA  Dispater - bass
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2008  Marianne Séjourné - bass
2009  Saint Vincent - vocals
2009  Blastum - drums
2012  Mortuus - additional vocals

Latest reviews

Some time ago, about a year or two, Black metal saw a huge uprising in one particular area of it, namely the Orthodox area. It seems to have died down now, but it was a pretty vitriolic surge of (Orthodox) Satanism-fuelled, hatred-injected and adrenaline-stimulated...
Review by Lucas ››

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