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Take Over And Destroy


2008-  Chthon - vocals
2008-  Alex Bank Rollins - guitars
2008-2015  Pete Porter - organ
› 2015-  -//- bass
2011-  Nate Garrett - guitars
2012-  Jason Tomaszewski - drums
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2008-2011  Dan Labarbera - guitars, vocals
2008-2012  Shane Taylor - drums
2008-2013  Trey Edwin Wilson - bass
2013-2015  Dylan Thomas - bass
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For those of you who managed to completely miss out on TOAD's 2011 debut album...EP...thing, let's do an episode recap - in essence, you missed out on a royal rumble in an inflatable pool filled with KY Jelly and kittie litter. One of those...
Review by Doc G. ››
Lord almighty, what is this vile wretchedness?! Honestly, who makes music this horrible sounding? If this music was a child, it would find it's way into an orphanage within minutes of it's birth, it's just that hideous. Ugly-as-sin doesn't...
Review by Doc G. ››

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