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Pokolgép - Pokoli Színjáték

8.5 | 27 votes |
Release date: 1987
Style: Heavy metal


19 have it
6 want it

01. Tökfej (Asshole)
02. Tisztítótűz (Cleansing Fire)
03. Ítélet Helyett (Instead Of Judgement)
04. Vallomás (The Oath)
05. Halálra Szeretlek (Love You To Death)
06. Pokoli Színjáték (Hellish Stageplay)
07. 666
08. Éjféli Harang (Midnight Bell)
09. Újra Születnék (If I Were Born Again)
10. Az A Szép... (It's Better If...)

Top 20 albums of 1987: 14

Additional info
Re-released by Hungaroton in August 2005 with a two-in-one video from the 1989 Petõfi Hall concert: A háború gyermeke - Ítélet helyett

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Comments: 1   Visited by: 29 users
27.11.2022 - 16:37
Rating: 9
Metal Diogenes
A Hungarian classic with lots of Judas Priest worship and influence drawn from early speed metal bands. I remember listening to this thing a lot back in my student years wondering what the hell were they actually singing about. Hungarian is a great sounding language for metal vocals.
You've got a lot of guts. Let's see what they look like!

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