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Katatonia - Part Ways With Guitarist Anders Nyström

Swedish metal band Katatonia revealed that guitarist/keyboardist and co-founder (back in 1991), Anders Nyström, have decided to go separate ways. Statements from both, Anders and vocalist/co-founder Jonas Renkse, can be read below.

Comments Jonas Renkse: "Anders Nyström and I are going our separate ways. A decision not taken lightly, but for everyone to thrive and move forward with their own creative preferences as well as personal schedules this has become the realistic option. Anders and I started the band in 1991 and his impact on the band’s trademark sound is undeniable. As bleak as this sounds, and is, it’s further evidence of life getting in the way of our preferred plans. I wish Anders all the best for the future."

Band profile: Katatonia
Posted: 18.03.2025 by Abattoir

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Comments: 35   Visited by: 152 users
Today - 01:34
Maybe Anders should make a new band called "Old Katatonia" so he can play all the songs he wants live and make new stuff in that direction and both parties get to keep the name, but that's getting close to another Batushka situation, so...
Today - 06:48
Retired Staff
Written by Zyk on Today at 01:34

Maybe Anders should make a new band called "Old Katatonia"

Or Kata-two-nia.
Today - 09:02
It's funny to read that some people seem to possess a sense of clairvoyance, but only reveal it after the fact.

I find it interesting that the guy seems to be implying that the band should dissolve, because he is not in it.
Today - 11:26
Mark Ayoub
Disappointed this has happened but not a shock. I suspected it was brewing for a few years. First, since City Burials, music and lyrics were all done by Jonas instead of the usual band effort, second their set-list on their 2024 Australian tour had only 6 songs pre-dating Dead End Kings. The biggest clue was that on said tour Anders was noticeably absent with no documented reason why.
It takes a lifetime to build a friendship
And a millisecond to destroy it
Today - 11:28
proofread free
A decline of quality in the last 2 albums cannot be denied but to dismess everything post-2000 is some unbearable elitist shit. The Fall of Hearts as an example is an excellent album songwriting- and performance-wise, probably my favorite Katatoina album for the new era. Katatonia will probably keep moving in the direction that Jonas sees fit which means more of the same thing sadly, dunno if a guitarist can come and be allowed to bring new elements to the sound of the band.

Both statements read extremely resentful and a bit pity to me. I'm pretty sure thing ended bitterly between those 2.
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.

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