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1992-  Shiva - drums
1992-  Kathir - bass, vocals
2007-2011  Devan - guitars
› 2021-  -//-
2009-  Vinod - guitars
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1992-1996  Selvam - guitars
› 2000-2009  -//-
1992-2000  Bala - guitars
1996-2000  Alvin - guitars
2000-2007  Kannan - guitars
2011-2013  Subash - guitars
2013-2021  Simon - guitars
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Have you heard? Southeast Asia has also contributed to the world of extreme metal. Well, you should have, Rudra are practically veterans in the scene by now.
Review by AndyMetalFreak ››
Vedic influences in metal aren't exactly commonplace, even with bands like Cult Of Fire, Zaum, or Queen Elephantine have been taking some aesthetic and musician influences from South Asian culture. But those are all Western bands. Rudra have been...
Review by RaduP ››
I've been awaiting this record for a while now, I was eager to hear the evolution of one of the most underrated bands of the worldwide Metal scene. In case you don't know the band in question, let me introduce you to the first and only Vedic...
Review by Undercraft ››
One of Metal best kept secrets is now in my hands! I'm talking about the only band in the world that plays an unique kind of Heavy Metal, never heard before! with no more further ado I introduce to you the world's only Vedic Metal band, Rudra....
Review by Undercraft ››

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