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12 fans
Also known as Damned Cross (1987-1989)

Country: Mexico
Label: Chaos Records

Links: Bandcamp

Formed in: 1987
Broke up: 1998-2000, 2002-2018

1987-1993Death metal
1994-Melodic death metal
Bandcamp music player


1987-  Oscar Clorio - drums
1992-1998  César Sánchez - guitars
› 2018-  -//-
1994-  Edgardo Gonzalez - vocals
1994-1998  Julio Viterbo - guitars
› 2018-  -//-
2019-  Alexis Aguilar - bass
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1987-1988  Mario Aceves - guitars
1987-1988  Roger Burgos - guitars
1987-1992  Daniel Corchado - vocals, bass
› 1992  -//- guitars, vocals
1988-1989  Omar Trujillo - guitars
1988-1991  Gustavo Sánchez - guitars
1989-1993  Guillermo Delgado - guitars
1992-1994  Rodolfo Riveron - bass
1993-1994  Fernando Garcilazo - guitars
› 1994-1998  -//- bass
2000-2002  Samuel Ocadiz - guitars, bass
2000-2002  Eduardo Guevara - guitars, bass
View timeline ››
2020-  Enrique Chavez - vocals


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