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1996-  Jason Mendonça - guitars, vocals
1997-  David Leslie Gray - drums
1997-2003  Paul Scanlan - guitars
› 2016-  -//-
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1997-2003  Martin Bonsoir - keyboards, samples
1997-2007  Peter Theobalds - bass
2003-2006  Daniel Reeves - keyboards
2004-2010  Matt Wilcock - guitars
2007-2012  Peter Benjamin - bass
2011-2012  Dan Knight - guitars
2016-2018  Nathaniel Underwood - bass
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2010-2012  Sam Loynes - keyboards, samples
› 2016  -//-

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Ten long years after Antichrist, the mighty Akercocke are back. This time they have taken off their suits and the band's renaissance has occurred without sacrificing any goats. Female breasts are also absent and there is no sign of Lucifer worship....
Review by nikarg ››
Well, Akercocke are one of those bands in the extreme metal scene that reached their fourth full-length release without having any shameful moments in their course, up to date, in the darkness.

When the Salem Orchid withered, from its ashes arose Akercocke...
Review by KwonVerge ››

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